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Thursday, October 18, 2012






There is NOTHING funny about Tag Romney threatening that he wanted to take a swing at President Obama during the Second Presidential debate!

People seem to think the Romney clan is a harmless, buttoned down Lily white nuclear 1950’s style retro family who would not harm a flea. Mitt Romney LOOKS like a harmless, stiff CEO… but in fact he is a ruthless, fire them all business man who will do ANYTHING to win the present battle he is in. His wife has a vicious edge -- YouTube her for video evidence. His boys, obviously idolize their dad… and they have taken on the edge they have observed from their dad’s behavior.

Would a good Mormon, he who believes in in the respectful nature that religion supposedly teaches, get on camera and say he wanted to punch the President? For any reason?

The Romney Clan has a lot of darkness in its ancestral past. I can see the darkness every time I look into the eyes of Mitt Romney. The fact that he is a pathological liar, and the fact that Americans across this country see and hear his lies -- and refuse to call him on his bullshit -- blows me away. I don’t get it!

Wait a minute… white man + buttoned down slick suits, + slick hair + looks like the majority of the voters + hatred for this present President = ignore the liar lying to you in your face and vote for him anyway… even though he has told you to your face that he HATES 47% of the society, will kill Roe vs.. Wade, will kill the health care bill, will gut education, will gut the federal government, will strip away the protections of our environment, will kill the laws protecting women’s rights and will absolutely attack the medical tools that help keep the elderly and the sick and at risk kids alive.

You out there want to hand the keys of the American governmental machine to this man and his Tea Party freak of a running mate? You people are idiots!

What has Obama done to harm ANY of you people? What? Regardless of your crazy, backward, sometimes racist attitudes toward him, he has tried to keep this country moving in the right direction. What in the hell is wrong with you people?

Get off of your asses and vote for reality… not some Romney/Ryan guessing game of what they think they know what to do.

Don’t you people remember the bat shit craziness of the eight years of George Bush’s Republican Presidency? Are you telling me you want to go back to that time? If you say yes to that question, then you really are a crazy fool to want to move back to the Republican policies that caused the present mess -- and you are as dangerous as Mitt Romney and his angry clan.

I, a black man, will never get to be a part of that clan… so fuck them and their Mormon racism and anger, and I will vote for the man who I know is not an evil bastard who is trying to kill off my parents and elder relatives just to make an extra buck!

Yea… my vote is as clear as the air in a beautiful San Diego morning. And I am breathing deeply of that Obama oxygenated air!


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