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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Vetting Rick Perry -- The Bloodthirsty Vampire Woman Hating Bastard Texas Governor

What a stupid, dumb-ass bastard, you are... Rick Perry!

You have wrecked the state of Texas with your idiotic persona in the 13 years you have been Governor! Your traitorous succession ranting and raving has made Texas a joke! Your war on women has been as harmful as your obsession with administering the death penalty to satisfy your vampire blood lust, for you and your Republican bloodlust followers! And your disrespect for the very basic fundamental health care, and education, for the children of Texas borders on criminal actions.

You are a sick bastard!

And now, you cut and run from the state wide fight you have created with your war on women nonsense, just when things are getting ready to boil over in Texas. You have pissed off ALL the white women in Texas! You have pissed off half the white men in Texas. You have pissed off all the black people in Texas. And, you have declared war on the students of Texas… who can’t wait to kick your ass in the next election.

But, no… you are not going to give the people of Texas the satisfaction of crucifying you to the upside cross of evil you stand upon. What a bitch you are, Rick Perry!

The pussy thing about you is this… You take punk-ass pot shots at the woman who will be your main opponent in 2014... in front of cameras. You try, in your most slimy of slug-like attacks, to besmirch her life choices. And you take veiled sniper shots at her kids.

You are one evil bastard!

Wendy Davis was going to humiliate you and make you look like the douche bag you are! And now you cut and run… still trying to place anti-women bill land minds behind you as you weasel away from the horror you have blanketed over Texas.

I sure hope your legacy of racism, state sanctioned murder, sexism and hatred follows you to your special place in hell… when you get there. In the meantime… I sure hope Wendy Davis will use her power to undo the black tar evil you vomited over Texas for 14 years!

Goodbye, Rick Perry. Please let the door hit you in the ass as your slither out the Governor’s office door!