White people of North Carolina. you are now getting the Republican screwing in your asses you deserve! You, the people of the racist, backward hellhole of the fucking state of my birth deserve what you are getting! You wanted the Republican way by voting another Republican asshole bastard into the governorship... now you will suffer as this bastard comes for your children!
You, white racist KKK related, Nigger hating dirt trash... have given North Carolina to the devil! What the fuck is wrong with you people? You, the ignorant and the dirty in your racist, Nigger hating past... you would rather watch your world crash down around you than give one of those Obama Nigger lovers the keys of your state. Now look at what the ass you elected has just told you... he wants to attack the ONE GODDAMN THING THAT KEEPS NORTH CAROLINA RELEVANT -- and that is your liberal, left leaning higher education system that is spread out across your state. When this bastard destroys the integrity of your colleges, you might as well march yourselves right off into the Atlantic Ocean. Your backward ass state will descend into the stone age, as all the intelligence will begin to leave your Gestapo state!
Fuck Pat McCrory and his racist, stupid, ridiculous notions. I bet he will spare no expenses to educate his family... even as he is burning yours to the dirt!
You wanted a Republican? You got a Republican to run your racist KKK infested bat cave! And now you are going to realize that this bat shit crazy asshole is just another bat shit crazy Republican who wants to Rape you of what little intelligence and reason that is left in North Carolina!
My parents live in North Carolina! I want them the hell out of the North Carolina racist stupidity death trap!
My god, are you people stupid!
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