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Friday, December 28, 2012

Vetting AT&T Cell Phone vs. Verizon Triple Bundle

Hey, Check this out.

Cell phone service comprises you owing a cell phone, carrying it around with you and using it. You don't have to have, say, AT&T practically move into your home and set up complicated electronic devices, that hum and glow in the night, to bring you the service. The service is there for you to use when you need it... and, for a family of three, you will probably pay AT&T about $150.00 per month for the most basic service using one of their data plans.

Verizon, with its Triple Bundle plan is this -- it sends a truck, or two, to your home. Several techs spend hours in your house installing all types of obtrusive devices in your basement or garage. The telephone service, the Internet service and the television service all runs through this hardware. You have the expensive option of hardwiring your service with cable, or using wireless technology, instead. Probably, most people go with the wireless. All this Verizon stuff will get you a bill of about $150.00 per month, to start with their basic good plans for three rooms of service.

OK, now here we are... you with both of these services. What I want to know is this:

Why in the fuck does the wireless telephone bill cost as much as the Verizon bill... especially considering all the hardware involved with bringing the Verizon service I just described to you. Why...?

Someone is ripping you the fuck a new asshole, people. There is no way in hell that AT&T should be any where near 50% of the cost of a Verizon bill from month to month. How much fucking money do these motherfucking rip off companies need from us... to have to screw us up the ass with their rip off before they bleed us dry of cash from our raw, bloody rectums?

This little missive had to be written today! I am tired of being ripped off by these monster companies who gouge out my eyes and ears and mind every month... just because they can. How about giving the loyal Saps who use your services a fucking break every one in a while... without trying to make them think you are doing them a motherfucking favor... motherfuckers!

Fuck AT&T, you fucking, rip off bastards! And, fuck you too, Verizon, for hiring absolutely bat shit crazy bastards, and bitches, who are as disrespectful to your customers as an MS13 pimp is to his whores! You gain your blood money wealth on the backs of people just trying to enjoy a goddamn football game without worrying about the bitches you have working your phones... or the bastards you have driving your trucks, or your goddamn rip off bills!

And people of America... its time you actually looked at and studied your monthly bills and decided, "Why am I allowing myself to be fucked in the ass like this by these companies? And, I'm not even freaky like that!"

Look at those bills!


Thursday, December 20, 2012

Vetting The Snotty NFL


Really, National Football League... this is what you are spending your supposedly valuable time going after? You, and your silly rules, make your product seem sillier and sillier ever day.
When America, the 90% of us who barely have two quarters to rub together, see well paid executive dicks sniping at the very well paid products you push upon us, like deranged gun killers... how are we supposed to respect you and your rules, and your products. Fining this dude for just being a young dude is silly and stupid. How about going after the thugs in your business, the ones on the football fields and the ones who hide their thug behavior behind the executive polished glass walls!
Robert Griffin III is actually the face of your entire product right now. And you repay the good will he is creating for you by fucking him right in his wallet? You repay him by attacking him? How stupid are you people?
I bet you are Republican dicks!
Stop the stupid bullshit... and praise and respect the good will hunting Robert Griffin III.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Vetting The Varacity of Mike Huckabee

There is a man of  Gomer Pyle style...
He talks with the inflection of a country bumpkin.
He is a political hack who is filled with hatred and bile...
Even though he appears to be as harmless as a half ton pumpkin.

But, he talks the blame game of religion as the cause and the effect...
Even as he simultaneously spouts racism, homophobia and hatred.
His derision has caused many people to hate his affect...
Because he is a hateful bastard who fills people with sick dread.

He is a liar, a homophobe and a sexist ass... a true piece of human garbage!
He is a racist, an idiotic fool and a confused religious zealot dick.
His opinions are often hate filled laced with slimy religion baggage!
And his inappropriate comments are the stuff of a nightmare prick!

He has injected himself into the veins of the murders at the elementary school...
To purposefully confuse the issues by dragging religion into the debate!
Now the cause of this carnage... by the warped logic of a fool,
Is the lack of God in the school system -- how fucking reprobate!

Mike Huckabee is a fools fool who is a complete idiot at his peak!
And, the news media loves to give him a platform to spout his evil!
People of America... don't listen to the ramblings of this divisive freak!
Seek knowledge and understanding from people actually knowledgeable and civil!

There is a man of Gomer Pyle style...
He talks with the inflection of a country bumpkin.
He is a political hack who is filled with hatred and bile...
Even though he appears to be as harmless as a half ton pumpkin.



Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Vetting The Typical Insensitivity of WJFK Radio’s Sports Junkies

I dislike the Sports Junkies on WJFK radio of the Washington, DC area media market. They are composed of four ignorant of the facts, racist-baters who hide behind about ten black callers, out of the legion of white fans they do have, who defend their derision -- white and black. They revel in their ignorance of basic everyday facts, wallow in the mud of their love of gambling and enjoy pissing their money away -- telling the audience of their money spending stupidity every chance they can. I listen to them, on and off, on a daily basis in the background because I am an old school fan of the former programming on WJFK from years ago.

Today, the four of them decided it was time to comment on the radio DJ's who called in the prank call to the hospital in London. Of course, the Sports Junkies attacked the dead nurse, excoriated her family and spit on everything bad about what happened to the nurse. In their eyes, the nurse was the person with the problem... and too bad for her. The DJ's are innocent artist doing what they do... prank call people. No harm in that, they intimated, because the radio station had to have signed-on to the prank. So, evil deranged nurse and her family being the cause of the deaths of their fellow radio talk shock jock's jobs. Me! Me! Me!

That prank call to the hospital ward housing Duchess Kate, in which the DJ's pretended to be Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles calling to talk to the Duchess must have been like Jesus Christ himself appeared before her and blessed her to eternal life and forever prosperity for her family. She must have been above the clouds with ecstasy and disbelief that she was talking to the Royal Family on top of taking care of the Duchess.

And religion probably played a major roll in her decisions. To her, God probably blessed her with that moment. And when she learned she was the foot stomp of a practical joke from a radio show? She must have been despondent!She probably felt like her soul had been sucked from her body. And she may have quickly decided that death was better than the shame of having been pranked like that.

People of the world, know this... the world has completely changed in the past decade. The world is now a cultural mix of ethnicity's and religions. A lot of these new mixed-in people are abjectly not aware of practical telephone jokes and religious jabbing by outsiders. And when you shame then... they might kill themselves. And guess what, in the new order of the new world mix of people... when you cause the death of someone with your arrogance and callousness -- you will pay for it! Perhaps with your jobs, perhaps with a little jail time and if you are in the wrong country... you might pay with your life!

I await the day the Sports Junkies are chastised for their racism, sexism, homophobia, name calling and overall ignorance. I believe I will be waiting for a long time because the management at WJFK are actually their peers and they condone their behavior! Listen for a few days and you will come to the same conclusion!

These four men are horrible, right down to their core! The talk of their past experiances in thievery, depravity and misogynistic animal-like practices like a group of friends talking about good old times. The day they go away will be the day America regains a few more intelligent brain cells.



Friday, December 7, 2012


I don't get to choose the google ads placed on my blogs. I have noticed several ads overtly railing against President Obama, railing against Democrats and pushing right wing agendas like voting against Roe Vs. Wade.

Let it be known as of today, 12-07-12, that I absolutely do not agree with such anti-American bullshit!

If these kind of ads continue to pop up on my blog pages, well I guess I will be without ads. Please click on the positive stuff to show whomever is in charge of setting these ads to page that you support positive, regular ads.

Thank you for your support! I am an African-American pro women's choices Liberal's liberal. Remember that when you read WHATEVER I write... especially if you are female!


Wednesday, December 5, 2012


The question that begs the answer is... can women be just as racist and insensitive as men? Look at this picture. There is not a black face in it. As fucked-up as it is, I am growing weary of groups of Caucasian people gathering together and losing their goddamn minds!

If this was a group of black young women doing this, I would be just as pissed-off!

But these are not black women. These are white women. And they are reflecting the racial insensitivity of white people in this day and time!

What the hell is going on with people today?

My son is twenty years old. He attends an excellent Virginia university. He has a group of about twenty good friends. He is one of the two black kids in his group of friends. There is a mixture of several representatives of Asian friends, several white friends and several North African friends. Because of that ethnic and racial mix… I NEVER expect a picture like this to surface because they keep each other informed about their cultural differences.

You put a gaggle of all white people together these days and you get… overt racism! And then, after the racism is exposed, comes the fake-ass apology! I'm sick of racists apologizing for their overt racism... after the fact of being discovered!

Ths is a sickness that has affected Amercans from the White House down to the poor house! And it stinks to high heaven!

This picture should have never happened... and there is no excuse for it! What should the punishment be? I am not concerned with the punishment. I just want this bullshit to stop!



