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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Vetting The Sequester Zero Hour -- 3-1-13

America... look at the face of the man in this picture.
Remember the young, fresh faced politican from 4 years ago?
Well you are now looking into the face of a man who has been --
Hanged, lynched, whipped, slapped, branded, starved, beaten and kicked...
Yelled at, cursed, spit on, called Nigger, raped and dragged behind the horse cart!
Look at the lines and the tired expression.
Look at the gray hair that has expressed because of the wear on his soul.
Look at the washed out color of his Negro skin!
Look at the persona of a man from two worlds...
Who has been broken down by the white Republican majority that hates him!
American white people...
You have caused the loss of life in this man.
American white people...
You have caused the loss of life in your very own America!
You, white people... you voted these Republicans into power!
What is the damage with white people who vote against their own self-interest?
Why would you put Republican extremists into power positions over your lives?
They told you all along that they wanted to destroy your government.
And, as you should have already known -- we will all die if our government is killed!
God help us all if these sequester cuts kill the jobs we are told they might!
White people of America -- this governmental madness will continue, until...
You vote these Republican monsters out of office in a year!
They have got to go back into the recesses of the crazy they came from.
You, white people, must give the Congress back to the Democrats!
Even if you hate Democrats... at least bills will get passed and jobs will be created!
Aren't you tired of all this Republican sexism, homophobia and racism?
Even if you hate the word Democrat, aren't you ready for positivity?
Don't you want to have peace for your kids so they don't have to feel adult anxiety?
Well all you have to do, white people of America is...
Vote the Republican bastards out of office you put there in the first place!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Vetting -- What Protection Is A Restraining Order

We all know who Alyson Hannigan is. We all know the television shows that have been enhanced by her acting. And, none of us know her personally... she could be a mean girl... but, I have never seen anything about her in print or, on the screen, that shows her as anything other than a very sweet woman.
Alyson Hannigan has a stalker. This stalker was recently released from a mental hospital. Alyson Hannigan petitioned the court for a restraining order against him and was granted one -- that limits this mental hospital patient, who has repeatedly threatened Alyson Hannigan and her family, to coming to within -- get this people -- 100 feet of the actress.
The judicial system has this chance to protect this actress. With all the recent craziness concerning American violence, why would the judge take a chance on the life of Alyson Hannigan and not make sure this Mental Patient ever gets to within the distance of sight of this woman? Absolutely insane logic.
Alyson, if you ever have the opportunity to read these words, please remember to always take note of your surroundings and protect your family in the way that you need to. Start by going back to that judge and throwing his, or her, decision right back in his, or her, face!
Take care, and always remember your fans obviously love you and do not wish you any harm. And surely, they are hoping you can resolve this mental patient issue. Actually, who has the bigger mental problem here... the ill man stalking you or the judge who has given this man more power because now he knows he can approach you at a distance. That's pretty crazy, isn't it?
Good luck, now. Protect yourself...

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Vetting The Ignorance Of The Deep South

I am a black man living in Northern Virginia. Even though I live only a few miles from the Maryland border, certain people here believe they are absolutely a part of the old south. And they ACT like it! The Republican Governor of this state, and his Republican lackeys, run Virginia like a bunch of ass-backward good ol' boys from the swamps of Mississippi. It is stupid and it makes little sense...
Speaking of Mississippi!
I am appalled by the confederate flag. And, you can't convince me that it means nothing, in this modern time, except the racist expression of a huge portion of the population of the US of A. Period!
And, in Mississippi, where the horrors of racism is scarred on every face, every soul and every mind of the black people living there... the education of racism is written on everything.
How can workers at the state Supreme Court building purchase a Confederate Battle Flag, transport it to the building, unwrap the flag, position the flag so that the ringlets are positioned correctly to be attached to the rope to be run up the pole, look at that flag to make sure it looks correct as it flaps in the breeze and eventually walk away from the scene and NOT notice that they just put up the most hated American flag there is?
If black workers ran that flag up that pole, then shame on them for their ignorance. And I hope they are now educated in what they shouldn't even be touching!
If white workers ran that flag up that pole -- that was on purpose! Those men knew what the hell they were doing and were trying to make a point.
Either way, ignorance sometimes is stupidity... or blatant racism!
I wonder what the answer is!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Vetting You Whom Have Not Read Vetting America


