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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Vetting The War In Chicago

How many more innocent people must suffer the Chicago street wars!
How many more children must take lead in their souls!
How many more mothers must bar their bullet riddled front doors!
How many more children will never realize their goals!
President Barack Obama -- you assassinate the foreign terrorist madness!
You send in the troops and the drones to kill the enemy over there.
How about sending your troops into Chicago to end the sadness!
How about ending the hellish war in Chicago's bloody lair!
The local police forces of Illinois, obviously, are an overwhelmed bear!
The Chicago terrorist are as powerful as was Al- Qaeda in its day!
The enemy kills indiscriminately because they do not care...
And if this recent murder doesn't spur action -- when will they pay?
President Obama -- look at this beautiful young black lady!
She is gone forever, snatched away by pure ebony evil in your land!
Doesn't the Chicago morgue state make your soul achy?
Doesn't the smell of death in your Chicago land in your hand?
This beautiful young girl looks like your daughters.
Are you looking into the face that could have launched your campaign?
You must make a statement -- give some strict orders...
Because today is the day to force Chicago to become humane!
Do it!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Vetting America's Most Profound Import

Thank you very much,
Your most profound import follows black Americans everywhere...
Even outside the borders of their own Goddamn country!
 What is said profound import?
Why American style racism,
Of course!
A black man is is Nigger,
Regardless of the language...
When that word --
Nigger --
Is chanted in any goddamn language!
Son of a bitch!
When the citizens of THE HAGUE, Netherlands,
-- The Netherlands, for fuck's sake --
Call out a black American with that word --
The end of African-American blackness must be at the end!
Where can a black man go in this world,
Where can he go,
To not expect white people to call him NIGGER...
That nasty American word from the mouths and minds of...
What the hell!
I mean, what the bloody hell, people?
Why don't you just round us all up...
And put a bullet in our heads like Syria today!
It makes no goddamn sense!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Vetting Gun Shot Wounds

Well, there you are... put a gun in the hands of a couple of pretty chicks and everything is perfect in the world of guns and fools!
I have frequently thought about this question, "How many accidental self-induced gunshots are unreported across this nation every year? There is not a doubt in my mind that thousands of people shoot themselves with their weapons every year... and are too shamed by their ignorant stupidity to report their injuries. God help the children of all these crazy fools across this nation who have stockpiled tons of guns and ammo over these last few years.
The gunshot accidents in this article happened at gun shows. And it goes to show how stupid people are! Really... showing up at crowded events with loaded weapons?
Ignorant fools carrying death in their ignorant fool hands... ignorant fools!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Vetting the Strange Case Of Justice Clarence Thomas


We at Vetting America have always viewed Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas as a bizarre, strange man. Since his Supreme Court inception, there have been volumes and volumes of vettings of this man, by many reporters and investigators, across the media spectrum. He, and his wife, have been accused of being mild grifters to being outright criminals... using his powerful position as a shield from those who want him investigated.
When you click on the above article, you will be dumbfounded by what you read. And, you will wonder like us... why is this man a Supreme Court Justice?

Friday, January 11, 2013

Vetting a Another Goddamn Fool

I don't even need to vet the man in this video.
There are many things a human being should never do.
Never jump in front of a moving train.
Never set yourself on fire!
 Never stick your finger into a live wall socket!
 Never jump into a hippopotamus den!
And never ingest plants that could kill you!
Bat shit stupidity, this is...

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Vetting George Bush and Stem Cell Research

When that bastard, George Bush Jr., vetoed the embryonic stem-cell bill in 2006, he confirmed to me that he was, in fact, a hypocritical ass who, even though he lived the first 45 years of his life in a firebombing frenzy of booze and drugs, producing a zoned-out wife and drunken slut young daughters, he made the ass-backward decision that everyone else should suffer the misery he caused, even though he had the power to possibly save millions of live with this research... of which his ignorant ass knew nothing of!
George Bush burned parts of the social order of my state of Texas to the ground when he was governor. He executed more "Niggers and Mexicans" during his tenure as governor than any other governor in the history of the United States of America. Dignitaries from foreign countries begged George Bush to stop the killings.
Bush defiantly ramped up the state sanctioned murder! In my opinion, between the Bush sanctioned state murders in the Texas penal system under his governorship and the countless deaths caused by the Bush administration's wars, George Bush, Jr. is the greatest publicly known mass murder America has never prosecuted!
Anyway, fuck George Bush, Jr.! This missive is, actually, a blown kiss of respect for the Supreme Court. My goodness, the judges are finally coming around to good sense. It was a goddamn shame for America to allow good medical sense and good medical reason to be stomped out like a petulant kid stomping out a blown-out light bulb -- that piss filled kid being George Bush.
Stem Cell Research just might create the answers needed to cure Cancer and that horrible Parkinson's Disease. That son-of-a-bitch George Bush set back stem cell research many years with his actions. Hell, he practically threw America back into the ignorance of the wild west days.
Is a smidgen of good sense slowly coming back to America at the Federal Level? We'll soon know as the next few months plays out with this new congress and the legion of women who have invaded it... hopefully for the better.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Vetting The American Gun Psyche