Monday, December 3, 2012



We all know who this 26 year old woman is. We have watched her life unfold and unravel for 16 years like a nightmare horror alien flower opening in a display of black hole scary destruction! How this young woman survives her life from day to day is simply an amazing testament to the darkness that is Hollywood. She has hangers on and enablers who practically pour the evil down her throat.
Someone should have stepped into this woman's life years ago and forced her to get better!
Her parents are a complete disaster! Lindsay Lohan is obviously continuing the horrible upbringing she suffered from her very public parents... with all their lascivious behavior.
And, when the IRS finally seizes your bank accounts... the party is over. The IRS will put her in federal prison if it decides to do it. Things are now very serious for Miss. Lohan. Will she be sitting behind bars like Wesley Snipes in a year? Wesley Snipes got three years in prison for not paying three years of his taxes. He is due out sometime in 2013.
And the question begs for an answer... Have we finally had enough of Lindsay Lohan? That question will be answered as soon as she is locked up for an extended period of time and she is completely out of the spotlight! Will we forget all the chaos she has caused?
The end is very near, Lindsay Lohan. And the day you became 21 years old, all this craziness became your problem. Still. it sure would be nice to have your crazy parents suffer right along side you in the adjacent prison cells.

Thursday, November 29, 2012


Imagine, if you will, if Barack Obama possessed the temperament of Jan Brewer! And suppose, for a second that Barack Obama, the President of the United States of America, had decided to retaliate for Brewer's abuse and grabbed that finger and pushed it out of his face! What would the press had written about the incident? What kind of reaction would Brewer have created? The answers to these two question could have brought down his presidency, because the press would have killed Obama... regardless of Brewer's disrespect! And Brewer would have screamed bloody murder! And who knows what the result of that might have been.
This god awful, disrespectful woman is a prime example of what the hell is wrong with America today. And it is not pretty!

People of Arizona... how much more abuse are you going to take from your bitch of a governor

Why are you supporting a bitch who would rather watch you all suffer in squalor and bad health than help you and your children better yourselves. What in the hell is wrong with you people?

The fact that you all support that bat shit crazy John McCain and all his paranoid delusions tells me all I need to know about you!

There are enough sane people in the state of Arizona to sent these two horrible people packing. I don’t understand why you don’t rise up and take control of your state. What is your damage, people of Arizona? Do you believe a democrat in the governorship will take away your right to own weapons of the magnitude of… say, a bazooka? Well I know, and so do you, that an Arizona democrat will be as gun loving as the Republican crazies running your state today.

Come on, people of Arizona… welcome to 2012!


Wednesday, November 28, 2012


This is the face of true evil!
Hello America... I declare to Redneck, gun toting, racist asshole southern white people who believe that they have the right to tell individuals what the hell to do, basically because they are armed with a gun and they know in their mind that they will use it to kill, that black people love to play their music while riding in their automobile – just like you play your goddamn country & western Nigger hating tunes when you are cruising around in your ride, motherfucker!

And, when you drive up beside a car filled with Niggers who are playing their “Jungle Music” and you don't like that shit... YOU move along and let the Niggers have their music and their space. Who the fuck are you to tell them to turn down their music. You are setting up a “Fuck you” for interjecting yourself into the life of other people! And you settle your nosiness by shooting the people you fucked with in the first place?
What the hell?
May you rot in whatever hell you believe in if you decide to pull out your weapon and shoot the Niggers dead just because they told you to mind your own goddamn business! What a fucking piece of shit, you are!
And, of course, because you are in Florida, where the life of a Nigger is not worth the cost of a bullet, the establishment there will absolutely entertain the notion that you defended yourself... when you shot at a car full of Nigger kids and killed one of them. You were scared that the unarmed Niggers would hurt you because... I suppose... hell, there is not a logical, or illogical justification for your racist, murderous actions.
May you rot in a special cell in hell right beside George Zimmerman, you piece of garbage... that is, until the state of Florida allows you to walk free! You know, because the life of a Nigger isn't really worth keeping a white man in jail in Florida!
What a piece of garbage!
Actually, the whitewashing of the incident has already begun. The stand your ground law has already been invoked and the police have already begun to practically defend this piece of garbage named Michael David Dunn – SON OF A BITCH!
Listen to this video and cringe as you listen to the police officer already walking back on the forceful talk against Dunn! I mean... really?

