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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Vetting -- What Protection Is A Restraining Order

We all know who Alyson Hannigan is. We all know the television shows that have been enhanced by her acting. And, none of us know her personally... she could be a mean girl... but, I have never seen anything about her in print or, on the screen, that shows her as anything other than a very sweet woman.
Alyson Hannigan has a stalker. This stalker was recently released from a mental hospital. Alyson Hannigan petitioned the court for a restraining order against him and was granted one -- that limits this mental hospital patient, who has repeatedly threatened Alyson Hannigan and her family, to coming to within -- get this people -- 100 feet of the actress.
The judicial system has this chance to protect this actress. With all the recent craziness concerning American violence, why would the judge take a chance on the life of Alyson Hannigan and not make sure this Mental Patient ever gets to within the distance of sight of this woman? Absolutely insane logic.
Alyson, if you ever have the opportunity to read these words, please remember to always take note of your surroundings and protect your family in the way that you need to. Start by going back to that judge and throwing his, or her, decision right back in his, or her, face!
Take care, and always remember your fans obviously love you and do not wish you any harm. And surely, they are hoping you can resolve this mental patient issue. Actually, who has the bigger mental problem here... the ill man stalking you or the judge who has given this man more power because now he knows he can approach you at a distance. That's pretty crazy, isn't it?
Good luck, now. Protect yourself...

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