Three male Democrat lawmakers — Sens. Mark Pryor of Arkansas, Max Baucus of Montana, and Mark Begich of Alaska voted against the the amendment to expand background checks for gun purchases. It is ridiculous, to the point of absurdity, that two days after several bombs devastated Boston, Massachusetts the Republican Senate, with Democrat help, effectively killed the gun debate where it stood.
The fourth Democrat congressperson to vote against the amendment was Sen. Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, she who was elected to her first Senate term in 2012. Why in the hell this woman would place her political career into a pot of boiling water of resentment by the 90% of Americans who want background checks for gun purchases is absolutely bizarre, especially when it was obvious that the Republicans were going to kill the law even without her help.
I will say this again, America -- ALL of these NRA, gun sucking freaks are WHITE PEOPLE! Every goddamn last one of them, white! They have one agenda in mind -- and I include these democrats who voted against their own party line -- and that agenda is to defeat the BLACK PRESIDENT by voting against everything he signs on to.
By what reason of humanity can Heidi Heitkamp explain to America, especially from the perspective of being a woman, why she voted against the simplest of the gun debate laws that has at its very weakest point of emphasis the morality involved in protecting America's children.
As far as I am concerned, Heidi Heitkamp is my enemy. To me, she is a Republican! And going forward there is nothing she can do, or say, that will make me trust her. Period. As far as I am concerned, she HAS TO GO! She cannot be trusted to give Democrat votes in the future.
And the same goes, times ten, for the Democrat men who voted against the amendment. They MUST be voted out of office in 2014. These three men are not with the 90% of Americans who want reason and the protection of our children... they are for the protection of the NRA gun lobby and its crazy gun fetish... and so, America, they must be fired from politics!
Americans, you did not vote these democrats into office to do the opposite of what you want them to do. These politicians, Republican and Democrat, just told you, all 90% of you -- FUCK YOU! You don't tell us what to do, we tell you what the fuck we are going to do. And if you don't like it... FUCK YOU! What the hell are you going to do about it!
I spent 2012 railing and ranting about this kind of Anti-American bullshit in my two books published in 2012! You are now on the Vetting American blog site, where you can find plenty of examples of Vetting America not found inside the book.
Dragonflies Chasing Mosquitoes has more focus on racism and politics. The corresponding blog is http://www.dragonflieschasing You can check out more information about my books by clicking the book covers.
At least, that is what I got out of the NO votes in the Senate.
2014, people... that is the year of true CHANGE in America. The present crop of Republican politicians, and some Democrat politicians, are truly anti-democratic traitors to the American way. These politicians are not demonstrating democracy. They are each their on little dictator who only respects the power of the gun. And that notion scares the crap out of me... a black man who knows that these racist Republicans, and obviously some Democrats, would shoot me in the head and dump me in a ditch if they could act out the way they actually feel about black people, and their own obsession with their guns, inside their black hearts!
I am voting against every politician who fucked American on 4-17-13! They don't give a goddamn about me, the children murdered or the multi-national American I want to live in.
Fuck 'em!