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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Vetting Ignorant Americans And Their Influence On Science

My fellow Americans --

For those anti--education freaks...

Those men and women who do not believe in "book learnin'" --

And science --

Because their imaginary god will carry them through life to death on its back...

Here is a prime example of what science,

Performed by scientist,

Does for mankind.

While you pray to the imagination,

As you handle your snakes and wallow in your racism,

And gunpowder...

Real life humans who are filled with the will,

And want,

To help continue our species,

Are doing what is REAL GOD’S WORK!

As you ignorantly fight health care...

As you wallow in your believe in one universal spirit...

As you put your faith and your life into Republican hands --

That want to drag us all down the path to "The Rapture"...

As you give America to men who are rabid insane...

As you listen to their poisoned rhetoric as sanity...

You can sink into the abyss of hell fire and stupidity with them --

While the rest of us put our faith in the CDC...

And results like the one you are reading right now!


Wednesday, September 18, 2013


It really makes me sad when I get the occasional black person who responds to my writings by calling me a racist because I search out stories like these and comment on them. Often times, these ignorant “Brothers and Sisters... mostly Sisters” read the titles of my pieces, without reading a word of the content inside the article, and like the proverbial Ostrich that places its head in the sand to force itself to be ignorant about the world around it... complaining to me while drowning in their ignorance.

I believe black people, and white people, who are deliberately self-ignorant are some of the most dangerous people in America... because they are the people who vote on laws, and vote for politicians, without vetting what they are voting for. The result can be the difference between life and death because of the way these crazy politicians love their guns and their crazy, but hate education, universal health care and the NEGRO in the Presidency!

And this University of Alabama article is a perfect example of the racial craziness in this country. I EXPECT a whole lot of white men to be anti-black persons. I simply expect that reality in the America I know in 2013! But, I do NOT want to wrap my head around the fact that there are just as many white women who are institutionally racist... just like their white men. And here is a prime example of the racism!

Young white girls and young white women... raised as racists from birth... carrying that racism straight into their university and falling in line with the institutional racism.

And the big lie in the soup of lies and racism is this -- the university KNOWS this goes on... and approves of the racism... until something -- and I don’t know what really made the university address the issue, trying to act like it is innocent of the collusion -- forced the university to back down from its long lived, and very open, institutional racism.

These are young white girls who HAD to have interacted with black kids when they were in pre-college schools. They get away from their integration in high school and the first chance they get... they immediately decide that they want to be a part of organizations that exclude the NIGGERS! Remember folks, this is Alabama... where the word NIGGER rolls off the tongue of white people like a morning drop of dew off a Saw Grass leaf.

My son attends a university in Virginia that is almost ALL white! My son is not as radical and vocal about racial matters as I am. I never wanted him to be. I want him to be a member of the next generation of black men who are a little less radical, but just as informed as their black predecessors. You will never hear my son speaking out like me about some white people and OUR issues with them. My son was always one of the two black kids among his twenty friends as he grew up here in Northern Virginia. My house was filled with white kids for twelve years because his friends always wanted to come to my house to visit him for study, play or music practice.

And I NEVER had ONE issue with these kids... because I demanded that MY SON police his friends in my home. If you want your friends to visit you, son, then you keep them straight and I will not get in the way.

My son bought into my demand and the white kids learned that this black house IS a safe house.

And now they are all off doing their things as 21 and 22 year old adults. And I can only hope my influence kept ALL of them from falling into racist segregation cliques as they explore their world.

This story hits me hard. In October I will visit my son’s university for its family day. The campus will be awash in white people. Some of them are friendly... and a lot of them are not! I have never voiced this thought in my head in past family days at the university... but I sure wonder, as I look at all the whiteness around me, how many of these people abjectly believe Niggers should not be in this university with their children.

Well, in the University of Alabama, for example, that answer is very obvious! Its right there on the faces of these pretty little white girls.

What monstrous words must escape their lips when their doors are closed and they talk about their hatred among themselves. That must be the sweetest, most beautiful form of hatred in America.

There is the television reality show Big Brother. The 2013 season has been mired by the dirty, filthy racism of a couple of the young women. They are all American whiteness! They are beautiful! They are sexy! And they are vile, ignorant, hateful, fowl mouthed racists who have destroyed any good will Big Brother ever had.

Where did they learn that hated... as pretty young white girls who can own the world... just by virtue of the fact that they are pretty young white girls?

Absolute senselessness...

The University of Alabama is a shame before reason! What chance do we all have when for good and safe education when our universities nurture racism. And just because this university is addressing this issue in this small way... the racism is still there. You can believe that. The racist people are still there and hating the fact that they have been exposed to the population at large.

Wait for the escalation....


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Vetting Fracking -- The Most Dangerous Action Of The Oil Companies!

This "Fracking" business has got to be the stupidest thing the Feds are allowing out of control gas companies to do. This is the common sense, people:

If humans inject millions of gallons of water, and dangerous chemicals, deep underground under high pressure -- Fracking (fracturing) the underground… and then the company sucks up all the contents from deep down inside the rock and shale and whatever else is down there… the obvious caveat is this -- there is now a HUGE loose space down there where that rock was. And… all that weight and pressure from the earth above WILL eventually cave in to fill that space.

Perhaps nature has an order to the way the earth is suppose to be. And now that greed driven humans are poisoning our oceans with oil and radiation and chemicals… the fish are dying off and the ice is melting and the water is rising!

And now that greed based humans are poisoning the underground with chemicals and by exposing the underground to natural gas that is naturally contained by NATURE… now out underwater aquifers are being  poisoned by these processes.

Those of you who are stupid can believe the oil company baron lies if you want to… when they tell you that Fracking is safe!

And now, the earth is rebelling with earthquakes in places where Fracking has destroyed the underground -- earthquakes in places where earthquakes SHOULD NOT HAPPEN!

