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Friday, June 29, 2012


Hello America, if this picture doesn't tell you all you need to know about the hatred the Republicans have for this President, nothing ever will!

John Boehner was so goddamn sure of himself and his party that he knew he and his fellow Republicans had finally destroyed any momentum this "Nigger" President had and that the Supreme Court ruling to STRIKE DOWN everything OBAMA CARE related meant death to his presidency! And when he received the biggest goddamn shock of his life, even bigger than a black man being elected by the people -- the WHITE people -- of America to be their President... well, just look at the face of this son-of-a-bitch! He is going to cry, again, because his stupid ball was taken away by his parents!

Fucking ass-hole!

I am still existing in a surreal Salvador Dali nightmare painting! I still have yet to come to terms with the fact that the United States of America has a black president. I NEVER imagined, up until the exact moment Barak Obama said the last word of the presidential oath, that I would live to see a black man elected President of these United States of America. The running joke among blacks was that, “they” would kill the black candidate before “they’ allowed him to take the power. Every day is a goddamn “Holy Shit” day!

The Supreme Court put aside its partition of political barriers just long enough to make the right decision… this time. It is done, it is law and let things move forward, Republican Party!

But hell no, they won’t go. Anyone who thinks the man standing in the middle of congress practically in tears, psychologically removed from the moment of the reality, is going to allow his parents to take away his goddamn ball is not thinking straight? Fuck no! This is a spoiled brat who probably calls his mother by her first name, probably expected his father to one day call him sir and absolutely never expected to have to answer to a Nigger!

Until these white old world men, and women, are booted out of the congress and the senate and the Governorships on their asses, progress in this country will NEVER move forward.

My twenty year old son, who says he is African-American, grew up in public school surrounded by kids and administrators of all ethnicities. He absolutely cannot understand what in the hell is going on in this country. He brought kids from black to white, Asian to Nordic, gay to straight and boys to girls to my house for 12 years of school. He NEVER had one incident in my house full of people of all kinds. And he, and his friends, cannot understand why these people would rather drive America off a cliff rather than make ONE compromise! They don’t get it.

But you can goddamn well believe I get it! I am a 53 year old black man. And, until my generation dies off like the dinosaur… there will always be Nigger haters and the hated fighting back! It is a vicious cycle and it is being played out right before our eyes.

Still… Fuck you, John Boehner, and all the right wing, gun toting, tobacco stuffing, southern rooted, brown skin hating and vaginal probe women hating asses you call your lackeys! May you all burn in your version of hell for setting America back decades with your infectious hatred of Obama… and Holder!

White people of America… you have the chance to right the wrongs in this political system in a few months. Do you want more of this crazy, right wing insanity for the next four years?

Women… what in the hell is America going to turn into for you if you vote a Mormon into the presidency, who will absolutely have every religious right wing psychopath knocking at Mitt Romney’s door to ask him for religious advise, or worse, give him religious advice. You do not want that, women of America. The Vaginal Probe laws will have a president who absolutely believes in Mormon Law -- and women are fucked in Mormon law! And I don’t mean in a good way!

The battle is still on! I don’t want to have to continue to write these over the top rants about out governmental officials… but I will continue… until this American war ends! In November!



I am going to tell America this statement -- I can't take morning MSNBC any longer. This Morning Joe crap is getting under my last nerve.

Joe Scarborough, and company, push this Republican agenda while softening the edges with the MSNBC label. I could go on and on about why I hate Joe Scarborough and his cocky, bitchy attitude… but the problem I have is this -- the full panel, from day to day, allow Republican demons like Eric Cantor, this morning, to rattle off lie after lie as he pushes his anti-America do nothing, but make the Democrats seem like the bad ones, agenda. Eric Cantor is one of the main reasons why this government is going straight to hell… and Joe Scarborough won’t even take the moral high ground and ask him at least one hard question.

