Mitt Romney, again, takes a 'slap to the face' swipe at President Obama by throwing another birther punch at his American citizenship... while the practically all white audience at his rally swoons in their love of the creamy deliciousness of the racism they so love to swallow as it spews from their political heroes. It is another shameful display of race bating by this pathologically insensitive man... and his brain dead ignorant followers.
The thing that disturbs me the most about the aftermath of the overt racist bombs being thrown by Republican hate mongers on a daily basis is this -- the many apologists across the political spectrum, black skinned and white skinned, who stumble over themselves to apologize for every racist thing that Mitt Romney does. I don't get it. I don't understand it. And I don't like it!
Mitt Romney is obviously an intelligent man. Regardless of his apparent inability to keep his feet out of his mouth, he is not stupid. Mitt Romney tells the world, every day, what he thinks of the poor, black people and the economy. Everything about the way he lives, everything about the way he appears to think and everything about the way his family behaves tells everybody that Mitt Romney is about Mitt Romney and his followers who fall in line with his wants and desires -- and all that absolutely does not pertain to the poor, people of color and the current President of the USA!
MSNBC was filled with talking heads who slobbered on their blouses and shirts as they apologized for Romney's birther jab at Obama, as they called it a lame joke. CNN reporters, with sheepish looks and embarrassed smiles, chuckled as they scrambled to spin Romney's outright racism as a little joke that Romney, perhaps, should not have made. And, as I flipped around the cable channels, there it was... more and more apologizing for Mitt Romney!
Thank god there are at least four high level commentators, all on MSNBC, who have the intestinal fortitude to call Mitt Romney what he is and give the straight reality check on what birther racism looks like, even when it is vomited forth by a goofy, fumbling idiot who is all illusion and evil.
You people in the media who secretly love you some Mitt Romney... keep apologizing for Mitt Romney. Keep giving the American white wolves pieces of red racism meat to chew on. And soon, if by some incredible and crazy apocalyptic shifting of the space-time continuum, Mitt Romney becomes president of the USA, dragging his bat guano crazy Republican extremist with him... you all will have participated in turning American into a twisted religion based, anti-common man, middle class busting, poor stomping, elderly bashing, world war bating hell on earth.
It baffles my mind that people around the USA would rather kick out the present President, who by most accounts is trying to fix America without ANY help from the Republicans... bringing in all this hatred and racial bating from the Republican party. I cannot wrap my mind around that concept.
Don't you people realize Obama cannot make the positive changes you want because the Republican party, to a man and woman, refuses to allow him to make his changes? Why can't you folks see, and understand, that?
Keep apologizing for the Romney way, Americans. Soon, you might all see what it is like to have half of the services in the government sliced in half! You might see what it is like to have MILLIONS of jobs unceremoniously dumped into the American economy all at once! You might see what it is like to have your parents and your grandparents suffer as their GOVERNMENTAL medical aid is slashed by these rich Republicans who already have theirs... and do not give a goddamn about you and yours.
What will a devastated American economy, with a balanced budget, look like in these times of collapse? You will soon get the opportunity to see for yourself as you walk outside the front door to your house and stare at the Walking Dead devastation around you as half of the people in your neighborhood are out of a job because Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan gutted your economy! And lets see you try to make your way to one of Mitt Romney's many homes to find him to beg for a few scraps of food to feed your family! Will Mitt Romney act like a good Mormon and help you? Will he direct you to one of the Mormon stockpiled warehouses filled with food and other stuff? Or will Mitt Romney tell you to fuck-off and get a job! Well, we will all see the outcome of all this madness... very soon, won't we?
Continue to apologize for the Republicans racist behavior, America. All of us soon might get the hell on earth we deserve for your folly. And shame on me for not being able to stop this madness!