One of these days, something very bad is going to occur where this Fracking is destroying the underground! And it is going to make the sinkholes in Florida look like a kids wading pool!

Mark my words!





And now it begins... the GOP has now officially started the Anti-Clinton war. The shift will now slowly move from "destroy the Negro President" to "destroy the woman Presidential candidate." These GOP men, and GOP women, -- 99.9% of them white and crazy -- are ALL self-loathing Negro hating backwoods religion following freaks who, in the name of their twisted religion, believe EVERYBODY except their particular cult group is going to hell! And, they cannot wait until the Rapture comes to destroy the heathens and take them all to “heaven!”

Of course, this is all racist bull-crap that feeds the deranged minds of hateful people who hate!

They will never forgive Barack Obama for having the audacity to make his black ass President of their America. And, these dirty religion tainted politicians -- to a man -- DO NOT BELIEVE A WOMAN CAN BE QUALIFIED TO BE THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA!

It says so in the bible, they will tell you… just like they twist the words in the bible to support things like --genocide, racism, sexism, rape, stupidity, hatred, faith healing, anti-science rhetoric and legislation,  homophobia, ignorance, invading other countries, attacking the poor, starving the poor, suppressing voting rights, shifting wealth from the ground up to the top… and more and more and more nonsense that seems to contradict EVERYTHING good ever written in their bible!

Watch, America, as the bat crap crazy GOP devolves into sexist red meat rending monsters as they attack Hillary Clinton --  just for being a woman who dares to go against GOD’S LAWS about the place of a woman in society.

Don’t allow yourself to fool your own mind as you downplay the OBVIOUS sexist rhetoric that is coming from the GOP right now! Listen to what they say and take them seriously.

Let it be known, women of America -- unless you are one of them and their craziness… THEY HATE YOU AND WISH YOU WOULD DIE WITH THE NEGROS AND THE GAYS AND THE MEXICANS AND THE ARABS!

They hate EVERYBODY!

I don’t know about you, white America, but I -- a black man -- don’t need to have crazy white people in my life! Thank your gods there are enough sane white people out there who can, if they want to, drive these crazy GOP bastards out of office in the upcoming few years. Again -- if they want to!

We’ll see! And as far as The Clinton's are concerned? They at least ACT like they want to help everybody. The GOP won’t even pretend that their hatred is misrepresented.

Now, that IS crazy!


Friday, August 23, 2013

Vetting White People Who Believe Black People Should Starve To Death

It is white people like this woman, Republican and Democrat in our government, who absolutely believe that black people are animals who live in mud huts, eat the scraps of other animals and should be left to the dogs to fend for themselves without government aid. They believe adult black people are totally capable of finding food in the trash to sustain themselves and their housefuls of government leech moocher children.

Chickens just appear “from out of the blue” for black people to catch and eat.
Let them eat the grasses and the grains and weeds growing out there in the fields.
Let them scrounge for wild berries and wild fruits and wild nuts.
Let them dig up Cat-O-Nine-Tails tubers and eat like the native Americans.
Let them hunt the forests for wild boars and snakes and crawdads and squirrels.
Let them pick off the ticks and mites from the woods and eat them like monkeys.
Let them do anything… except expect a racist, white man and woman ruled congress and senate, to help them EAT!

This bitch doesn't look like she is lacking any meals!

It is tough to be a black person in a racist at its core modern America who believe only white people deserve to eat good meals.

Holy Crud!


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Vetting Ted Cruz, Hypocrite

Amazing, the pure shamelessness Ted Cruz! Basically all of the Republicans, to a man and women, have murdered Barack Obama since he first became a prominent politician, about his birth status. They have tried every dirty trick in the politician’s dirty trick handbook to convince, and confuse, the American population about Obama's birth status. And as mush as they try, the reality is this -- Barack Obama was born in Hawaii, a American state!

Come on people... all of this Barack Obama craziness is because he is BLACK!

Let white politicians with suspect birth backgrounds try to become Presidential candidates and the media, and other politicians from all parties, whisper any issues they have with their white constituents.

I did not hear the political space/time continuum rip apart when Arnold Schwarzenegger’s name was floated as being a Republican presidential hopeful, even though that was impossible. And there have been others that have gotten NO play on the media. And now, Ted Cruz with all these issues with his citizenship status, expects the American public to simply ignore his background.

And, to add insult to America by the Republican racism and Sexism and Homophobia -- Ted Cruz is actually a Canadian! Why are Americans taking his insane rabble rousing seriously? No disrespect for him being from Canada… but he is from CANADA, for goodness sakes -- regardless of his mother’s status. And doesn’t his father’s history mean anything?

Why are Americans following the crazy ranting about America from a Canadian who has somehow finagled his way into being a Texas Senator with presidential ambitions? I don’t get it -- unless it is all about the hatred of a black man as the President of the USA!

And that is as crazy as Ted Cruz is!


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Vetting Rick Perry -- The Bloodthirsty Vampire Woman Hating Bastard Texas Governor

What a stupid, dumb-ass bastard, you are... Rick Perry!

You have wrecked the state of Texas with your idiotic persona in the 13 years you have been Governor! Your traitorous succession ranting and raving has made Texas a joke! Your war on women has been as harmful as your obsession with administering the death penalty to satisfy your vampire blood lust, for you and your Republican bloodlust followers! And your disrespect for the very basic fundamental health care, and education, for the children of Texas borders on criminal actions.

You are a sick bastard!

And now, you cut and run from the state wide fight you have created with your war on women nonsense, just when things are getting ready to boil over in Texas. You have pissed off ALL the white women in Texas! You have pissed off half the white men in Texas. You have pissed off all the black people in Texas. And, you have declared war on the students of Texas… who can’t wait to kick your ass in the next election.