And Scarborough’s female sidekick, she sits there all meek looking as Eric Cantor, he who would shove a vagional probe up her body, tells his delusional lies about America, this President and the law! And this tax caveat that the Republicans have attached themselves to, in the course of 24 hours, is some more of the Republican anti-America spin to confuse the Americans that are susceptible to being confused!

I love MSNBC! Some nights I will sit through all three evening shows even when a sports event is on that I want to watch. I respect the night time show’s hosts challenging the Republican agenda and allowing Republican politicians on their shows for debate. But when the pandering begins, like on the MSNBC day time shows, I hate MSNBC!

Why is Joe Scarborough on MSNBC? He is perfect for the FOX crowd. When I want to watch Republican driven drivel I can simply turn the channel to FOX News and watch the “counter programming” of the three dizzy idiots that are not qualified to hold Rachael Maddow’s pencil!

Please, someone at MSNBC, make Joe Scarborough do some serious journalism… instead of sitting there looking like a smug dick!

Thank you.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Finally, the Supreme Court appears to be ruling on the side of humanity and the people. Arizona has been a rogue state, along with Texas, for some years. The racist governor of Arizona, and her racist cohorts, have tried to be its own judge and jury for years. It is so good to see Jan Brewer knocked down on her ass.
For Jan Brewer to practically physically attack the President, tell lie after lie about the true social state of Arizona, openly practice racism, and for her to support her insane lackey, Sheriff Joe Arpaio... this awful woman has gotten the humiliation she deserves.
Leave the law abiding people alone over there... until the federal government figures out what it is going to do. President Obama has already showed us all the way to go. Now it is up to Democratic voters to give Obama the support he needs in a few months to make his changes to benefit us all!

Jan Brewer is delusional. Her press conference after the Supreme Court announcement was nothing short of crack cocaine smoking craziness. Why the people of Arizona continue to allow this stupid woman to represent their state to the rest of America is as weird as is Jan Brewer.

I called her stupid. I implore you to listen to Jan Brewer communicate with her fellow mankind when she is off a script. She cannot form a sentence. If she is now quoiting, or reading her own words or the words of someone else, she comes off a completely stupid. She has made absolutely crazy assertions when she is off script... because she is a thoughtless bimbo idiot!

Arizona... you should be ashamed of yourself for allowing Brewer and McCain to be the out of touch with reality representatives of your grand state. You are, next to Texas, more racist than South Carolina and North Carolina, Georgia, Virginia and Florida! Arizona, you have enough of the "brown skinned" people who are constantly attacked by Jan Brewer to remove her from office. Vote her ass out of there... what is wrong with you people?

Monday, June 25, 2012


I want you to check out this video of Marco Rubio on Meet The Press Sunday morning. If ever there was a young politician who has embraced the slick, evade any answer that will lock you down to a position, sleazy Republican persona... it is this man. He is a trader to his ethnic background, he is a liar, and he is dangerous!

Listen to how he expertly, but obviously, evades David Gregory’s questions by answering with a shift away from the point at hand… to tell Gregory that the answer to the question will come later down the line. This man, just like his idol Mitt Romney, is perfecting the art of deflection. I think this is the personality trait of a man who is pathological in his need to lie.

Don’t trust this man, people. He will burn you on the other side of his slick lies.

You ask the man a question and he refuses to answer it. Yet, this man wants you to give him the power to control your life… and he won’t answer a simple question about his policies for the future? What… am I suppose to let him evade every vetting question asked of him and simply trust him and vote for him later?

He will not tell you what he is going to do to you, people. But this you better believe… he is completely Republican. He is a Mormon… regardless of the lies he tells you about his flip flopping from religion to religion. He switched religions when it was convenient for his growing political career. He turned on his own people when he decided to embrace Republican Racist ideas.

