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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Vetting George Bush and Stem Cell Research

When that bastard, George Bush Jr., vetoed the embryonic stem-cell bill in 2006, he confirmed to me that he was, in fact, a hypocritical ass who, even though he lived the first 45 years of his life in a firebombing frenzy of booze and drugs, producing a zoned-out wife and drunken slut young daughters, he made the ass-backward decision that everyone else should suffer the misery he caused, even though he had the power to possibly save millions of live with this research... of which his ignorant ass knew nothing of!
George Bush burned parts of the social order of my state of Texas to the ground when he was governor. He executed more "Niggers and Mexicans" during his tenure as governor than any other governor in the history of the United States of America. Dignitaries from foreign countries begged George Bush to stop the killings.
Bush defiantly ramped up the state sanctioned murder! In my opinion, between the Bush sanctioned state murders in the Texas penal system under his governorship and the countless deaths caused by the Bush administration's wars, George Bush, Jr. is the greatest publicly known mass murder America has never prosecuted!
Anyway, fuck George Bush, Jr.! This missive is, actually, a blown kiss of respect for the Supreme Court. My goodness, the judges are finally coming around to good sense. It was a goddamn shame for America to allow good medical sense and good medical reason to be stomped out like a petulant kid stomping out a blown-out light bulb -- that piss filled kid being George Bush.
Stem Cell Research just might create the answers needed to cure Cancer and that horrible Parkinson's Disease. That son-of-a-bitch George Bush set back stem cell research many years with his actions. Hell, he practically threw America back into the ignorance of the wild west days.
Is a smidgen of good sense slowly coming back to America at the Federal Level? We'll soon know as the next few months plays out with this new congress and the legion of women who have invaded it... hopefully for the better.

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