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Friday, December 28, 2012

Vetting AT&T Cell Phone vs. Verizon Triple Bundle

Hey, Check this out.

Cell phone service comprises you owing a cell phone, carrying it around with you and using it. You don't have to have, say, AT&T practically move into your home and set up complicated electronic devices, that hum and glow in the night, to bring you the service. The service is there for you to use when you need it... and, for a family of three, you will probably pay AT&T about $150.00 per month for the most basic service using one of their data plans.

Verizon, with its Triple Bundle plan is this -- it sends a truck, or two, to your home. Several techs spend hours in your house installing all types of obtrusive devices in your basement or garage. The telephone service, the Internet service and the television service all runs through this hardware. You have the expensive option of hardwiring your service with cable, or using wireless technology, instead. Probably, most people go with the wireless. All this Verizon stuff will get you a bill of about $150.00 per month, to start with their basic good plans for three rooms of service.

OK, now here we are... you with both of these services. What I want to know is this:

Why in the fuck does the wireless telephone bill cost as much as the Verizon bill... especially considering all the hardware involved with bringing the Verizon service I just described to you. Why...?

Someone is ripping you the fuck a new asshole, people. There is no way in hell that AT&T should be any where near 50% of the cost of a Verizon bill from month to month. How much fucking money do these motherfucking rip off companies need from us... to have to screw us up the ass with their rip off before they bleed us dry of cash from our raw, bloody rectums?

This little missive had to be written today! I am tired of being ripped off by these monster companies who gouge out my eyes and ears and mind every month... just because they can. How about giving the loyal Saps who use your services a fucking break every one in a while... without trying to make them think you are doing them a motherfucking favor... motherfuckers!

Fuck AT&T, you fucking, rip off bastards! And, fuck you too, Verizon, for hiring absolutely bat shit crazy bastards, and bitches, who are as disrespectful to your customers as an MS13 pimp is to his whores! You gain your blood money wealth on the backs of people just trying to enjoy a goddamn football game without worrying about the bitches you have working your phones... or the bastards you have driving your trucks, or your goddamn rip off bills!

And people of America... its time you actually looked at and studied your monthly bills and decided, "Why am I allowing myself to be fucked in the ass like this by these companies? And, I'm not even freaky like that!"

Look at those bills!


Thursday, December 20, 2012

Vetting The Snotty NFL


Really, National Football League... this is what you are spending your supposedly valuable time going after? You, and your silly rules, make your product seem sillier and sillier ever day.
When America, the 90% of us who barely have two quarters to rub together, see well paid executive dicks sniping at the very well paid products you push upon us, like deranged gun killers... how are we supposed to respect you and your rules, and your products. Fining this dude for just being a young dude is silly and stupid. How about going after the thugs in your business, the ones on the football fields and the ones who hide their thug behavior behind the executive polished glass walls!
Robert Griffin III is actually the face of your entire product right now. And you repay the good will he is creating for you by fucking him right in his wallet? You repay him by attacking him? How stupid are you people?
I bet you are Republican dicks!
Stop the stupid bullshit... and praise and respect the good will hunting Robert Griffin III.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Vetting The Varacity of Mike Huckabee

There is a man of  Gomer Pyle style...
He talks with the inflection of a country bumpkin.
He is a political hack who is filled with hatred and bile...
Even though he appears to be as harmless as a half ton pumpkin.

But, he talks the blame game of religion as the cause and the effect...
Even as he simultaneously spouts racism, homophobia and hatred.
His derision has caused many people to hate his affect...
Because he is a hateful bastard who fills people with sick dread.

He is a liar, a homophobe and a sexist ass... a true piece of human garbage!
He is a racist, an idiotic fool and a confused religious zealot dick.
His opinions are often hate filled laced with slimy religion baggage!
And his inappropriate comments are the stuff of a nightmare prick!

He has injected himself into the veins of the murders at the elementary school...
To purposefully confuse the issues by dragging religion into the debate!
Now the cause of this carnage... by the warped logic of a fool,
Is the lack of God in the school system -- how fucking reprobate!

Mike Huckabee is a fools fool who is a complete idiot at his peak!
And, the news media loves to give him a platform to spout his evil!
People of America... don't listen to the ramblings of this divisive freak!
Seek knowledge and understanding from people actually knowledgeable and civil!

There is a man of Gomer Pyle style...
He talks with the inflection of a country bumpkin.
He is a political hack who is filled with hatred and bile...
Even though he appears to be as harmless as a half ton pumpkin.



Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Vetting The Typical Insensitivity of WJFK Radio’s Sports Junkies

I dislike the Sports Junkies on WJFK radio of the Washington, DC area media market. They are composed of four ignorant of the facts, racist-baters who hide behind about ten black callers, out of the legion of white fans they do have, who defend their derision -- white and black. They revel in their ignorance of basic everyday facts, wallow in the mud of their love of gambling and enjoy pissing their money away -- telling the audience of their money spending stupidity every chance they can. I listen to them, on and off, on a daily basis in the background because I am an old school fan of the former programming on WJFK from years ago.