Monday, November 26, 2012


Lloyd Blankfein, chairman and CEO of The Goldman Sachs Group waits before a meeting with French Finance Minister Pierre Moscovici at the French economy ministry in Paris on Nov. 20, 2012. (ERIC PIERMONT/AFP/Getty Images)

This is a short, quick vetting of America... and perhaps the world.

A story like this one is the driving force that has plowed the American elite forward for two hundred years. The wealthy CEO class at the top of business demonically crave more wealth, even at the expense of driving their work force so hard that they fall into early death. It is amazing, this concept, of the arrogance of the super rich to lord over the rest of America even though they know that we loath them and their opulence and greed!

It is time for the 98% of the population to awaken from this Sleeping Beauty under glass obliviousness that we all live in when it comes to the top few Americans, and their families and cohorts, who spit on us every day with their contemptuous attitudes directed toward what more life and money they can squeeze out of us, even though they have more money than they will ever be able to spend.

It is the greedy grabbing of more and more money just for the sake of grabbing more and more money.

And those CEO monsters who collect obscene amounts of money in tax breaks, direct money donations from this federal government or just plain theft of the hard earned money that they should actually be paying their employees who make it possible for a company like Wal-Mart, for example, to make more money in a year than most countries possess in total assets… well, this stuff is just plain wrong

Wake up, people of America. It is time for a little equity in the upper-class over the lower-classes caveat. Aren’t you tired of working yourself to death while the filthy rich owners of these corporations suck you dry… of money and life?

The four owners of Wal-Mart are number 6,7,8 and 9 on the Forbes 400 list, and their company made $6.7 billion in profits in 2011. That money figure does not take into consideration the billions each individual owner, the Walton’s, are worth. They are insanely wealthy… and they don’t give a damn about their work force… starting with the pay!

Anyway, I am digressing! Cringe as you read this article. I think it is high time we reconsider this whole fuck everyone else capitalism American way. Why should 2% of the people in America control the majority of the wealth while the rest of us suffer down here in this fetid soup of man made despair.

All it would take is for the delusional filthy rich to pool together their knowledge, and 5% of their money, and they could lift America out of this funk, shut up the whiners at the bottom and reap the rewards as the country roars back when people start rebuilding their lives.

All I have to say in closing is… thank you again, Mr. George Lucas, for showing us all how that infusion of cash from the filthy rich into the economy could light-up the spirits of Americans and potentially help hundreds of millions of us in need of, say for example, educational boosts. Thanks.


Monday, November 19, 2012


My issue with this new wave of hardware which is now about to be forced into the videogame market is the over-the-top cost of it all.

Money is super tight these days and now that Nintendo has shoved a $300.00 to $350.00 piece of hardware on the world that it will never fully be able to support in the software department, at least enough to satisfy the masses, does this just muddy the waters for what is about to come from Microsoft and Sony?

I mean, really… what are those two companies going to charge for their new gaming consoles. And when you throw in a game to play on the system, plus whatever must have peripherals needed to be purchased to make the thing work properly… well, will these new systems break the $500.00 mark?

Who will be able to afford this stuff? Those few at the top with the money to add still another bank breaking device to their table top? Can the middle class and poor people afford these ever more expensive devices… and then still come up with the money for internet access, the expensive games and food?

Hey Sony and Microsoft, how about making some paradigm leaps in software development. Create a new technology and market it as the new thing for the current systems. How about if HALO 4 had bean marketed as “HALO 4, Paradigm Shifting Technology Edition!” And, you used an actual paradigm changing technology that expanded the technology of visual presentation for HALO 4! How about that, Microsoft?

Dumping new expensive hardware on us right now is a bomb just waiting to explode and maim us all. We can’t afford all this unneeded technology right now. Make your games look better, Sony, and stop draining your financial recourses in unwanted, and unneeded, hardware research and production. Make the games better!

I am playing DOOM: BFG Edition on PS3. The game looks pretty good, but it should look excellent on the PS3! The game has abominable load times. That should never be the case with a PS3 game. The sound is excellent, as it should be. The final thought about this game is… It should be perfection, but it is not. But it should be, Sony! Talk to “id” about these problems.

What is the best looking game on PS3? You decide… but, whatever it is it should look better. Work on your software presentation and we will buy your stuff. But, dumping more and more expensive hardware we do not need is only going to eventually make us rebel against you. It will happen, and I wonder if this latest Nintendo disaster in the making is the beginning of the end.