This man actually should throw his Republican ideas and energy out the window. Marco Rubio should be a young Democratic go getter who is following the lead of Barak Obama. The Democratic nation would embrace a man like Rubio and make him a rock star. Instead, he has aligned himself with people who actually hate everything about him. The Republicans hate Spanish speaking people from south of California, they hate Spanish speaking people from the islands below Florida, they hate the Spanish language… and they hate Marco Rubio! The only thing they like about him is the influence he can have over some of the people they hate!

Herman Cain? Republican? Black?

Michael Steele? Republican? Black?

Allen West? Republican? Black?

What do these three men have in common? They are all bat shit crazy in their own Republican way. They have all turned their backs on their own race. And, they have chosen to align themselves with people who absolutely hate everything about them… other than the limited access to the black vote they might give to the Republican party.

I don’t get it. What is so attractive about the hard line Republican way? Well, obviously the money is in the Republican way of doing everything. Big business is right in the Republican’s back pockets… and these people want some of that money. What else is there for American blacks and Cuban immigrants in the Republican party? Your guess is as good as mine and I don’t have a guess. And if you look at this with logic you have to conclude that these people are all crazy and power mad.

Watch this video and be smart about who you vote for in the future.

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Roger Garrison, Georgia Sheriff, Denies Ku Klux Klan Affiliation After Release Of Old Photos!

click above line for story

White people, regardless of what your intentions are -- malevolent or benevolent -- dressing up in black face, or dressing up in KKK gear, or openly making racist and homophobic comments and threats on camera or voice recording… and then eventually taking on a public job, or position, and not disclosing your past discretions… you are opening yourself to eventual disaster when this information gets placed right square in the middle of public scrutiny!

For me, a 53 year old black man, there is absolutely zero excuse for a picture of ANY white person dressed in KKK hood and robe to surface… period. When you decide to dress in the most offensive clothing of the organization that has brutally raped, murdered, hanged, blown up with explosives, burned at the cross, set off bombs in black churches killing adults and children, terrorized, horrified and made its purpose of existence the destruction of black people in America… you are a racist freak and you should burn in whatever excuse you believe in as hell.

What can a black person do that is comparable? What... disrespect the Jewish holocaust by dressing in Nazi clothing, which would be absurd in its own right because Hitler would have absolutely slaughtered black people before anyone else. I know there are things black people can do to disrespect white people to a high and ugly level… and I will call them out when I find those stories… just to be fair.

But, this is the story of some white people embracing their racist roots and then trying to backtrack when caught with their pants down around their ankles.

I don’t know what should happen to this sheriff… but that is Georgia, folks. MANY black people have been murdered by the KKK in nasty ways over the decades in Georgia. There is nothing goddamn funny about dressing up as the KKK! Period! Unless, it is an overt tongue in cheek parody like the Mel Brooks masterpiece Blazing Saddles. We, black and white, got that joke… because it was told in a MOVIE!

I have written about my first hand knowledge of what the KKK does. And I, a black man born in Southport, North Carolina in 1959, don’t approve of this derision!

Sunday, June 17, 2012


Why do I love my son more than more than anything else? Simply put... he is my son! Here is a condensed trip through our years.

I was there to cut his umbilical cord when he was born.

I was there to watch over him during his first two weeks on earth, in his incubator in the hospital, as he recovered from Jaundice.

I drove him, and his mother, home to drop the atom bomb realization on ourselves that we now had a tiny human being the size of a rolled up newspaper to take care of!

And that realization was THE “Oh my god” moment of my life, at that time!

I watched the years flow by faster than a streaking comet across a starry sky!

Before I knew it my son was six years old and declaring to me that, “Daddy, one day I am going to be a teacher.” Yes, I did cry at that moment.

Before I knew it, he was finished with elementary school, middle school and high school! All the years of studying and tests and teacher’s logic, all the sports, all the nurturing of his violin practices and concerts, all the school projects and trips and marches and parades and events and fund raising… all this wonderful life passed by like desirous crystal clear water flowing through a stream of beautiful green life along its banks. All that life passed by too freaking fast for my brain to have truly comprehended it would, by me arrogantly thinking I could anticipate the future and how things would be when it arrived. I was smacked in the face by my actual ignorance.

