This short missive is directed to the women of the state I live in -- Virginia!
It blows my 54 year old African-American mind that Ken Cuccinelli is poised to win the governor’s seat in Virginia. The fact that the people of Virginia, the women of Virginia, are close to allowing a man who makes the horrible present governor look like a boy scout is frightening! He is about to take over the reigns of Virginia, people... what is wrong with you? Is this South Carolina, for god's sake?
Ken Cuccinelli is antimatter
to the reasonable people trying to make Virginia the user friendly state it used to be.
You thought the present governor wanted to shove vagional probes into your sex organs? Wait until bat shit crazy Ken Cuccinelli gets into office. You better realize that he WILL not back down when these War-On-Women issues crop up again… and you can bet your uteruses that the Republican male politicians in Richmond will give these laws right back to Ken Cuccinelli!
And, women of Virginia… you will only have yourselves to blame for the onslaught against your civil, and reproductive, rights Ken Cuccinelli will inflict upon you.
What? You don’t believe me? Read it for yourself, women. The internet is littered with the horror tales of Cuccinelli!
You better not allow this man to become governor of Virginia. If you do, we will ALL pay with our rights being ripped right out from under us by this scary man!