But, no… you are not going to give the people of Texas the satisfaction of crucifying you to the upside cross of evil you stand upon. What a bitch you are, Rick Perry!

The pussy thing about you is this… You take punk-ass pot shots at the woman who will be your main opponent in 2014... in front of cameras. You try, in your most slimy of slug-like attacks, to besmirch her life choices. And you take veiled sniper shots at her kids.

You are one evil bastard!

Wendy Davis was going to humiliate you and make you look like the douche bag you are! And now you cut and run… still trying to place anti-women bill land minds behind you as you weasel away from the horror you have blanketed over Texas.

I sure hope your legacy of racism, state sanctioned murder, sexism and hatred follows you to your special place in hell… when you get there. In the meantime… I sure hope Wendy Davis will use her power to undo the black tar evil you vomited over Texas for 14 years!

Goodbye, Rick Perry. Please let the door hit you in the ass as your slither out the Governor’s office door!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Vetting A New Ameican Hero --- Texas Senator Wendy Davis

There are only a few words needed to praise my new American Hero!
She is a beautiful Texas Senator, inside and outside, tired of Texas' Republican Zero!
She stood up to the Republican anti-everything-sane beasts,
She filibustered until chaos erupted in the Republican chamber of Texans fleeced,
And she defeated the Republican racist, homophobic, misogynistic bunko!
Oh the irony, she won on the same day the Republican led Supreme Court shamed us all...
By gutting the Black American's civil rights like stabbing a rubber ball.
Good for women's rights and their fight to control their own bodies... end the sadness.
May this victory be the impetuous for Republicans to end their crazy madness.
Now, who is going to help the 13% of the near extinct black American break their wall.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

The NFL: Defender Of Genocidal Racism


How crazy is it that the commissioner of the NFL, a white man as white as there has as ever been a white man, decides to defend a racist term that has its origins in the 17th century... a time when political correction did not exist! White men, throughout history, have always used skin color tagging to denote peoples they deemed inferior to them.

White skin color, to them, was the top of the color chain. Black colored slave skin was at the bottom. And when the white mans interactions with Native Americans eventually began to become adversarial, white men gave the term "REDSKIN" to the Native American enemy of the American state!

How easy was it to virtually wipe-out 90% of the Native Americans across the lands of the USA back in the 18th and the 19th centuries? Very easy, when white men are killing off "REDSKIN VERMIN!"

San Snyder, owner of the Washington "REDSKINS" is an arrogant, racist bastard! The former original owner of the Washington "REDSKINS" was an obvious, in-your-face racist! The fans who insist on keeping the name Washington "REDSKINS" are a combination of the truly ignorant, and the outright knowledgeable of their racism, fans who are comfortable with the owner of their football team continuing to use the term that means, and has meant, the deaths of untold MILLIONS of Native Americans at the hands of white men... killing savage "REDSKINS!... through a combination of introduced diseases, slaughtering the "savages" with weapons and starving them of their land, and their culture and their food sources!"

How many ways can a white man kill a Native American? I'll get back with you when they have killed off the last one!

No problem, Roger Goodell! What is another white man defending a genocidal term, right? 


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Virginia Women -- Here Is Your Republican Worst Enemy... Not Governor Material!

This short missive is directed to the women of the state I live in -- Virginia!

It blows my 54 year old African-American mind that Ken Cuccinelli is poised to win the governor’s seat in Virginia. The fact that the people of Virginia, the women of Virginia, are close to allowing a man who makes the horrible present governor look like a boy scout is frightening! He is about to take over the reigns of Virginia, people... what is wrong with you? Is this South Carolina, for god's sake?

Ken Cuccinelli is antimatter
to the reasonable people trying to make Virginia the user friendly state it used to be.

You thought the present governor wanted to shove vagional probes into your sex organs? Wait until bat shit crazy Ken Cuccinelli gets into office. You better realize that he WILL not back down when these War-On-Women issues crop up again… and you can bet your uteruses that the Republican male politicians in Richmond will give these laws right back to Ken Cuccinelli!

And, women of Virginia… you will only have yourselves to blame for the onslaught against your civil, and reproductive, rights Ken Cuccinelli will inflict upon you.

What? You don’t believe me? Read it for yourself, women. The internet is littered with the horror tales of Cuccinelli!

You better not allow this man to become governor of Virginia. If you do, we will ALL pay with our rights being ripped right out from under us by this scary man!


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Red Necks, Red Faces, Red States And The Steel Death Of Democracy!

Three male Democrat lawmakers — Sens. Mark Pryor of Arkansas, Max Baucus of Montana, and Mark Begich of Alaska voted against the the amendment to expand background checks for gun purchases. It is ridiculous, to the point of absurdity, that two days after several bombs devastated Boston, Massachusetts the Republican Senate, with Democrat help, effectively killed the gun debate where it stood.
The fourth Democrat congressperson to vote against the amendment was Sen. Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, she who was elected to her first Senate term in 2012. Why in the hell this woman would place her political career into a pot of boiling water of resentment by the 90% of Americans who want background checks for gun purchases is absolutely bizarre, especially when it was obvious that the Republicans were going to kill the law even without her help.
I will say this again, America -- ALL of these NRA, gun sucking freaks are WHITE PEOPLE! Every goddamn last one of them, white! They have one agenda in mind -- and I include these democrats who voted against their own party line -- and that agenda is to defeat the BLACK PRESIDENT by voting against everything he signs on to.
By what reason of humanity can Heidi Heitkamp explain to America, especially from the perspective of being a woman, why she voted against the simplest of the gun debate laws that has at its very weakest point of emphasis the morality involved in protecting America's children.
As far as I am concerned, Heidi Heitkamp is my enemy. To me, she is a Republican! And going forward there is nothing she can do, or say, that will make me trust her. Period. As far as I am concerned, she HAS TO GO! She cannot be trusted to give Democrat votes in the future.
And the same goes, times ten, for the Democrat men who voted against the amendment. They MUST be voted out of office in 2014. These three men are not with the 90% of Americans who want reason and the protection of our children... they are for the protection of the NRA gun lobby and its crazy gun fetish... and so, America, they must be fired from politics!
Americans, you did not vote these democrats into office to do the opposite of what you want them to do. These politicians, Republican and Democrat, just told you, all 90% of you -- FUCK YOU! You don't tell us what to do, we tell you what the fuck we are going to do. And if you don't like it... FUCK YOU! What the hell are you going to do about it!
I spent 2012 railing and ranting about this kind of Anti-American bullshit in my two books published in 2012! You are now on the Vetting American blog site, where you can find plenty of examples of Vetting America not found inside the book.
Dragonflies Chasing Mosquitoes has more focus on racism and politics. The corresponding blog is http://www.dragonflieschasing You can check out more information about my books by clicking the book covers.