$300.00 for a Wii U? And 350.00 for a bundle with a game? And almost $180.00 for a separate controller. And the cost of games? And the constant threat of the long term lack of third party support for the system? And the absolute certainty that there will be another Nintendo handheld iteration of what is already available? And what happens when all this derision is transferred to Microsoft and Sony? I see disaster in my video gaming future! And, I don’t like it at all.


Thursday, November 15, 2012



Before I write another word, let me say this -- I gradualted from Killeen High School in Killeen, Texas in 1977! So, I feel for the state of Texas, I feel for the mental and physical state of black people in Texas, I feel for the mental state of white people in Texas who feel that a racist dick like Rick Perry is the man they must follow as their leader, and I feel for the state of health care for the poor in Texas because the wealthy bastard Rick Perry dosen't give a damn about them. I just needed to vent that before I go on!

Hello, out there... my, oh my are the unwashed in America stinking these days. What is wrong with these people?

I just want to get one thing straight about this article. The reporter implies that Rick Perry, who today is telling the people across the country who want to break away from the USA, is some kind of innocent governor who is now telling his fellow residents that their secession talk is not acceptable. The reporter appears, to me, to be implying that Rick Perry is innocent in this matter.

I want to make America aware of a bomb blast of a reality check -- RICK PERRY has been the biggest and loudest advocate of Texas seceding from the United States of America for years and years. All of these people, these white people across the country, who are signing these petitions of secession are absolutely following in the stirred-up fervor created by Rick Perry’s over-the-top public calls for Texas to be its own country!

Don’t twist the facts, people… Rick Perry single-handily is the reason for people across this nation freaking out because of Rick Perry’s racism, homophobia, sexism and the raping of the poor in the state of Texas of their innocence and their health care options!

Want to know two ice cream headache inducing Rich Perry facts about... Rick Perry? Again, I will tell you all that he owns a ranch called “NIGGER HEAD RANCH!” Enough said about that fact!

The other fact is this: Check out how many "people" Rick Perry has ordered to the death chambers in Texas since he was firsr elected governor of that state! Then, compare his numbers to the record number of executions signed to reality by George Bush, Jr. when he was governor of Texas. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again… George Bush and Rick Perry are the two most extreme serial murderers the United States of America has ever harbored. The wild ass caveat to their murderous evil is the fact that they are, or were, both governors with the power to kill and kill again… at will!

Anyway, people of America please don’t let Rick Perry off the hook. He started this secession madness and now that he KNOWS that he is in real jeopardy of losing his job in two years,… well, you can expect for him to backtrack on his treasonous proclamations of the past few years.

Always remember, people… the Republicans are the ones who continue to cultivate the American psychosis. And more of them must lose their jobs!



Wednesday, November 14, 2012



Bill O'Reilly went on another of his racist rants Tuesday night. I am so pissed off at his whining bitchiness that I will not post the video. Here is my vetting of his stupidity and racism!

I, all of my black self, born in my friggin' America in 1959 to my North Carolina born mother, of her North Carolina mother, of her North Carolina mother, of her North Carolina slave born mother right off the boat in Fayetteville... know one thing about the America I have always loved and respected -- I have never pissed on the right of other Americans to view their traditional view of America as their own personal experience. My view of traditional America is my own... to be shared with the rest of America without prejudice because the American melting pot is a mixture of all kinds of cultures and traditions and races and ethnicity. The only way the American social experiment can ever be expected to survive the future is if we all get along and respect each other without throwing fire bombs on each other!

Enter bat shit crazy fucks like Bill O’Reilly and his paranoid delusions of fear of an America that is maturing into the ethnic mix of peoples that could only be the final result of our forefathers declaring to the world that America is the “land of the free!” Even if the forefathers meant that statement to mean that sentiment to pertain only to white people, the reality is what is happening now -- Spanish speaking people are slowly becoming the majority population in America and these racist Anglo-Saxon monsters cannot allow their minds to wrap around the fact that white men are loosing control of the majority rule of America. And that fact is driving them to the point of frothing at the mouth rabid psychosis.

Hey, Bill O’Reilly… you don’t control America! Get over yourself, you son of a bitch! You are a millionaire 50 times over. If you are so fucking afraid of this country’s changing racial demographic numbers, and the social changes in the way we are all looking at religion in our lives, then take your money and your life and get the fuck out of here. There are plenty of countries in the world with high Caucasian populations. Leave and don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out!

