I believe black people, and white people, who are deliberately self-ignorant are some of the most dangerous people in America... because they are the people who vote on laws, and vote for politicians, without vetting what they are voting for. The result can be the difference between life and death because of the way these crazy politicians love their guns and their crazy, but hate education, universal health care and the NEGRO in the Presidency!
And this University of Alabama article is a perfect example of the racial craziness in this country. I EXPECT a whole lot of white men to be anti-black persons. I simply expect that reality in the America I know in 2013! But, I do NOT want to wrap my head around the fact that there are just as many white women who are institutionally racist... just like their white men. And here is a prime example of the racism!
Young white girls and young white women... raised as racists from birth... carrying that racism straight into their university and falling in line with the institutional racism.
And the big lie in the soup of lies and racism is this -- the university KNOWS this goes on... and approves of the racism... until something -- and I don’t know what really made the university address the issue, trying to act like it is innocent of the collusion -- forced the university to back down from its long lived, and very open, institutional racism.
These are young white girls who HAD to have interacted with black kids when they were in pre-college schools. They get away from their integration in high school and the first chance they get... they immediately decide that they want to be a part of organizations that exclude the NIGGERS! Remember folks, this is Alabama... where the word NIGGER rolls off the tongue of white people like a morning drop of dew off a Saw Grass leaf.
My son attends a university in Virginia that is almost ALL white! My son is not as radical and vocal about racial matters as I am. I never wanted him to be. I want him to be a member of the next generation of black men who are a little less radical, but just as informed as their black predecessors. You will never hear my son speaking out like me about some white people and OUR issues with them. My son was always one of the two black kids among his twenty friends as he grew up here in Northern Virginia. My house was filled with white kids for twelve years because his friends always wanted to come to my house to visit him for study, play or music practice.
And I NEVER had ONE issue with these kids... because I demanded that MY SON police his friends in my home. If you want your friends to visit you, son, then you keep them straight and I will not get in the way.
My son bought into my demand and the white kids learned that this black house IS a safe house.
And now they are all off doing their things as 21 and 22 year old adults. And I can only hope my influence kept ALL of them from falling into racist segregation cliques as they explore their world.
This story hits me hard. In October I will visit my son’s university for its family day. The campus will be awash in white people. Some of them are friendly... and a lot of them are not! I have never voiced this thought in my head in past family days at the university... but I sure wonder, as I look at all the whiteness around me, how many of these people abjectly believe Niggers should not be in this university with their children.
Well, in the University of Alabama, for example, that answer is very obvious! Its right there on the faces of these pretty little white girls.
What monstrous words must escape their lips when their doors are closed and they talk about their hatred among themselves. That must be the sweetest, most beautiful form of hatred in America.
There is the television reality show Big Brother. The 2013 season has been mired by the dirty, filthy racism of a couple of the young women. They are all American whiteness! They are beautiful! They are sexy! And they are vile, ignorant, hateful, fowl mouthed racists who have destroyed any good will Big Brother ever had.
Where did they learn that hated... as pretty young white girls who can own the world... just by virtue of the fact that they are pretty young white girls?
Absolute senselessness...
The University of Alabama is a shame before reason! What chance do we all have when for good and safe education when our universities nurture racism. And just because this university is addressing this issue in this small way... the racism is still there. You can believe that. The racist people are still there and hating the fact that they have been exposed to the population at large.
Wait for the escalation....