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Wednesday, February 22, 2012


This comment is directed to a Huffington Post commenter named "justurluck." He says that what these two girls are saying is true in most communities. I am here to tell all of you out there who believe such nonsense that those words are a lie. That is another slurring of black people. PERIOD!

Hey, I am a 53 year old black man with a home, family and huge family base. My family includes black people and white people. All of the adults have graduated from high school and many of us have graduated from college. Several white men have married into my extended family and guess what... in my family there is not ONE problem with mixing of the races. As a rule, my family is structured with respect and a sense of fun to build up each other.

I will speak for most of my family when I say this... these two young Caucasian females are speaking straight from a place of ignorance. First of all, where are these kids' parents? Why are they allowed unfettered access to the internet. Why are they using this kind of language. Why are they not doing their homework? And, again, why are these girls using this kind of language.

There are a lot of people who have bizarre notions about black people. We do NOT all talk in the stereotyped affectation these girls are using. It is a VERY small part of the African-American population who speak with those inflections... and they talk like that because that is what they hear where they live. So, you don't like to hear black people speak in that fashion? Everyone speaks a little differently than the next person. Give that a rest and mind your own business.

No, most black people in America speak like me. I have a psychology degree, with a concentration in English from the university I graduated from. Day by day, I never hear black people speaking like these little girls say they do. I know PEOPLE talk like that, but they simply are not in my circle. And, when I meet people with different speaking patterns, I show them respect and talk to them like a man or woman… and mind my own business. You should mind yours.


1 comment:

  1. What are the chances that these girls got used a nd passed around by some black kid or kids and this is their retaliation? Inquiring minds want to know.