Look at this wild eyed fool throw atomic bombs at everyone in America who voted to allow this President to continue his job. Assholes like him lost the vote and he cannot, and will not, accept the truth.

If this nut case will not accept reality and give out sane, pertinent advice and commentary, then I want to know the answer to this question… Why in the hell is this guy wasting his time, and my time, occupying television space that can be devoted to something far better than his nonsense, like for example… American Idol, which makes ten times more sense than Bill O’Reilly has ever made!


Sunday, November 11, 2012



America. you voted to give President Obama a second term... for whatever your personal reasons were. Things like Obama Care and the countrywide infrastructure initiatives will now be front and center over the next four years. There will be tons of debates about the President’s plans, for sure, but lets us all hope for the best… right?

Well, one thing that absolutely is not well and good right now is the fact that a whole lot of states still have Tea Party Republican Governors who are angry with America for reelecting the President and are now going to take out their piss and vinegar attitudes on the populations of their states… all in a ploy to disenfranchise them and turn them against the federal government.

The fact that this story is even able of take place is a shame before morality. Why would these racist governors deny health care to their poorest people. Especially, Rick Perry of Texas. Texas is a vast state in size. There are thousands and thousands of square miles of desolation with people who live like it is 1812, when it comes to needed necessities of life like, say, health care. I don’t really need to tell you what it’s like, just look at a map of Texas and see for yourself.

I still don’t get these bat shit crazy Republican politicians. They are so evil that they still cannot see the facts before them -- like, for example, America just rejected many Republican senatorial candidates and actual Senators. We fired these people for being so evil that we determined that they HAD to go away! And in two years, the people will again have the right to vote… to fire these batshit evil Governors.

Don’t they realize that they are driving thousands, perhaps millions of people right back to the ballot box to vote them out of office? Why in the hell would a poor person, a black person, a woman, a gay person or a Spanish speaking person vote for the reelection of Rick Perry? Why would these people put the gun to their own heads?

Rich Perry is pure fire and brimstone evil! Nikki Haley is pure fire and brimstone evil! Bobby Jindal is pure fire and brimstone evil. Rick Scott is pure evil! These governors, and all the other Republicans who think like them, have got to go! Scott Walker out of Wisconsin? Haven’t heard much from him lately, have you? That’s because he’s a scared bitch who knows that his state hates him and just barely allowed him to survive his summer recall effort. He still must go!

This article from the Huffington Post is simply sad. Why does a man have to be so evil, especially when he is rich beyond the dreams of the people he is stepping on. It makes no sense… and these people must go!

Remember how good it felt to vote the “Legitimate Rape” assholes into oblivion? Well you can have that same great feeling, times ten, when you vote Democratic Governors into your state. By definition, they will not hate you like you are a Texas Fire Ant that must be squashed as a pest.

Think about that people of Texas, South Carolina and Louisiana! Your life may depend on your soon to arrive decisions. You have tasted power… use it like the Republicans use their power to keep you down, sick and poor!

And remember this fact about Rick Perry! He owns a ranch, I will not mention the town it is near, with the fantastically racist name of -- NIGGERHEAD RANCH! That is the man who is running your state!

Guess what he really thinks about all of you poor bastards!



Saturday, November 10, 2012

Vetting: How Cute Can A Racist Be?


For those of you on Facebook who have read my countless postings, you know that I vacillate between baby friendly Bennie Baby talk to hard core political racial ranting about why I don’t believe white people have the right to use the word Nigger and not expect to pay some type of price for their bravado! Certain settings, like the classroom in controlled conditions, in my opinion, are perfectly good places for the use of that word. Also, the people who were systemically destroyed for centuries by the use of that word, wielded like a sharp sword -- as far as I am concerned -- can use that word at will. These people have grabbed that word by the “open tails” and roped it in as their own word.

I am one of those people!


How can such evil be in the brain of this beautiful chick. Look at her, people... and ask yourself, WHY?

This young woman… this attractive Denise Helms… would never give away her nasty racism if she would just keep her mouth shut, or in this case… keep her Facebook fingers off the keyboard when racist thoughts are in her head.

Look, white people, I will say this again… you will only utter that word if you are trying to voice a racist sentiment, otherwise you would not use it!

If I’m sitting in a theater in Sterling, Virginia… to be the only black person out of 100 sitting there watching a Quentin Tarantino movie, and the white characters are spouting Nigger bombs throughout the flick… guess what? I am perfectly happy I saw the flick with white people, even though some of them will stare me down as I walk pass them to leave the theater. I’ve dealt with that kind of stuff all my life.