At least, that is what I got out of the NO votes in the Senate.
2014, people... that is the year of true CHANGE in America. The present crop of Republican politicians, and some Democrat politicians, are truly anti-democratic traitors to the American way. These politicians are not demonstrating democracy. They are each their on little dictator who only respects the power of the gun. And that notion scares the crap out of me... a black man who knows that these racist Republicans, and obviously some Democrats, would shoot me in the head and dump me in a ditch if they could act out the way they actually feel about black people, and their own obsession with their guns, inside their black hearts!
I am voting against every politician who fucked American on 4-17-13! They don't give a goddamn about me, the children murdered or the multi-national American I want to live in.
Fuck 'em!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Rand Paul -- Pure Republican Arrogant Racism!

This is my friendly response to Mr. Glasco Taylor's comment about a posting
I made about this Howard University incident.

(Click on the above link to see Rand Paul in all his sneaky racism.)
Hello +Glasco Taylor. Look, I'm not going to argue against your points. I am very happy that some black people will look at the actions of Rand Paul and say what you said... "... at least he tried..."

I'm a 54 year old who was born in Coastal North Carolina in 1959. A part of my childhood background is I, and my family, have suffered through the continual to this day... abject, Negro hating war on black people in North Carolina. My childhood memories are wrapped around the fact that nearly ALL of the white people I encountered as a pre-teen in NC called me a Nigger... even a few teachers in school were openly racist. I was spit on by white people when my grandfather took me with him into town, about ten miles out from the swamps of the area we lived in.

During the night, several times a week... 53 weeks out of the year, the KKK would drive around in their trucks at night time and shoot their guns into the night air and terrorize the black people down there.

And, by the way, the KKK is still very active in that area. My almost 80 year old mother still lives down there... along with my extended family of hundreds of people.

Because of my past, and it has been a hell of a past, I refuse to give ANY white person a pass when they exhibit pure racism. Period! For me, I will never, ever forgive Rand Paul for agreeing with the Republican sentiment expressed by many Republicans that they would not have voted for the civil rights laws of the 60's. You might be a forgiving person... and I respect that goodness in you. Me... f**k no... I will not forgive, period!

I do not advocate the harming of white people in my writing. But, I raise holy hell when I see what I see that drives me mad... like that bastard Rand Paul standing in his arrogance in front of Howard University students... believing in his heart that he can simply waltz onto the stage and make these Niggers believe what he says... just because!

Rand Paul is an evil bastard. Me, you and that handsome young man in your picture, who I assume is your son, would still be 3rd class citizens in our America if he had the deciding vote in 1964. And guess where all the Niggers would have been driven to live? Mississippi -- the state that just abolished slavery in that state in 2013, goddamn it!

These are dangerous times for black people right now. Our rights are being driven right out of the country by white men, and women, who HATE the fact that a black man it the President. Next year, American has the opportunity to shock the country by voting out of office these white, Republican racist, sexist, homophobic, bigoted monsters out of the governorships, and Congress, across this nation! I hope you do your part!

My son is 20 years old. He'll be 21 years old on April 15th. He attends James Madison University in Harrisonburg, VA. There are 19,722 students at JMU. You can count the black kids at that university, with the exception of the athletes, on my hands and feet + your hands and feet. And, my son -- by way of his intelligence -- made his way into that freaking high class institution! He did not get much scholarship help... that story is a wild story in itself. But, we are doing what we have to do to keep him there. He is about to finish his 3rd year, in a few days. And, if Rand Paul had his way... today... he would GUT the programs that help my son attend a university that is 97% white!

Project what I'm saying about my life to your child, or children. Now, research Rand Paul a little more. And I hope you don't hurt your fist as you punch a wall as you discover how crazy, and racist, this man is. Those Howard University kids knew. And even the white kids stood up to challenge Rand Paul.

And I LOVE that. It will be other white people who change this racist country!

OK, I'm done. Sorry about all this. I'm a writer who can write until my fingers bleed when I am inspired. I am now drawing back to shut myself off. Take care of yourself and like I said before... I respect your opinion, but I have to continue to be the loud advocate I am.

I published 4 books in 2012. 2 are horror themed and two are political themed. I warned America of all this racism stuff in my writing. And, I will continue to put the pressure that I can create.

Take it easy, now.


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

This Is A Great Day For America, Associated Press!

Sanity is slowly returning to my America for all of us!
The stupid racists are slowly being forced to the back of bus!
The Associated Press has found its nerve...
It is finally taking a sharp swerve...
To squeeze away the dirty, racist, press filled puss!
That human stripping phrase is dying on the vine!
All you racist politicians can expire along with the rhyme!
Take your racist terms back to your gopher holes,
Take your racist ways back to your backward goals...
And may you never hold office again, you monsters of slime!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

For The Love Of Sanity, Americans... Here Is Your Enemy!

