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Thursday, July 5, 2012


Have you seen the commercials for the over the counter pain medication Aleve? What the hell is that? There are several versions of the commercial that depicts the protagonist gulping down mouth full after mouth full of water and pills like they are Tic Tacks... unbelievable.

So instead of wolfing down -- and you know how excessive people are when it comes to their pills -- 24 or more of the other pain medication in a 24 hour period, you can just wolf down 12 or more Aleve pills in that same 24 hour period… like they are Tic Tacks.

And the bizarre gulping sound as the protagonist slurps and swallows the pills… what the hell?

The federal government has this war on drugs that is 90% bogus. It allows pharmaceutical companies to string-out hundreds of millions of citizens on pills, tonics, injections and inhalers. Yet, instead of allowing sick people the legal leeway to toke marijuana -- that which DOES relieve many types of pain in the human body, without the harmful effects that these crazy chemical concoctions reek on the body and mind.

I wish for the day when I tune in to see the commercial of the stoned man taking a toke on his joint while munching and crunching on some Doritos while he tells us all that he is feeling no pain from the cancer eating away at his brain… as he is eating food to keep up some strength.

Pot or pills… I’ll take the pot every time. Enough said!

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