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Friday, September 7, 2012

Vetting MSNBC and CNN and the New Jobs Numbers

It is now 8:39 AM. I am watching MSNBC’s Morning Joe and flipping back to CNN. I am so absolutely frustrated by what I watch every morning that sometimes I want to throw a shoe at my television!

I am looking at various political, and news, talking heads dissecting the Democratic convention and trying to make it less than the Republican convention. The comparisons are not even in the same universe!

The Republicans rejected all blacks… except for the FIVE, or so, hardliner black Republicans that sounded like “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” victims taken over by the most racist of the white Republicans. That filtered out into the twenty, or so, black people in the audience. The Latino presence in the Republican party is a complete joke… talk about race traitors! These Caucasian Latinos are racist white people who happen to speak Spanish! And the fact that they come to America and immediately take on the Republican persona if an affront to everything gained in America by the Civil Rights Movement!

The Republicans convention was all doom and gloom, apocalyptic end-of-the-world racism with a hard-line rejection of science and women’s rights issues! Their convention was a complete rejection of bringing the races together… outside of the 1950’s retro-America time warp bizarreness they envision in which there are NO black people in Wisconsin!

These talking heads on the MSNBC and CNN are 98 percent white. They all have well paying jobs, they all live a very good life on, and off, the television airways… and they are all smug bastards who only interact with blacks and the poor when they are on their shows as examples, or when they walk over and around them on the street.

Nobody can convince me that the smug bastard, Joe Scarborough, he with his smarmy southern lazy persona caricature … and the constant smart-ass jabs at the Democrats, liberals and black people, is liked by the poor and black people off that MSNBC set of his. And, you cannot make me believe that he gives a damn if he has no black friends.

The President’s new job numbers came out at 8:30 AM. They are down by 2 points. That is GOOD freaking news, are you kidding me? Yet, these asses on the television are acting like this is bad news. What? It is absolutely delusional thinking to believe that the numbers will take some type of precipitous drop. There is no reality in that kind of thinking. But these smart talking heads, even the liberal ones, still will not give this BLACK President the respect he deserves. This is just plain nuts!

If these numbers had risen by one point, the news press would have DECAPITATED President Barack Obama!

Division… of the races and the classes! It is a damn shame that America revolves on that nasty carrousel! I have only seen rare examples on the television news of talking heads who absolutely fight for the right for all Americans to be equal… especially when it comes to money! These news pundants, all who are well paid and, frankly, do not have to fear for their jobs… talk their garbage talk every day. I do not understand the human deviancy that makes people who have more than others crave more of what they want, while trying to crush underneath their feet those people who are trying to at least get a taste of what they have.

Why aren’t the Koch Brothers, those obscenely wealthy billionaires, giving their excess hundreds of millions of dollars to the poor, the sick and education! Why are they trying everything in their power, and money, to back racist causes that in the end could backfire and cause civil war in this country. Are they, in fact, evil devils bent on the destruction of this country. What are they doing?

And, as another example of the derision of these filthy rich people… how about the crack crazy Sheldon Adelson! One would think that a man with his background would only want to help the helpless with his obscene amounts of money. Instead, he is backing the racism, the sexism, the bigotry, the anti-science movement and more of the craziness that the Republicans desire.

These two men should LOVE Obama. Obama has actually been extremely business friendly. Yet, they are biting the hand that is feeding them.

The daytime talking heads on the television are not being right by this President. This is sad. I hope the nighttime MSNBC crew will show more respect to the jobs numbers. And I hope the people of America realize who their friends, and friend, really are… and vote for them in November. Enough is really enough!



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