To all the normal American women, gay people, black people, Mexican people and everyone else in this country who thought you lived in the land of the free... these two Republican government obstructionists are your enemy! Don't take my word as the law. Do your own research and discover for yourself the depths of  their racism, their sexism, their homophobia, their bigotry and their hatred! 

You are looking at two of the main reasons why America has not exploded in economic growth. These men are two of the reasons why racism and hatred is as high as it is today, as many Americans feed off their hatred of Barack Obama and use that emotion to grow their own hatred. These two men are are two of the reasons why 100% of the Republicans vote against everything our President attempts to pass -- even though the majority of the American people said with their votes that they want to do as the President does.

If you have family in Kentucky, and you want reason to come back to America... you will contact them and tell them that Mitch McConnell has to be voted out of office. America MUST move forward and this man refuses to allow it to happen.

I can't imagine what Mitch McConnell tells the people of Kentucky when he out on the campaign trail. He is all smiles in this picture, but when he goes back to Congress he ha a scowling obstruction machine who is bogging America down in his mire.

Come on America... you watch the negativity of these men every day! You know what they are. And you also know that this crop of Republicans are racist monsters that have to go away!

Vote right, America!


Saturday, March 16, 2013

Vetting -- Sleezy Republican Liar Rob Portman

Here is a little information, and video, about Rob Portman. He was so extreme in his dislike of President Obama that even  Mitt Romney had reservations about visiting Ohio when he was running for President!

To a particular Google + defender of Republicans... you are dead wrong on your opinion, Sir. This Senator, Rob Portman,  knew for at least two years that his son was gay. Even though he KNEW his son was gay, he continued driving racist, homophobic, sexist, anti-woman hatred... and continued voting against the popular Ohio decisions and wants of the people of that state... while NOT defending President Obama, or trying to help America to move foreword in any popularly known degree.

Do now forget, Americans, that Rob Portman is included in the 100% of the Republican Senators who vote against EVERYTHING our black President presents to them.

And now that the sequester cuts are starting to affect American jobs and lives -- including Ohio -- and now that the "anti-popular America" Republicans realize that 2014 is right around the corner and that the Republicans WILL incur massive losses across the board when the millions of people across this land, who have officially had enough of their lying, racism, sexism, gerrymandering, voter rights fraud, destruction of the work force and rape talk... some of these Republicans are feeling real fire under their feet... and now they are backtracking and lying, trying to convince gullible, ignorant -- perhaps racist, sexist, homophobic, women hating Americans... like Bill Anderson, perhaps? -- that all the hateful racist rhetoric of the time America has had a black President was all just a dream joke that should be shaken off like one shakes away those mind fogging dreams people vaguely remember when they wake up in the morning.

I am a 54 year old black man.

I am NOT politically correct!

If you look for my thousands of articles vetting politicians you will discover my harsh use of the various forms of English.

Today, I choose to not use the words I usually place in my rants!

Today, I want white people to read straight English!

There is ONE black Republican Senator… and he was given his post a couple of months ago!

There are FIVE white female Republican Senators!

CPAC, this week in craziness! My god… look at the faces, and listen to the lies, at CPAC!

Look people… do not let these Republicans trick you. Imagine… sit back in your chair, close your eyes and imagine what kind of America we would have today if this Democratic President did not have 100 percent of the WHITE Republicans declaring that their only goal was to make him a one term President! That did not happen, and now they are even more dug into their mud holes… even though they LOST the election in a bloody beating given to them by the voters… even though the Republicans were CONVINCED that they had ousted the black president.

America could have been a country with thousands of jobs fixing our bridges and infrastructure. The universal health care issue would have been completely worked through by now. The stupid issue with war against the middle east might be done by now. The work force issues WOULD be fixed today! All this Republican Rape talk might have never become a part of the national discord. And a big part of the racism and the sexism and the homophobia might be settle by now -- if the Republicans had decided to not be even more racist, even more sexist, even more homophobic and even more crazy!

Imagine… the rest of the world respecting an American political system that worked with its first black President, to fix America so that the rest of the world could ride our coattails.

Imagine a world where even Canada wouldn’t look at America as a racist, divided, broken joke of a nation!



Friday, March 8, 2013

It Says Rape Your Woman Right There In The Bible, Doesn't It?

I was watching Chris Matthews on 3-6-13 on MSNBC. As usual, he was blabbering about politics, talking over his guests and constantly backhandedly giving Republicans respect. He drives me crazy because one minute he sounds very intelligent, and then the next moment, he sounds like an idiot. And when he got to the subject of Republicans and their obsession with rape... well his idiot side emerged again.

I do not understand the wimpiness of the various hosts of the MSNBC programming... and their seemingly unwillingness to attack Republican men who advocate the ultimate disrespect for women with their rape talk. They will do a tap dance around the subject, but NONE of them will become as vicious as the Republicans!

I have no goddamn fright in me when it comes to blasting the Republican fucks, all white men, who obsess over rape!

Do you want to know what the goddamn deal is with rape? Do you want to get real? Do you want to challenge everything you know about religion, male to female relationships and sex? Well... do you?

Below is a Vetting America posting from 2012! Inside this posting is the reason why southern/mid-western white men are obsessed with rape. Period!



Hello America... well Todd Akin should have been the nail in the coffin of the Republican Party. But even though he made his very offensive statements against women, regarding rape and pregnancy and more of his craziness… the Republican Party still rallied around him and he is still trying to compete in his state.

Now you have Richard Mourdock saying his patently offensive Tea Party, backwoods religion from the 1800’s, ignorant dangerous dogmatic snake handling fundamentalist Evangelical, Taliban-like nonsense in front of cameras. The madness of these self hating, women hating, men… and their women… is just plain dangerous.