My fellow Americans... those of you reading this missive who are cogent, lucid and sane... I implore you to consider some simple facts and realities.
America is a vastly large country with a wildly different thinking population from region to region. Our ways of thinking about other people and the way we want to interact with them differ from the wild west notions of shoot first and then ask questions to why on earth do regular normal people need guns in the first place. The answer, of course, falls somewhere in the middle.
In a huge civilized population of armed to the teeth citizens, how is it possible to gauge just who is truly capable of handling and respecting the weapons in their possession? And, for the countless people across America who are now sitting on stockpiled arsenals with tons of ammunition... heaven help us all!
What is to stop the next person, with access to weapons designed to kill multiple amounts people at the same time, from walking out of his home and shooting up the neighborhood. What is to stop the next person who has a grudge with society from firing on police or firemen in the near future? What is to stop the anti-government militia movements that are dotted across America from plotting and executing something horrible. What is to stop a man, or a woman, who has been allowed by this American government to practically buy any weapon they desire, from using that weapon upon anyone they desire?
Hey, these gun hoarders already have the guns in their homes. They already have thousands and thousands of rounds of ammo in clips ready to be used right now! What is to stop another horrible gun related mass shooting incident from occurring... right now?
Who really has answers for questions like these? This is a mess... and a dangerous one at that.
Can you imagine the chaos if the Federal government actually decided to try to force people to give up their guns? There would be WAR on the streets of America. And, as for the huge population number of Americans who are not armed gun nuts? They would be caught in the middle of hell on earth.
Is America slowly devolving to hell? Well, it is not becoming heaven, that's for goddamn sure!

Vetting The Thieves at Bank of America


On April 1, 2011, The Bank of America destroyed my finances, my family, my soul and my health. The Bank of America, along side JP Morgan Chase screwed-up my banking paradigm, stole most of my money I had in my banking accounts, refused to reimburse me for my loss -- even after promising to do so -- and eventually, after a few months began to threaten and harass me like loan shark thugs off the streets of 1930 Chicago.
JP Morgan Chase was the worse. I'll write about their thug behavior soon.
I battled with BoA for months after months. I went to the Securities Exchange Commission, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and other agencies in an attempt to get back my money and make BoA pay for its crimes.
Every agency told me the same thing -- SUE! Even though they would not help me directly, they told me to sue these banks.
Easier said than done... especially when it has stolen your money!
BoA sent all kinds of thug bitch people after me. I was attacked on a racial level from day one of this incident, eventually ending up with me having three encounters with BoA advocate, Michael Lynch at 813-832-0365 in racist BoA headquarters Charlotte, N.C.!
Oh, get this people... lowly fucks like me can't talk directly to the boss at BoA. He had motherfuckers called advocates who speak on his behalf. They are condensending, disrespectful bastards who will speak to you over the telephone like they just fucked your mother right in front of you!
Michael Lynch attacked me during our second conversation, talking to me like I was trash and threatening me like he could literally kick my ass. After that conversation, I told him I was going to write a letter to the CEO of the bank. Michael Lynch warned me that if I wrote a complaint letter to the bank, that he would intercept my letter. I warned him to NOT open my mail. I even wrote on the front and back of the letter warnings for him to not open my mail. He intercepted it anyway and had the outrageous nerve to call me back for the third time at my home, gloat to me that he had my mail, proceed to attack me because of my skin color and how black people think we have special rights and bullshit like that.
I was stunned. We argued, and I warned him that even though he sits high in that BoA glass tower in N.C., he is not above the law. No one is above the law. In my opinion he might as well gone ahead and called me a Nigger and be done with it! And that is what I wrote in the last letter to BoA.
I suppose he intercepted that letter, too!
Well, I've been in wait mode for a year, now. I will never forget the bastards at BoA! I haven't heard anything from them since this incident. I believe BoA didn't want a Nigger like me screaming bloody murder right before the Democratic Convention in Charlotte.
Look at the article above. Once again, these banks fuck Americans, like me, right in our lives... and then get away Scott free by throwing tons of blood money at the problem.
Hey, Bank of America... where the hell is my $70,000 that you stole from me in 2011. And, who at BoA is going to give me back the health and well being stolen from me by your bastard thug Michael Lynch @ 813-832-0365!
I tell people all the time, now... these banks are screwing all of us to the walls. They beg us to save our money inside their walls, then they CHARGE us to allow them to save our money inside their walls. And, they use our money to make all kinds of fucked-up deals around the globe that nets them unlimited amounts of wealth and power... while eventually screwing the customers when the shit hits the fan.
I want my shit back, BoA... you fucking thieves! And I still believe Michael Lynch is a racist bastard who practically called me a Nigger over the telephone! Hey, I was born in Southport, North Carolina. My mother lives in North Carolina. I went to college in North Carolina. And if there is one thing I know... its North Carolina racism. And it sits right there inside Bank of America!