As a right thinking American man, who always tries to look past the surface impression every person radiates before I become goo goo eyes with what they are saying, I have to admit that I am completely blown away by what I am reading, and hearing, in the media today about the Presidential debate last night. I am stunned!
After the debate, the MSNBC crew, composed of Maddow, Matthews, Sharpton, Hayes, Schultz, O'Donnell and Schmidt, with the exception of Sharpton, were apoplectic about the fact that the PRESIDENT of the United States of America did not get into a fight with Mitt Romney. Chris Matthews was beside himself with anger because he wanted the President to actually battle with Romney.
That is insane!
The reason real Americans like and respect this president is because of his demeanor! None of us want to see a fight in the first debate. Are you people crazy? Now, the next debate? Now that we have all seen the two men together... now its on!
Mitt Romney lied from the first time he opened his mouth until the debate ended. He stood on that stage and backtracked on nearly EVERY point he has been pushing from day one. And again, like the ultimate flip flopper that he is, he turned and lied to the American people! The real craziness in the Romney Presidency will be his running mate, Paul Ryan.
Why isn't the MSNBC Morning Joe crew burning Mitt Romney alive because of the string of lies and reversals he made last night? Why? Because they want this President gone... even if the new President is a pathological liar who just might be a dangerous fool, like George Bush, Jr.!
Al Sharpton was the only MSNBC panel participant who made sense last night. He called Mitt Romney out on his lies and reversals. While the other panelists were frothing at the mouth with anger, including Rachel Maddow, Sharpton was calling Romney out for his lies. Why wouldn't the rest of the panel focus on the Romney lies?
If the American people are too stupid and ridiculously ignorant to see past Mitt Romney's pathologically sick lying, then my prediction about Americans as lost sheep willing to follow a black, evil wolf straight into its den is absolutely true.
God, if it exists, help us all! Americans... mindless sheep... blindly lead unto war, racism, disrespectful anti-female sexism, homophobia, religious persecution, dogma and respecting the worst of the worst human scum and making them our leaders.
What a waste of a great America!
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