High School graduation day arrives and the end of the rearing of my now teenage son has arrived. It was a beautiful day and my son, and his many friends, had a blast as their future was now their reality.

For me, my son’s graduation was pure selfish sadness! This sadness was absolutely my own caveat, dealt with in the privacy of my own mind. I was selfishly sad because my little boy is now officially a man! And, I have to let him be that man! The kisses and the hugs and the sitting on my knee as I read him a story are now the fluffy stuff reserved for future grandkids. And that notion sucks, because I want to continue to love my son in that way, but I can’t… because I have to let him be a man. More damn tears.

University life in an excellent university… and my son loves it. He has assimilated into the cellular structure of the university and is now a part of -- JMU!

More time has passed and he is now about to be a Junior, as of the fall of 2012. And, again… I can’t believe how fast this time is passing. He loves his university and he is still, without a doubt, on his way to being the teacher he told me he would be at 6 years old! He told me that 14 years ago. Unbelievable!

He is working this summer because he needs money to purchase a car. He will need transportation because he HAS to travel to several locations near his university that are very far apart in order to do all his intern-like studies this year. I hope he can get his car… we’ll see.

And now, this morning, on Fathers day… my son approaches me and gives me a Father’s day present that is simple in its meaning but means everything to me.

I am a complete comic book geek. I have been this way for almost 5 decades. My son NEVER became a true fan of DC and Marvel comics. He is a Powers Rangers kid who morphed into a Pokemon kid… and that was always all right by me!

When Spiderman arrived in the theaters, my son was not interested. I finally talked him into letting me take him. Then Iron Man came out and he went to the theater with me. Later we watched Thor and Captain America together. And finally, we watched The Avengers this summer. And guess what… he loved all of these movies. But, he still will not pick up a comic book. And I am ok with that, too. I just wanted us to spend time together. Well this morning my son gave me this as my father’s day present. And, for me, the fact that he cares enough about his dad to buy me a present that he knows I would love makes me love him even more.

The past is the past, filled with great memories. But, the future is now! It is the future of my son and his friends. I am just so glad that he thinks about his old man and cares enough about me to know what would make me happy. And that is… just being my son!

Thanks, Harrison! I love you!


Facebook decided to give the money to a charity as a settlement of this class action lawsuit case? WTF, Facebook! Giving the money to charity is a very good thing... but anyone with a bit of imagination realizes that you are actually spitting in the face of the Facebook users who brought this lawsuit against you. What about compensating the people you screwed over by using their information without their consent. I am so tired of these mega-corporations who are allowed to spit in the face of the people they directly wronged.

Are the people who sued Facebook content to allow Facebook to give that money to some other entity? Obviously, the settlement can go to a charity... but should it! How is Facebook being punished when it gets to flip a finger at the people who it wronged. I don't get it! And I would not go for that if I sued Facebook and won. Hell no!

I have first hand contact with Facebook's big brother lord-over-me attitude. Today, I am in the middle of being "scolded" for a Facebook rule violation that is as teenage stupid as Facebook deciding it had the right to use people's information without first asking for permission! I’ve already addressed my issue in a little missive to anyone on Facebook affected by my completely innocent “gaff “ that big brother Facebook decided to try to slap me on the back of my hand.

I gave Facebook the first punch. Don’t hit me again! What in the hell is Mark Zuckerberg’s problem, anyway?

Facebook… you deal in the information people give to you to further your brand. Why in the hell are you trying to fuck that up by making enemies of the very people you need to continue your existence. It makes no frigging sense to attack your users.

What the hell are you Zuckerberg automatons… TRON wannabe rejects?

Compensate the PEOPLE you hurt, Facebook, and stop being little bastard bullies!

Thursday, June 14, 2012


This chart is from...


This chart is so very right.