I have heard this crazy talk for all my life. My mother dragged me and my siblings, kicking and screaming, to Pentecostal churches up until the time I was eighteen. Everything these mostly Midwestern based, and southern based people, vomit out of their mouths about religion and its relationship to women sounds just like the Pentecostal dogma I heard, day and night, as a younger person.

These people believe that women are dirty creatures who are cursed by god with the evil of having to deal with ALL the aspects relating to childbirth.

They believe that men are given the right by God to rule their household.

They believe that women MUST be subservient to their men.

They believe that women must have certain dress codes.

They believe that God talks to them through “talking in tongues.”

Snake handling is an offshoot of Pentecostal fundamentalism.

And as far as all this rape talk is concerned… well, rape, sex and women has a special place in the overall mindset of these fundamentalists. And it goes like this:

If your woman does not give you your sex, you are completely within your right to take your sex! I heard this debated often as I became older and was privy to adult conversations. Rape, or not, is the great dirty secret of American religious fundamentalism!

This is 60 Minutes territory!

Let it also be known that I have a military parent, so I have lived around the world. My mother dragged us to Pentecostal Churches throughout America, Germany, France, Belgium, Spain and a couple of other places I will keep to myself.

I have heard Pentecostal preaching’s from around the world… and I hated every moment of it. I ALWAYS thought those white people are crazy and I never wanted to be a part of their insanity. My mother literally dragged me to these places and as soon as I hit eighteen years of age and finished high school at Killeen High School in Killeen, Texas I was done with the crazy and got the heck away. I practically ran from Texas to North Carolina to escape my torturers!

Want to know why these people don’t give one flip about preserving our planet? These people have the apocalyptic obsession with the biblical concept known as the rapture. They believe that God will one day return to earth and kill off everyone, except for true fundamentalists, who will be magically swept away to heaven, while everyone, and everything, left on earth will be transported to hell to burn with the devil. These people believe this WILL happen and that they Will go to heaven… so they do not care about preserving earth. It is doomed… in their eyes.

I believe that law enforcement has got to crack down of these crazy beliefs.

Women of rational reality, you now know that you are only meat to be controlled by these people. And you know that they have a dirty relationship with rape. And there are thousands of frightening beliefs in the minds of these people.

Finally… if you are a woman and you vote for Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan, or any of these Republican freaks, then you are voting against the very right you have to control your own body!

Think about that, ladies, before you vote in November!

I grew up full on in Pentecostalism... but, I never believed in it!
I graduated from high school in 1977. My mother is full on Pentecostal and I was forced to go to church half of the days of the week up until I left home soon after graduating high school. My experiences with Pentecostalism ranged in locations from Germany to Texas!
I've read the bible, front to back, 5 times. I was forced to read that book... and I hated every bullshit word I read! Now that my own son is an adult, I will never read another passage in the bible again. Enough!
Pentecostals, and the rest of the Religious Right believe in biblical absolutism... as it pertains to worship, obtaining religious power and sexual relationships with women. Fuck worship, fuck obtaining religious power.... lets talk about biblical mandates about how men relate to women!
Women are subservient to their men! Period! Is there conflict with modern women who may actually be more powerful than their husbands? Fuck yes... but when that woman takes her ass into church she is told... no, commanded, to obey her husband! You take the fucked-up derision of religious based relationships from there, if you dare.
Women are commanded to service their men's sexual needs! The word no does not exist in the world of fundamentalist religion! And the word RAPE does not exist, either.
How the fuck can a woman be raped if the word rape, and the concept of rape, does not exist in the world of religious fundamentalism? That concept, and the subjugation of women around the world by rape, is built into the wall of the structure of religion.
Some of you crazy bastards, and bitches, want to ignore the bat shit crazy religious derision that you have sat down in church and listened to for decades... by men, and women, who preach to you 2000 year old dogma that you lap up like dogs lapping up the vomit it just expelled from its own stomach onto the dirt!
I was forced, like many of you, by my mom to drown in religious sexist, racist, bigoted, homophobic dangerous rhetoric until I was old enough to get the fuck out of the household at 18 years old... in 1977! And I haven't been back home to stay since then!
And that goes for church, too.
I refuse to sit in a pulpit and waste my fucking time listening to men who do not have a goddamn clue about the depth of the bible! Harvard scholars, with their education and resources, do not have a goddamn clue about the metaphorical content that fills the bible. The book is a riddle, wrapped inside a lie, sandwiched between time and space, and diluted by centuries of men's fucking with it!

NOBODY alive today haves one goddamn clue what the bible is about.
And the men, and women, who tell you they have the answers? They are scamming pricks trying to find a way to control you!
America has three parts to it. 47 % here... 6% in the middle... and 47% over there. 47% of America, comprised of about 90 % white people hate black people, hate foreigners, hate secular order, hate women and their desire to self-regulate their own lives and hate the concept of their very own government existing to help them live. But they do love this... religion as the guiding force of everything in their lives, both good and evil!
47% on the other side, thank your god, neutralizes that bat shit madness... just barely.
And the 6% in the middle... holy fuck! Which way will they vote tomorrow? Who in the hell knows... but that uncertainty is some scary shit!
Women in America better hope that the 6% votes against the rape culture of the Republican party  in a year! You better hope to the moon that Republicans are voted out of offices across this land. Fuck all this economy fight-mongering bullshit, however important to Americans lives it it... it is the social structure of America that is eroding today... right before our eyes.
And women, what is at stake here is your ability to control your very own vagina... and what goes in it! Do you want to be forced to take state mandated vaginal probes? Do you, really? Then come to the state I live in, Virginia... because this state is VERY close to sneaking that mandate in under the cloak of darkness.
Do you want to be raped... forcibly fucked and brutalized, mocked and discredited... by white men politicians who believe, by BIBLE mandate and decree, that you MUST submit to a man's dick penetrating your vagina, forcibly injecting you with unwanted semen... that could quite possibly be infected with HIV, that could possibly impregnate you with a rapist's baby... and then you will be forced to carry that baby to term and birth that baby?

