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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Pat Buchanan and Juan Williams, two racist bigots, have both made outright offensive statements that have gotten both of them fired from lucrative media jobs in their pasts. The fact that these two creeps are sitting across from each other and talking race relations is an absolute joke! And the fact that these two jerks are sitting in front of Fox News banners makes me want to turn off my computer. Good lord, what in the hell is going on here?

Juan Williams does not represent any goddamn thing about me, a 53 year old black man born in Southport, North Carolina in 1959! Juan Williams sounds reasonable when he is having a back and forth with Pat Buchanan… because he HAS to represent the black position when bouncing ideas against a man like Pat Buchanan, but make no mistake… Juan Williams is a absolute FOX NEWS lackey in his ideas. He espouses the Republican views to the letter… track down his videos and listen to the rhetoric Juan Williams spews. I do not like either of these men!

Listen to this bullshit and cringe at what you are about to hear. And remember this… what you are hearing in this video is lightweight fluff compared to the words both of these men have said, and written, throughout the decades. How do I make these men disappear.

Listen to this garbage! And then think about the things you think about the next time you come into contact with a black person, or talk to a white person, or interact with a Spanish speaking person from the countries below the United States of America’s southern border, or talk to someone new to America from Europe… or wherever! Think about what you think. And then consider this… DO YOU EVER WANT TO SOUND LIKE PAT BUCHANAN WHEN YOU TALK TO ANOTHER PERSON? Think about that!

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