I have NEVER understood the concept of the military soldiers who do the dirty work, with the real chance of being killed in action, being paid less than the people sending them into the death zones. I believe that once a soldier is sent into war his pay grade should be increased X 5! That extra money should be sent, every month, to the person the soldier decides he wants to be the recipient of the check. There should be no questions asked!

Once a politician, who is sitting on his fat ass behind a desk in Washington, decides to sign on to the madness of sending young soldiers to their possible deaths in war zones around the world… he should do so knowing that he also signed on to give that soldier his hazard pay.

My father spent almost 30 years in the army! I watched what the Korean War and the Vietnam War did to him. He is almost 80 years old and he still has nightmares about his experiences all these decades later. He has gotten very little support from the Army about his post traumatic experiences. It’s really too late now to help him… he is too hardened and too rough and too tough to even really talk about the things he experienced back then.

Pay the soldiers for the POTENTIAL life loss, governmental cowards. You are not risking your lives as you are sitting at your fancy desks by day talking your trash and pushing your papers… and frequenting fancy restaurants and eating your fancy food at night while you make your cowardly deals.

This chart is so right. Maybe someone in power in the upper levels of the government will see this chart and out of pure embarrassment do something about this issue. Maybe!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Jamie Dimon is being discussed right now on Andrea Mitchell reports. She is showing clips of his senate hearing that is going on as I write this missive. You know… hearings about how JP Morgan Chase, under the cracked rule of Dimon, lost nearly 3 billion dollars last quarter -- just causing it to vanish into thin air, like it was nothing.

I have been at war with JP Morgan Chase since April 1, 2011.

JP Morgan Chase stole a vast amount of money from that day. It sent me paperwork stating it would send me back my money, even going so far as to send a representative to me by telephone to spend three weeks working with me to repeatedly to tell me that SHE was going to make sure I got my money back, Then, in June 2011, Melissa Hagler called me at my home and began an assault against me that continues the madness to this day. She has refused to return my money.

Melissa Hagler has also repeatedly lied to the Comptroller of the Currency’s office about my case. She has lied to the Securities and Exchange Commission. She has lied to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. And she has lied to many other financial entities that affected my finances. And she, and Jamie Dimon, sent Pearl Cole after me around July to threaten me with JP Morgan Chase’s lawyers if I continue to call Back to JP Morgan Chase to ask for my money back. Of course, I told Pearl Cole -- in so many other words -- to go f**k herself!

Listen to, watch and study, video of Jamie Dimon! What you are looking at is the arrogance of a soulless monster. These people are amoral freaks who have absolutely no problem destroying lives. Look into the eyes of this man and you will see a soulless black hole that leads to greed and avarice. JP Morgan Chase is my mortal enemy and I will one day see Melissa Hagler, Pearl Cole and Jamie Dimon suffering in a jail cell for the crimes they perpetrated against me, my family and my health! I have a pile of letters and documents that stands about one foot high that is nothing but JP Morgan Chase related truth about its amorality.

If you bank with JP Morgan Chase you are giving your financial life to a company filled with thugs, thieves, assassins and loan shark mentality freaks.

I am warning you, America… watch your back when it comes to JP Morgan Chase! And do not let that bastard Dimon woo you with his evil smile and his fuck-you sarcastic wit, if you can call his evil words wit. This man might be the new devil personified… overtaking the craziness of Senator James Inhof! That is another story for another dark day.

The fact that about 50 percent of the people in this country seem to actually believe that these filthy rich bastards, like Dimon and Romney, give one goddamn fuck about them and their lives makes me crazy! Jamie Dimon is worth over 200 million dollars. Only the Mormon God and Mitt Romney actually know how much money Romney owns. It is well over the 200 million dollar mark, not counting the money he has obviously hidden around the world!

These rich amoral men, and women, have absolutely nothing in common with you and me, other than their need to prey on us like money sucking vampires. And the stupid goddamn shame of it all is this -- We Americans ALLOW these men, and women, to step over us like we are human stepping stones for them so step from one pile of cash to another.

