Right now, at this present moment in time, the Sports Junkies are interviewing the former governor of Maryland, ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR. Supposedly, they were going to talk and joke about sports related issues and his new book, "Turn This Car Around." Of course, the Sports Junkies, all of whom are from Maryland, and all of them fans of this very conservative former governor, allowed the conversation to quickly veer into EHRLICH'S ultra conservative politics. Note, they offered zero resistance to EHRLICH’S republican bent comments, such as his dismissive attitude toward the Occupy Wall Street protesters.
So what?
So what, indeed! EHRLICH committed many extremely controversial republican themed political acts and moves while he was governor of Maryland. Plus, several private sector controversies. And, he was backed 100% by Michael Steele, EHRLICH’S controversial republican African-American lieutenant governor -- he who is considered my quite a few black Americans as a complete traitor… just like Herman Cain.
As a black man writing this article, I am appalled by the advanced reviews and excerpts given to EHRLICH’S book. I am absolutely taken aback by his notion that he lost his job as governor because of the African-American vote. He lost his job because he was a republican governor in a democratic state who attacked the democratic ideas that were entrenched in the fiber of Maryland. And, people --WHITE PEOPLE -- in Maryland got tired of his shenanigans!
This is an excerpt from the review of “Turn This Car Around” from the Washington Post:
(By John Wagner, Published: November 21
Former Maryland governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. (R) contends in a new book that his comeback bid last year was “swamped” by a large turnout of African American voters, many of them angry at the tea party and eager to “protect” President Obama.)
For proper context, find this review and read it for yourself. The review is not flattering. And, I always considered this governor to be racist. Just because he hired a confused republican black man to be his second in command… that does not take away from his racist views, in my eyes!
The gall of the man… to blame his political loss on black people. White people from Maryland were tired of his mess. Think about EHRLICH’S pettiness and stupidity and self-awareness… he has to blame the black man for his demise. What a politician.
And, here he is on the Sports Junkies… spouting off his derision while all four junkies sit there at his feet like little lap puppies with their tongues hanging from their mouths taking in every dirty particle of Republican scent given off by EHRLICH.
The Sports Junkies are extremely conservative at their core. Let politics rise to the top of their conversation and you will hear pure racism spill from their lips. They sound hip, and they have a couple of black listeners who call in for air time to say “See we have black listeners.” But, any time any of the four Caucasian Sports Junkies feels a little edgy… he will say something racist! Or, go into attack mode. And, if I hear the word “retarded” vomit out of one particular Sports Junkie’s mouth one more time… I will scream bloody murder.
Hey, “Junks” how about focusing on sports, comedy and your “too good for school” lives. Leave the racial stuff for comics who know what they are doing. And please keep your republican animals in their cages. You guys are so unaware of what your expanded public wants, and needs, from you that you will offend them to their core without apology.
This Governor you love to love is a racist! What are the four of you?
And finally, I have not read EHRLICH”S book. I will purchase a copy as soon as it becomes available. I will have it read in a couple of days. I will issue any apologies due within a day’s time from ending my read. But, I expect to be incensed by what I read. I will offer more comment later!