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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Vetting Ted Cruz, Hypocrite

Amazing, the pure shamelessness Ted Cruz! Basically all of the Republicans, to a man and women, have murdered Barack Obama since he first became a prominent politician, about his birth status. They have tried every dirty trick in the politician’s dirty trick handbook to convince, and confuse, the American population about Obama's birth status. And as mush as they try, the reality is this -- Barack Obama was born in Hawaii, a American state!

Come on people... all of this Barack Obama craziness is because he is BLACK!

Let white politicians with suspect birth backgrounds try to become Presidential candidates and the media, and other politicians from all parties, whisper any issues they have with their white constituents.

I did not hear the political space/time continuum rip apart when Arnold Schwarzenegger’s name was floated as being a Republican presidential hopeful, even though that was impossible. And there have been others that have gotten NO play on the media. And now, Ted Cruz with all these issues with his citizenship status, expects the American public to simply ignore his background.

And, to add insult to America by the Republican racism and Sexism and Homophobia -- Ted Cruz is actually a Canadian! Why are Americans taking his insane rabble rousing seriously? No disrespect for him being from Canada… but he is from CANADA, for goodness sakes -- regardless of his mother’s status. And doesn’t his father’s history mean anything?

Why are Americans following the crazy ranting about America from a Canadian who has somehow finagled his way into being a Texas Senator with presidential ambitions? I don’t get it -- unless it is all about the hatred of a black man as the President of the USA!

And that is as crazy as Ted Cruz is!


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