Aren’t you people of America tired of this shit? If so, why do you continue to allow these thugs, like Scott Walker, to retain their absurd power over you? Oh, I remember why. The word is SHEEP! And you can go to one of my blog sites -- -- and discover… human SHEEP!

Enough! November will be here sooner than you think. Let’s see if you will use your common sense. Reduce the size of the Republican congress and we will all be better within months. I absolutely believe that as fact.

Oh, and did I say FUCK JP MORGAN CHASE? Let me say that now. Melissa Hagler has absolutely compromised my health, and perhaps somewhere down the line, if her lies are believed by the wrong people, maybe compromising my own freedom. It is her, and them, or me. I prefer me!


One of the running themes of my political writing is how much I hate human sheep. The internal instinct of sheep is they need to be herded or individuals will stray from the group and will be picked off and killed by wolves. Many humans are just like that -- human sheep -- who have to be led or they are lost sheep. Religion, politics and charismatic humans lead human sheep… oft times right off the side of a goddamn cliff into a pit of ravenous Nile crocodiles!

Cynical? You bet your ass, I am!

Tonight, Scott Walker, the embattled Governor of Wisconsin, steroid pumped full of at least 40 million dollars of Billionaire and Millionaire money from out of the state of Wisconsin, fought back the recall election fueled by the Democrats. About 40% of the state will now have to put up with the craziness of the Republican party that has now solidified its power in the state.

I felt for the people of this state. Scott Walker is a real son of a bitch who just might end up in prison in a year or two because of a lot of illegal activity that surrounds him. Regardless, the human sheep of Wisconsin have just followed an evil wolf right off that cliff into the mouth of the Nile crocodiles… or, a better name for the vicious animals is…. Republicans.

Maybe these people are not sheep. Maybe they are Lemmings. Lemmings will follow the lead Lemming straight to their deaths! I think these people are Lemmings.

I don’t get voting against your own self-interests. I just don’t understand voting a man into office who has blatantly lied to you and told you he hates you and will do anything to make you his slave. And, I don’t understand how you people could vote for a man who absolutely cheated to win this fixed recall battle. I just don’t get it.

Anyway…no more thoughts of Wisconsin! You have showed me, and the world, what you are and who your allegiances belong to! So, go suck on the dry teat of the Republican party! By this time next year, when you vote Mitt Romney into office and America looked as broken as Europe because the Republican party WILL gut the American dream… you will only have your own stupid asses to blame when you are crying for the future of your children.

Fickle bastards, all of you!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


North Carolina man has pleaded guilty to murdering a 28-year-old woman and a 4-year-old child he believed was gay.




As much as I love North Carolina -- I constantly talk about the beauty of the shoreline, the food and the small town quaintness -- there is a dark side to North Carolina that manifests both in black and white people. Deep, dark and very old religion plays a large part in the dark derision that infects many a household in North Carolina. There is some extreme John Lynch Blue Velvet psycho nonsense that is the center of many lives in North Carolina.

Again… North Carolina had an active Adolf Hitler based Eugenics Horror program terrorizing the population that was only ended very recently. Fayetteville was one of the most actives hubs for the slave trade on the east coast for a time. And, North Carolina displaced, and killed off, vast numbers of the numerous Native American populations that owned that land before the white man came in and ended all that. And religion is always sited in the under-filth talk about why they do what they do.

Yea, I can really get started on the dark side of North Carolina. When the state recently voted to change its constitution in order to discriminate against gay people… well, I became a love/hate person of interest to North Carolina.

I’ll say this… I’m pissed off… and I am running my mouth about North Carolina because… my elderly parents were a part of the states anti-gay program, in which “White People” would go out into the predominately black areas and gather elderly black people and drive them to the voting booth to vote against the “GAYS” and then drive them home. My mother called me on the day that happened, telling me she had just gotten home from voting against that “GAY MARRAGE NONSENCE.” She is hard line Pentecostal and has her head full of that religious twisted dogma.

