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Tuesday, October 9, 2012



I don't care what the fucked up stats say about race in America and its relationship with college admissions and the availability of access to jobs and other things skewed against black people in this country… African-American people in America are only about 11 to 13 % of the population -- and their numbers are DECLINING!

It all boils down to this fact… backward thinking, conservative, Republican, racist, southern/mid-western white men in political power, local and higher governmental, are sick and tired of Niggers getting a goddamn pass in this country, even though it might average to 1 black out of 1,000 whites, or other races… who ALWAYS side with white people… and they are fucking tired of the Nigger bullshit! And, they want it stopped, now!

“They” have placed their people in power across this country by lies and other deceits. “They” have fixed the Supreme Court so that it is skewed toward Republican racist ideas -- even placing that self-hating, race traitor Son-of-a bitch Clarence Thomas right dab smack in the middle of the bullshit. What the fuck is that anti-Negro fuck doing sitting on the Supreme Court, anyway. He is a corrupt Republican bastard, just like his wife… her with her decades of strange behavior!

Go ahead, America… elect Mitt Romney as President. Sit back with your lazy attitudes about your corrupt government and watch it try to destroy everything black people have died for over the centuries of American life.

Affirmative Action… on the verge of being killed off. What the fuck is a beat-down-by-America Nigger population suppose to do when the rug to some kind of American fairness is yanked right out from under our feet?

Cry? Like a beaten mongrel dog? You would like that wouldn’t you!

Complete, utter bullshit! And, where is the President’s opinion on this matter? I expect to hear from him on matters like this during the next debate.

Its all a goddamn shame before the world, what goes on in this fucked up country when it comes to black people. A goddamn shame!


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