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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Vetting Fracking -- The Most Dangerous Action Of The Oil Companies!

This "Fracking" business has got to be the stupidest thing the Feds are allowing out of control gas companies to do. This is the common sense, people:

If humans inject millions of gallons of water, and dangerous chemicals, deep underground under high pressure -- Fracking (fracturing) the underground… and then the company sucks up all the contents from deep down inside the rock and shale and whatever else is down there… the obvious caveat is this -- there is now a HUGE loose space down there where that rock was. And… all that weight and pressure from the earth above WILL eventually cave in to fill that space.

Perhaps nature has an order to the way the earth is suppose to be. And now that greed driven humans are poisoning our oceans with oil and radiation and chemicals… the fish are dying off and the ice is melting and the water is rising!

And now that greed based humans are poisoning the underground with chemicals and by exposing the underground to natural gas that is naturally contained by NATURE… now out underwater aquifers are being  poisoned by these processes.

Those of you who are stupid can believe the oil company baron lies if you want to… when they tell you that Fracking is safe!

And now, the earth is rebelling with earthquakes in places where Fracking has destroyed the underground -- earthquakes in places where earthquakes SHOULD NOT HAPPEN!

One of these days, something very bad is going to occur where this Fracking is destroying the underground! And it is going to make the sinkholes in Florida look like a kids wading pool!

Mark my words!





And now it begins... the GOP has now officially started the Anti-Clinton war. The shift will now slowly move from "destroy the Negro President" to "destroy the woman Presidential candidate." These GOP men, and GOP women, -- 99.9% of them white and crazy -- are ALL self-loathing Negro hating backwoods religion following freaks who, in the name of their twisted religion, believe EVERYBODY except their particular cult group is going to hell! And, they cannot wait until the Rapture comes to destroy the heathens and take them all to “heaven!”

Of course, this is all racist bull-crap that feeds the deranged minds of hateful people who hate!

They will never forgive Barack Obama for having the audacity to make his black ass President of their America. And, these dirty religion tainted politicians -- to a man -- DO NOT BELIEVE A WOMAN CAN BE QUALIFIED TO BE THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA!

It says so in the bible, they will tell you… just like they twist the words in the bible to support things like --genocide, racism, sexism, rape, stupidity, hatred, faith healing, anti-science rhetoric and legislation,  homophobia, ignorance, invading other countries, attacking the poor, starving the poor, suppressing voting rights, shifting wealth from the ground up to the top… and more and more and more nonsense that seems to contradict EVERYTHING good ever written in their bible!

Watch, America, as the bat crap crazy GOP devolves into sexist red meat rending monsters as they attack Hillary Clinton --  just for being a woman who dares to go against GOD’S LAWS about the place of a woman in society.

Don’t allow yourself to fool your own mind as you downplay the OBVIOUS sexist rhetoric that is coming from the GOP right now! Listen to what they say and take them seriously.

Let it be known, women of America -- unless you are one of them and their craziness… THEY HATE YOU AND WISH YOU WOULD DIE WITH THE NEGROS AND THE GAYS AND THE MEXICANS AND THE ARABS!

They hate EVERYBODY!

I don’t know about you, white America, but I -- a black man -- don’t need to have crazy white people in my life! Thank your gods there are enough sane white people out there who can, if they want to, drive these crazy GOP bastards out of office in the upcoming few years. Again -- if they want to!

We’ll see! And as far as The Clinton's are concerned? They at least ACT like they want to help everybody. The GOP won’t even pretend that their hatred is misrepresented.

Now, that IS crazy!


Friday, August 23, 2013

Vetting White People Who Believe Black People Should Starve To Death

It is white people like this woman, Republican and Democrat in our government, who absolutely believe that black people are animals who live in mud huts, eat the scraps of other animals and should be left to the dogs to fend for themselves without government aid. They believe adult black people are totally capable of finding food in the trash to sustain themselves and their housefuls of government leech moocher children.

Chickens just appear “from out of the blue” for black people to catch and eat.
Let them eat the grasses and the grains and weeds growing out there in the fields.
Let them scrounge for wild berries and wild fruits and wild nuts.
Let them dig up Cat-O-Nine-Tails tubers and eat like the native Americans.
Let them hunt the forests for wild boars and snakes and crawdads and squirrels.
Let them pick off the ticks and mites from the woods and eat them like monkeys.
Let them do anything… except expect a racist, white man and woman ruled congress and senate, to help them EAT!

This bitch doesn't look like she is lacking any meals!

It is tough to be a black person in a racist at its core modern America who believe only white people deserve to eat good meals.

Holy Crud!


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Vetting Ted Cruz, Hypocrite

Amazing, the pure shamelessness Ted Cruz! Basically all of the Republicans, to a man and women, have murdered Barack Obama since he first became a prominent politician, about his birth status. They have tried every dirty trick in the politician’s dirty trick handbook to convince, and confuse, the American population about Obama's birth status. And as mush as they try, the reality is this -- Barack Obama was born in Hawaii, a American state!

Come on people... all of this Barack Obama craziness is because he is BLACK!

Let white politicians with suspect birth backgrounds try to become Presidential candidates and the media, and other politicians from all parties, whisper any issues they have with their white constituents.

I did not hear the political space/time continuum rip apart when Arnold Schwarzenegger’s name was floated as being a Republican presidential hopeful, even though that was impossible. And there have been others that have gotten NO play on the media. And now, Ted Cruz with all these issues with his citizenship status, expects the American public to simply ignore his background.

And, to add insult to America by the Republican racism and Sexism and Homophobia -- Ted Cruz is actually a Canadian! Why are Americans taking his insane rabble rousing seriously? No disrespect for him being from Canada… but he is from CANADA, for goodness sakes -- regardless of his mother’s status. And doesn’t his father’s history mean anything?

Why are Americans following the crazy ranting about America from a Canadian who has somehow finagled his way into being a Texas Senator with presidential ambitions? I don’t get it -- unless it is all about the hatred of a black man as the President of the USA!

And that is as crazy as Ted Cruz is!