I was pissed when she told me that some “white people” came down to where she lived and offered to drive her, and other old school religious black people, into town to vote anti-gay.

“FUCK!” I screamed into my own mind. That is how it is in the motherfucking religious goddamn right! Any fucking dirty trick to discriminate against other Americans. These are the same dark evil motherfuckers, and their parents, who spit on me and my granddad when we went into Shallotte to shop when I was a fucking kid!

Religion has infected and hijacked my America with its sexism, racism, homophobia and pure evil cloaked with the dirty fabric of religious derision vomited out by truly evil men, and women, of religion! And you know what is so goddamn insidious and frightening about all this bullshit? The racist, sexist homophobes believe they are in the right? Even as they say, and do, truly evil acts that are completely contrary to the ultimate ‘treat your fellow human as you would want them to treat you’ tenant of the bible… they will steal, cheat and kill to preserve their twisted evil bastardization of the text in a book that has been translated scores of times over the centuries. Who the fuck knows what the original text said in the first goddamn place.

Maybe Jesus Christ originally told the masses to LOVE and respect men who love other men. And, some twisted asshole decided to rewrite the bible AGAIN during the time of… say, the fucking Inquisition! How do I trust the words in a book of “science fiction” that has been translated into English, filtered down from many languages over the centuries. Craziness…

I hope the fool in this article gets the death penalty. And, I hope the women who went along with his bullshit get punished, too. Every one of these people are complicit in this child’s death.

Black Hebrews my ass!

Saturday, June 9, 2012


(I have written this as a stream of consciousness! I am not going to correct grammar, syntax or spelling! I am a little angry and this is the raw result! If you are offended by racial components in a rant by a black man, this is not something you should read. I‘ve warned you…)

This is my rant against the republicans in congress voting against every thing Barak Obama sends to them.

I wonder if the president had been a white democrat would the republican congress have been more willing to work with him, instead of voting to a man and woman, against everything the president offers to them. Remember, the republican leaders declared that their mission was to make Barak Obama a one term President, BEFORE, Obama had been in office long enough for anyone to really know what he was about.

I, a black man, never though I would live long enough to see a black man as president of America. I have now seen what it is like for a black man to be president… and so far it hasn’t been pretty.

I am 53 years old and the mystery of life that I believe I will never have fully answered before I die is: Why do so many white people have total disdain for black people? I just don’t get it. I can rationalize the answers in my own mind every day… I still don’t get it.

Talk about a living nightmare? White people of America, live for a day in the shoes of the !!!12%!!! of the population that is African American in this country. It is a goddamn living nightmare to be black in America, sometimes. Many white people wonder out loud why a lot of young blacks act out in louder ways? We are ALL overcompensating for this oftentimes hellish existence living in this goddamn country!

The black population in America is dying off. American blacks do not have a constant stream of foreign African Americans streaming into the country from the country of Africa-America to fill our dwindling population coffer. We are having fewer kids and as the old folks die off, so to does the black population. We are attacked from all social sides as being the scourge of America! And white people across this country BELIEVE that black people are a threat to their jobs and security. That is bullshit!

Unfortunately, about half of the 12 percent of black Americans are jailed, undereducated, ineffective, sick, too old, too young or just to goddamn afraid of American horror show life to try to make a difference. That leaves 6 percent of the black people in America to fend for the other 6 percent. And half of that 6 percent are children and elderly. Do you see my fucking point? There are not enough of us to affect practically any white person in America.

White people see one black person a day and the African-American zombie apocalypse has descended down to murder them all. I, a black man living in Herndon, Virginia have to exist surrounded by hundreds of white people every time I walk out my door! I can’t escape from white people. I can go a full day and see, perhaps, 20 other black people in Northern Virginia. During the same day I will encounter 2000 white people. Imagine that…. And now you might wonder why a black man might sometimes look back at a why may, or woman, who is staring at him in a supermarket and ask the person, “What in the fuck are you staring at?”