Today, the four of them decided it was time to comment on the radio DJ's who called in the prank call to the hospital in London. Of course, the Sports Junkies attacked the dead nurse, excoriated her family and spit on everything bad about what happened to the nurse. In their eyes, the nurse was the person with the problem... and too bad for her. The DJ's are innocent artist doing what they do... prank call people. No harm in that, they intimated, because the radio station had to have signed-on to the prank. So, evil deranged nurse and her family being the cause of the deaths of their fellow radio talk shock jock's jobs. Me! Me! Me!

That prank call to the hospital ward housing Duchess Kate, in which the DJ's pretended to be Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles calling to talk to the Duchess must have been like Jesus Christ himself appeared before her and blessed her to eternal life and forever prosperity for her family. She must have been above the clouds with ecstasy and disbelief that she was talking to the Royal Family on top of taking care of the Duchess.

And religion probably played a major roll in her decisions. To her, God probably blessed her with that moment. And when she learned she was the foot stomp of a practical joke from a radio show? She must have been despondent!She probably felt like her soul had been sucked from her body. And she may have quickly decided that death was better than the shame of having been pranked like that.

People of the world, know this... the world has completely changed in the past decade. The world is now a cultural mix of ethnicity's and religions. A lot of these new mixed-in people are abjectly not aware of practical telephone jokes and religious jabbing by outsiders. And when you shame then... they might kill themselves. And guess what, in the new order of the new world mix of people... when you cause the death of someone with your arrogance and callousness -- you will pay for it! Perhaps with your jobs, perhaps with a little jail time and if you are in the wrong country... you might pay with your life!

I await the day the Sports Junkies are chastised for their racism, sexism, homophobia, name calling and overall ignorance. I believe I will be waiting for a long time because the management at WJFK are actually their peers and they condone their behavior! Listen for a few days and you will come to the same conclusion!

These four men are horrible, right down to their core! The talk of their past experiances in thievery, depravity and misogynistic animal-like practices like a group of friends talking about good old times. The day they go away will be the day America regains a few more intelligent brain cells.



Friday, December 7, 2012


I don't get to choose the google ads placed on my blogs. I have noticed several ads overtly railing against President Obama, railing against Democrats and pushing right wing agendas like voting against Roe Vs. Wade.

Let it be known as of today, 12-07-12, that I absolutely do not agree with such anti-American bullshit!

If these kind of ads continue to pop up on my blog pages, well I guess I will be without ads. Please click on the positive stuff to show whomever is in charge of setting these ads to page that you support positive, regular ads.

Thank you for your support! I am an African-American pro women's choices Liberal's liberal. Remember that when you read WHATEVER I write... especially if you are female!


Wednesday, December 5, 2012


The question that begs the answer is... can women be just as racist and insensitive as men? Look at this picture. There is not a black face in it. As fucked-up as it is, I am growing weary of groups of Caucasian people gathering together and losing their goddamn minds!

If this was a group of black young women doing this, I would be just as pissed-off!

But these are not black women. These are white women. And they are reflecting the racial insensitivity of white people in this day and time!

What the hell is going on with people today?

My son is twenty years old. He attends an excellent Virginia university. He has a group of about twenty good friends. He is one of the two black kids in his group of friends. There is a mixture of several representatives of Asian friends, several white friends and several North African friends. Because of that ethnic and racial mix… I NEVER expect a picture like this to surface because they keep each other informed about their cultural differences.

You put a gaggle of all white people together these days and you get… overt racism! And then, after the racism is exposed, comes the fake-ass apology! I'm sick of racists apologizing for their overt racism... after the fact of being discovered!

Ths is a sickness that has affected Amercans from the White House down to the poor house! And it stinks to high heaven!

This picture should have never happened... and there is no excuse for it! What should the punishment be? I am not concerned with the punishment. I just want this bullshit to stop!



Monday, December 3, 2012



We all know who this 26 year old woman is. We have watched her life unfold and unravel for 16 years like a nightmare horror alien flower opening in a display of black hole scary destruction! How this young woman survives her life from day to day is simply an amazing testament to the darkness that is Hollywood. She has hangers on and enablers who practically pour the evil down her throat.
Someone should have stepped into this woman's life years ago and forced her to get better!
Her parents are a complete disaster! Lindsay Lohan is obviously continuing the horrible upbringing she suffered from her very public parents... with all their lascivious behavior.
And, when the IRS finally seizes your bank accounts... the party is over. The IRS will put her in federal prison if it decides to do it. Things are now very serious for Miss. Lohan. Will she be sitting behind bars like Wesley Snipes in a year? Wesley Snipes got three years in prison for not paying three years of his taxes. He is due out sometime in 2013.
And the question begs for an answer... Have we finally had enough of Lindsay Lohan? That question will be answered as soon as she is locked up for an extended period of time and she is completely out of the spotlight! Will we forget all the chaos she has caused?
The end is very near, Lindsay Lohan. And the day you became 21 years old, all this craziness became your problem. Still. it sure would be nice to have your crazy parents suffer right along side you in the adjacent prison cells.