You have spent years with the author of Vetting America.
You have read the many vetting of America postings.
You already know these postings are liberal.
You already know these postings are anti-racist Republicanism.
You know these postings are anti-racism.
You know these postings are pro women.
And you know these postings are pro reason.
And even though these examinations can be harsh and raw...
There is a whole lot of education to be learned here.
So, my question to you... America,
Is this:
"Why haven't you purchased your copy of Vetting America?"
The content inside Vetting America, The Book, is basically unique.
These vetting are not to be found on the blog site.
Vetting America is now a part of history.
You will read about what is relevant today...
And read bout the past political, and racial, derision that affect us all.
The table of contents is below the cover of the book.
Take a look at the subjects that will educate you.
And then support the work that goes into Vetting America!


Prologue 13

Vetting A Racist Republican Supreme Court 15

Vetting Another Holiday for White People 19

Vetting What Happens
On the Hill 24

Vetting Chick-Fil-A
Appreciation Day 26

Vetting Cruising A Fickle America 30

Vetting the Impetuous of
Disrespect 38

Vetting What Did I Tell You 40

Vetting the New American Intelligence 46

Vetting The 13% 49

Vetting Republican 1984 in 2012 55

Vetting Who Eats Well Tonight 59

Vetting Racist Radio in
Washington, DC 67

Vetting the Anti-Woman Government of
Virginia 75

Vetting the Romney Clan's Anger 79

Vetting Who Are These
Undecided Voters 84

Vetting Why Do They Hate You 88


White Washing White 93

Vetting the Werewolf Patricia
Heaton 96

Vetting Racist WJFK
Radio Republican Handshaking 105

Vetting President Obama's
Visit to Aurora, Colorado 112

Vetting Rush Limbaugh's
Big Mouth 119

Vetting Republican Hatred 121

Vetting Who I Should Hate 130

Vetting Who Wants a Black Man 134

Vetting Republican Nuts 138

Vetting Pushing Obama Birther
Videos 143

Vetting the Fundamentalism of
Religion and Rape 148

Vetting Monica Mehta's
Racist Republican Dogma 155

Mitt Romney and His Many Apologists 159

Vetting The State of
Pennsylvania 166

End Note 172

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Vetting Another Senseless Murder By Gun

What a beautiful couple, on their faces blissful glee...
I'm told they loved people and their good work all could see.
It is amazing how life can be snuffed out on a dime,
That these two lovers are totally out of life and time.
Please, for the sake of all reason, let racism not the cause, be.
Look at these two American people standing in their places.
Is that love you see on those beautiful faces?
Why, if there is a god lording over us all...
Does it allow soul sucking derision to exist to cast ugly pall..
To remind this human... we are a doomed collection of cracked open races!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Vetting Racist North Carolina -- The State Of My Birth

White people of North Carolina. you are now getting the Republican screwing in your asses you deserve! You, the people of the racist, backward hellhole of the fucking state of my birth deserve what you are getting! You wanted the Republican way by voting another Republican asshole bastard into the governorship... now you will suffer as this bastard comes for your children!
You, white racist KKK related, Nigger hating dirt trash... have given North Carolina to the devil! What the fuck is wrong with you people? You, the ignorant and the dirty in your racist, Nigger hating past... you would rather watch your world crash down around you than give one of those Obama Nigger lovers the keys of your state. Now look at what the ass you elected has just told you... he wants to attack the ONE GODDAMN THING THAT KEEPS NORTH CAROLINA RELEVANT -- and that is your liberal, left leaning higher education system that is spread out across your state. When this bastard destroys the integrity of your colleges, you might as well march yourselves right off into the Atlantic Ocean. Your backward ass state will descend into the stone age, as all the intelligence will begin to leave your Gestapo state!
Fuck Pat McCrory and his racist, stupid, ridiculous notions. I bet he will spare no expenses to educate his family... even as he is burning yours to the dirt!
You wanted a Republican? You got a Republican to run your racist KKK infested bat cave! And now you are going to realize that this bat shit crazy asshole is just another bat shit crazy Republican who wants to Rape you of what little intelligence and reason that is left in North Carolina!
My parents live in North Carolina! I want them the hell out of the North Carolina racist stupidity death trap!
My god, are you people stupid!