And god help you if that rapist's baby comes to any harm while it is is your uterus! You would be charged with MURDER by the Religious Right that controls your state!

Are you hearing this women of America? Republican men are still talking Rape to this very day!

Rape to control women -- in Africa, in Europe, in South America, in Pacific nations... in the GOP USA!

And, just so you know that I am totally aware of the full scope of the rape culture around the world -- black men are involved in this madness, too. The difference in the perpetrators of the crimes is this -- American black men would have to be insane to use the words rape and politics in the same paragraph!

But not Republican white men. They are goddamn proud of their religion, their dogma, their racism and the rape they nurture in their lives. And they have nothing to fear from an American media machine that is complicit with their actions!

Wouldn't you like to feed some truth serum to the wives and daughters of these Republican men... and their goddamn pastors and priests?

Remember to vote with your minds women... vote with your minds!


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Vetting -- So You Believe God Will Fix Your Government?


America... many of you will rise up from your slumber this Sunday morning.
You will go through your Sunday morning motions,
Drive to your place of worship to absorb whatever religion you are addicted to,
And pray to a god who you have believed in your heart, and mind, actually exists.

You will pray, you will chant, you will beg and you will cry!
Some of you will declare that you heard god speak to you...
And you will further declare that god told you that it will make it all right!
You will eventually go back home filled with delusion and religious sickness!

In the meantime, your Republican representatives in government --
The religious right supports the Republican way of religious dogma...
Just forced this President to sign a bill of austerity in America...
A devastating bill to cut nearly 1 billion dollars from... social programs!

The children who religion supposedly helps are now going to suffer horribly... immediately!
The elderly who religion is suppose to help are going to suffer... immediately!
The food we eat, the programs we need, the oversight we needed -- all gutted!
All gutted... by Republican extremist you helped to place into Congress!

And Religious Right, as you pray to god, who do you blame for the actions of Republicans?
Do you blame the black people, some who sit in your churches?
Do you blame the Mexicans, some of who sit in your churches?
Do you blame the gays, whom you HATE, many of whom sit in your churches?

America, you and your crazy paranoid religious delusions...
You who do not believe in the effects of man's pollution on the weather!
You who do not believe that science rules the universe!
You who do not believe that the oceans are rising and the planet is rebelling!

You empowered the crazy Republican delusions to become law on 3-1-13!
You remember that day as the day America officially became a third world country!
You remember that day as the day it officially became us against them.
You remember that day as the day you allowed your government to starve children!

Let me tell you something, Religious Right who allowed this austerity to become law --
There is no god who will come down to earth and physically make things right!
There is no god that talks to the psychologically damaged schemers who dupe you!
There is no god that will force men of lies, drunk on their power, to become saints!

You are a liar, or a delusional psychologically damaged sick person, if you hear god speak!
You are very sick if you believe that an all powerful creature talks to you, period!
You are responding to the delusions, and the conditioning, of twisted religion!
You are a pawn, a dupe, a weapon of those men who use you to further their agenda!

Where is god when a Catholic priest is fucking an alter boy in the rectory!
Where is god when a preacher calls a gay person a faggot right there inside the church!
Where is god when a politician declares that god prevents pregnancy from a rape!
Where is god when evil Republican politicians attack children by their laws!

You, America, caused this madness in your current America!
I hope you are proud of your accomplishments.
The rich just got richer in the America of the Republican vision...
And they just said, "FUCK YOU!" to their stupid, dickless Democratic detractors!

And President Barack Obama... you just killed the legacy you are trying to protect!
When the pictures of the first hungry child emerges in the media --
You will be roasted alive... and Republicans, and Democrats, will blame you!
I, your greatest supporter, now have lost respect for you... because you have cowered like a dog!

Congress made itself immune to the austerity cuts they imposed on Americans!
Who are you politicians... the Italian Mafia out to shake us all down?
And what if we, the American people, decide to rebel against this tyranny, Mr. President!
Will you send in the drones to shoot, and bomb Americans, in their sleep?

Delusional religion and a mafia like attitude in the government...
What a goddamn crazy ass mixture of horror, terror and the sublime!
Monday is tomorrow and I am scared for my American life as...
The talk of god fixing America will ramp up as the days march froward!

Maybe I have it all wrong... maybe I need to look for the 666!
What man in politics today might have the 666 mark of the beast on his body?
Mitch McConnell? No, as much as I hate that bastard...THERE IS NO GOD, goddamn it...
Only men, who use other men, to step on other men as they take their lives... GOD!


Friday, March 1, 2013

Vetting The John Boehner Led Republican Sequestration!

8:45 PM
Americans... you should all be scared shitless!
Your government has just fuck all of you witless!
The President just signed the Sequester law,
The slashing and the cutting of jobs now chokes your maw...
And Republicans have just cut us all dickless!
And to all you Caucasian Americans of prejudice...
You voted these bastard Republicans into office!
They told you they would fuck your government,
You should have known you are part of the covenant!
Now we will all suffer without even a fuck-you kiss!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Vetting The Sequester Zero Hour -- 3-1-13

