Imagine, if you will, if Barack Obama possessed the temperament of Jan Brewer! And suppose, for a second that Barack Obama, the President of the United States of America, had decided to retaliate for Brewer's abuse and grabbed that finger and pushed it out of his face! What would the press had written about the incident? What kind of reaction would Brewer have created? The answers to these two question could have brought down his presidency, because the press would have killed Obama... regardless of Brewer's disrespect! And Brewer would have screamed bloody murder! And who knows what the result of that might have been.
This god awful, disrespectful woman is a prime example of what the hell is wrong with America today. And it is not pretty!
People of Arizona... how much more abuse are you going to take from your bitch of a governor
Why are you supporting a bitch who would rather watch you all suffer in squalor and bad health than help you and your children better yourselves. What in the hell is wrong with you people?
The fact that you all support that bat shit crazy John McCain and all his paranoid delusions tells me all I need to know about you!
There are enough sane people in the state of Arizona to sent these two horrible people packing. I don’t understand why you don’t rise up and take control of your state. What is your damage, people of Arizona? Do you believe a democrat in the governorship will take away your right to own weapons of the magnitude of… say, a bazooka? Well I know, and so do you, that an Arizona democrat will be as gun loving as the Republican crazies running your state today.
Come on, people of Arizona… welcome to 2012!