Of course, the white person is offended. And now, every one of the 2 or 3 black people he, or she, sees during the course of the day are animal savages… just like their parents told them black people are.

I will never advocate the harming of a white person! But, I was spit on by whites when I was a kid in North Carolina. I was called Nigger every day that I can remember as a child in North Carolina. I was born in 1959, all the way at the bottom of the state… in 1959! I remember the KKK shooting off their guns at night when I was a kid… burying my head under my homemade pillow at night out of fear that some white monster was going to break down the door to my grandfather’s house and kill us all. I remember all that bullshit, and I will never push my memories back into the recesses of my mind and act like none of my past never happened.

Scott Walker, the Wisconsin governor, just showed me with his win just how bat shit crazy white people Across this country can be. Scott walker declared war against the people of his state… and like goddamn sheep willingly led right into the slaughter house, those people gave their lives right back to a man who is on tape saying he wanted to “Divide and Conqueror” the people of Wisconsin. And those goddamn stupid ass people, against what should have been their basic survival self-interest instinct, gave the power right back to him. It is the most backward piece of stupidly I have ever seen in America, other than giving George Bush a second term as president.

Wait a goddamn minute. “W” and memories of his crazy presidency. As fucked-up as “W’s” policies were, he rarely got any real flack from white America. So, there you have it. Bat shit crazy, war mongering ass, former alcoholic and cocaine user Republican president … no fucking problem! A black man in the office? Big fucking problem!

Black people are a strong people, even though everything in this country stacks the deck against them when you rub away the dingy surface covering the shit. You see that man, Barak Obama? You see his composure? I bet his wife has to spend a lot of time talking him down off some mental ledges ever so often. When you are surround by white people who probably hate you at their core, behind the sleazy smiles and courtesies, it has to affect you some way.

This country is going to hell, fast. Racism and religion are leading the pack! Oh, and stupidity and ignorance are right behind it all.

Give a brother a goddamn break. And act like you have some goddamn sense, white America. You are better than what you are showing the rest of the world. And you can start by treating your Niggers a little better… like it was 2012 and not 1912!


Thursday, June 7, 2012


The Pacquiao vs. Bradley boxing match is a couple of days away. I can't wait.

Pacquiao and Mayweather recently entered the gay rights debate. They should be more concerned with their boxing careers than social issues that really do not concern them.

I wrote the below article around late April 1012. I still believe what I wrote today.


People need to understand who these men are at their core. They are the hardest of the hard core non-military gladiators. They both had very hard core upbringings and were raised by adults who fostered their edges. Neither man is a scholar, by any means. Both men are very smart when it comes to nurturing their boxing careers, but because of their sharp edges they might not be the best people to have in a relationship… especially if you are a woman.

Mayweather might suddenly be gay friendly, but I would venture a guess that he has gay bashed in his past. But, if he is now gay friendly… let’s see how long that lasts before he says something stupid. I hope he is serious about his words. Macho sports men need to set a positive standard for their fans, as related to softening the macho anti-gay sports attitudes.

Also, I hear many people say that Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather are getting to old to have a desirous fight. I think that is a faulty statement. As long as Mayweather remains undefeated he is the man to beat in boxing! Period! He can fight until he is 40... if he remains unbeaten… he is the main draw in boxing. Pacquiao has 3 losses and 2 draws against his 59 fights. Mayweather is undefeated. How people compare Pacquiao to Mayweather confounds me.

Plus, Pacquiao has a fight in a month against Timothy Bradley (28-0, 12 KO). Pacquiao is about to enter into a fight with a Floyd Mayweather lite. Pacquiao can lose this fight because he is about to fight a man who will not stand before him, taking punches. This fight is dangerous for Pacquiao.

Leave gay people alone. Mind your own damn business. Respect others so that you can live in self-respect!