America... look at the face of the man in this picture.
Remember the young, fresh faced politican from 4 years ago?
Well you are now looking into the face of a man who has been --
Hanged, lynched, whipped, slapped, branded, starved, beaten and kicked...
Yelled at, cursed, spit on, called Nigger, raped and dragged behind the horse cart!
Look at the lines and the tired expression.
Look at the gray hair that has expressed because of the wear on his soul.
Look at the washed out color of his Negro skin!
Look at the persona of a man from two worlds...
Who has been broken down by the white Republican majority that hates him!
American white people...
You have caused the loss of life in this man.
American white people...
You have caused the loss of life in your very own America!
You, white people... you voted these Republicans into power!
What is the damage with white people who vote against their own self-interest?
Why would you put Republican extremists into power positions over your lives?
They told you all along that they wanted to destroy your government.
And, as you should have already known -- we will all die if our government is killed!
God help us all if these sequester cuts kill the jobs we are told they might!
White people of America -- this governmental madness will continue, until...
You vote these Republican monsters out of office in a year!
They have got to go back into the recesses of the crazy they came from.
You, white people, must give the Congress back to the Democrats!
Even if you hate Democrats... at least bills will get passed and jobs will be created!
Aren't you tired of all this Republican sexism, homophobia and racism?
Even if you hate the word Democrat, aren't you ready for positivity?
Don't you want to have peace for your kids so they don't have to feel adult anxiety?
Well all you have to do, white people of America is...
Vote the Republican bastards out of office you put there in the first place!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Vetting -- What Protection Is A Restraining Order

We all know who Alyson Hannigan is. We all know the television shows that have been enhanced by her acting. And, none of us know her personally... she could be a mean girl... but, I have never seen anything about her in print or, on the screen, that shows her as anything other than a very sweet woman.
Alyson Hannigan has a stalker. This stalker was recently released from a mental hospital. Alyson Hannigan petitioned the court for a restraining order against him and was granted one -- that limits this mental hospital patient, who has repeatedly threatened Alyson Hannigan and her family, to coming to within -- get this people -- 100 feet of the actress.
The judicial system has this chance to protect this actress. With all the recent craziness concerning American violence, why would the judge take a chance on the life of Alyson Hannigan and not make sure this Mental Patient ever gets to within the distance of sight of this woman? Absolutely insane logic.
Alyson, if you ever have the opportunity to read these words, please remember to always take note of your surroundings and protect your family in the way that you need to. Start by going back to that judge and throwing his, or her, decision right back in his, or her, face!
Take care, and always remember your fans obviously love you and do not wish you any harm. And surely, they are hoping you can resolve this mental patient issue. Actually, who has the bigger mental problem here... the ill man stalking you or the judge who has given this man more power because now he knows he can approach you at a distance. That's pretty crazy, isn't it?
Good luck, now. Protect yourself...

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Vetting The Ignorance Of The Deep South

I am a black man living in Northern Virginia. Even though I live only a few miles from the Maryland border, certain people here believe they are absolutely a part of the old south. And they ACT like it! The Republican Governor of this state, and his Republican lackeys, run Virginia like a bunch of ass-backward good ol' boys from the swamps of Mississippi. It is stupid and it makes little sense...
Speaking of Mississippi!
I am appalled by the confederate flag. And, you can't convince me that it means nothing, in this modern time, except the racist expression of a huge portion of the population of the US of A. Period!
And, in Mississippi, where the horrors of racism is scarred on every face, every soul and every mind of the black people living there... the education of racism is written on everything.
How can workers at the state Supreme Court building purchase a Confederate Battle Flag, transport it to the building, unwrap the flag, position the flag so that the ringlets are positioned correctly to be attached to the rope to be run up the pole, look at that flag to make sure it looks correct as it flaps in the breeze and eventually walk away from the scene and NOT notice that they just put up the most hated American flag there is?
If black workers ran that flag up that pole, then shame on them for their ignorance. And I hope they are now educated in what they shouldn't even be touching!
If white workers ran that flag up that pole -- that was on purpose! Those men knew what the hell they were doing and were trying to make a point.
Either way, ignorance sometimes is stupidity... or blatant racism!
I wonder what the answer is!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Vetting You Whom Have Not Read Vetting America


You have spent years with the author of Vetting America.
You have read the many vetting of America postings.
You already know these postings are liberal.
You already know these postings are anti-racist Republicanism.
You know these postings are anti-racism.
You know these postings are pro women.
And you know these postings are pro reason.
And even though these examinations can be harsh and raw...
There is a whole lot of education to be learned here.
So, my question to you... America,
Is this:
"Why haven't you purchased your copy of Vetting America?"
The content inside Vetting America, The Book, is basically unique.
These vetting are not to be found on the blog site.
Vetting America is now a part of history.
You will read about what is relevant today...
And read bout the past political, and racial, derision that affect us all.
The table of contents is below the cover of the book.
Take a look at the subjects that will educate you.
And then support the work that goes into Vetting America!


Prologue 13

Vetting A Racist Republican Supreme Court 15

Vetting Another Holiday for White People 19

Vetting What Happens
On the Hill 24

Vetting Chick-Fil-A
Appreciation Day 26

Vetting Cruising A Fickle America 30

Vetting the Impetuous of
Disrespect 38

Vetting What Did I Tell You 40

Vetting the New American Intelligence 46

Vetting The 13% 49

Vetting Republican 1984 in 2012 55

Vetting Who Eats Well Tonight 59

Vetting Racist Radio in
Washington, DC 67

Vetting the Anti-Woman Government of
Virginia 75

Vetting the Romney Clan's Anger 79

Vetting Who Are These
Undecided Voters 84

Vetting Why Do They Hate You 88


White Washing White 93

Vetting the Werewolf Patricia
Heaton 96

Vetting Racist WJFK
Radio Republican Handshaking 105

Vetting President Obama's
Visit to Aurora, Colorado 112

Vetting Rush Limbaugh's
Big Mouth 119

Vetting Republican Hatred 121

Vetting Who I Should Hate 130

Vetting Who Wants a Black Man 134

Vetting Republican Nuts 138

Vetting Pushing Obama Birther
Videos 143

Vetting the Fundamentalism of
Religion and Rape 148

Vetting Monica Mehta's
Racist Republican Dogma 155

Mitt Romney and His Many Apologists 159

Vetting The State of
Pennsylvania 166

End Note 172