If humans inject millions of gallons of water, and dangerous chemicals, deep underground under high pressure -- Fracking (fracturing) the underground… and then the company sucks up all the contents from deep down inside the rock and shale and whatever else is down there… the obvious caveat is this -- there is now a HUGE loose space down there where that rock was. And… all that weight and pressure from the earth above WILL eventually cave in to fill that space.
Perhaps nature has an order to the way the earth is suppose to be. And now that greed driven humans are poisoning our oceans with oil and radiation and chemicals… the fish are dying off and the ice is melting and the water is rising!
And now that greed based humans are poisoning the underground with chemicals and by exposing the underground to natural gas that is naturally contained by NATURE… now out underwater aquifers are being poisoned by these processes.
Those of you who are stupid can believe the oil company baron lies if you want to… when they tell you that Fracking is safe!
And now, the earth is rebelling with earthquakes in places where Fracking has destroyed the underground -- earthquakes in places where earthquakes SHOULD NOT HAPPEN!
One of these days, something very bad is going to occur where this Fracking is destroying the underground! And it is going to make the sinkholes in Florida look like a kids wading pool!
Mark my words!