Hello America... well Todd Akin should have been the nail in the coffin of the Republican Party. But even though he made his very offensive statements against women, regarding rape and pregnancy and more of his craziness… the Republican Party still rallied around him and he is still trying to compete in his state.
Now you have Richard Mourdock saying his patently offensive Tea Party, backwoods religion from the 1800’s, ignorant dangerous dogmatic snake handling fundamentalist Evangelical, Taliban-like nonsense in front of cameras. The madness of these self hating, women hating, men… and their women… is just plain dangerous.
I have heard this crazy talk for all my life. My mother dragged me and my siblings, kicking and screaming, to Pentecostal churches up until the time I was eighteen. Everything these mostly Midwestern based, and southern based people, vomit out of their mouths about religion and its relationship to women sounds just like the Pentecostal dogma I heard, day and night, as a younger person.
These people believe that women are dirty creatures who are cursed by god with the evil of having to deal with ALL the aspects relating to childbirth.
They believe that men are given the right by God to rule their household.
They believe that women MUST be subservient to their men.
They believe that women must have certain dress codes.
They believe that God talks to them through “talking in tongues.”
Snake handling is an offshoot of Pentecostal fundamentalism.
And as far as all this rape talk is concerned… well, rape, sex and women has a special place in the overall mindset of these fundamentalists. And it goes like this:
If your woman does not give you your sex, you are completely within your right to take your sex! I heard this debated often as I became older and was privy to adult conversations. Rape, or not, is the great dirty secret of American religious fundamentalism!
Askl yourselves, women, just why are these dangerous topics continually being discussed by these Tea Party Republicans? Because it is a very big deal in their communities.
This is 60 Minutes territory!
Let it also be known that I have a military parent, so I have lived around the world. My mother dragged us to Pentecostal Churches throughout America, Germany, France, Belgium, Spain and a couple of other places I will keep to myself.
I have heard Pentecostal preaching’s from around the world… and I hated every moment of it. I ALWAYS thought those white people are crazy and I never wanted to be a part of their insanity. My mother literally dragged me to these places and as soon as I hit eighteen years of age and finished high school at Killeen High School in Killeen, Texas I was done with the crazy and got the heck away. I practically ran from Texas to North Carolina to escape my torturers!
Want to know why these people don’t give one flip about preserving our planet? These people have the apocalyptic obsession with the biblical concept known as the rapture. They believe that God will one day return to earth and kill off everyone, except for true fundamentalists, who will be magically swept away to heaven, while everyone, and everything, left on earth will be transported to hell to burn with the devil. These people believe this WILL happen and that they Will go to heaven… so they do not care about preserving earth. It is doomed… in their eyes.
I believe that law enforcement has got to crack down of these crazy beliefs.
Women of rational reality, you now know that you are only meat to be controlled by these people. And you know that they have a dirty relationship with rape. And there are thousands of frightening beliefs in the minds of these people.
Finally… if you are a woman and you vote for Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan, or any of these Republican freaks, then you are voting against the very right you have to control your own body!
Think about that, ladies, before you vote in November!