No problem!

But, if I’m leaving the theater and white people are throwing out all the lines with the word Nigger in them right in front of my face, well that is a problem. Those people are obviously trying to start something, or just don’t give a damn about etiquette. Either way, I still just leave and let things be.

But, if you do what this young woman did… well, you are open to all kinds of hurt. Now this woman’s face is made public… and she is being investigated. Talk about making trouble for yourself. WOW!

So, talk to each other. Be what you are. Just be prepared to have someone who has authority over you eventually challenge you. And, you might not like the final results!



Friday, November 9, 2012



John Boehner, and his Republican cohorts, are still full of piss, vinegar and bluster... even though they were just crushed by this resounding beating by the American voters. As unbelievable as it is to us here at Vetting America, the fact that Boehner has the gall to sit in front of a high def camera and continue to shoot smart ass arrows of Republican disrespect at the President is simply absurd.

His interviews are full of lies, distortions and outright disrespect. America just told John Boehner that it does not want his ideas, and that the President is right and he is wrong. What in the hell is wrong with this man?

It is obvious that John Boehner, and those men and women he leads, do not respect President Barack Obama. Our opinion, the way the African-American view of what we see and hear every day from the Republican hard line, aided by the Tea Party crazy line, is total disrespect for a man who has not been the destructive America killer these traitors are trying to make him out to be -- because of his skin color. The continual disrespecting of his name, and the insistence that Barack Obama is not American, is delusional thinking that has devolved into psychosis.

Reasonable America knows for a fact that 45 percent of America hates this president. The fact that they have willingly allowed themselves to be influenced by dirty money through advertising is no longer a joke. This hate is real and those who hate obviously are willing to be blindly led by the nose by the rich haters... even if the rich haters are only interested in lifting their own status, not the status of the minions they are using as their hate filled foot soldiers.

President Obama has been given the full support of the majority of the voters. We have given him back his job because we want him to continue to move us forward. We do not want any more of this compromise bullshit with white men on the Republican side of the line who are just as angry and hard core as before their defeat. Actually, they are angrier. They were just trounced by this President and his supporters. Nasty racist Republicans, filled with alpha male bravado, do not cower in defeat. They regroup in the dark shadows of their derision and plan their next assault. These arrogant Republican men, and their women, will never give up their fight, or their hatred.

President Obama, the American public have given you our support! Now, use it to take us to the places you promised us you would take us in the first place. We support you with all out heart and mind... now go get some things done. Use your power and influence, supported by the American people, to fix our America. And as long as you continue to talk-up women's rights, immigration reform, gay rights, the fixing of America's infrastructure, getting us out of war and making friends with the rest of the world... well then, we will have your back, completely!

We are all watching you, Mr. President. We gave you power... now use it!


Monday, November 5, 2012





Well America, here are a few words of warning from the often racist, often anti-female Republican government state of Virginia... make your good decision when you vote on Tuesday.

Women across America, a vote for Romney/Ryan, along with the hardcore fanatics that will also be dragged into the government with these two men, is a vote for the repeal of Roe vs. Wade, repeal the new health care laws of Obama Care, give the Republicans the OK to attack Medicare and Medicaid, give the outrageous anti-abortionist fringe the power to shut down health care for women across the country by shutting down Family Planning Clinics, give the OK for more John McCain/Mitt Romney war mongering, give the religious right more power over your lives, endorse all this crazy rape talk from the crazy Republican men… and more and more derision!

Do you want that craziness? Even if you hate Barack Obama, and why you would hate him I’ll never know, at least he is not a woman hating, Mexican hating, foreigner hating, child hating, war mongering lying fool. At least you know that about the man. And when you look at his wife, you should see a woman who is not some evil Mormon zombie robot who will follow her lying husband straight to hell, defending him as they burn in the flames.

Canadians have voiced their mistrust of Mitt Romney and the Republicans. Mexican officials have voiced their mistrust of Mitt Romney. You know the countries inside Europe hate Mitt Romney! Middle Eastern countries feel disrespected by Mitt Romney. These countries do not gave citizens that can vote in our election, but… it should matter to you that other countries fear Mitt Romney!

Think and vote with your mind, not just your heart. This voting session is about reality, not biblical metaphysical mental wonderings that may, or may not, be real.

That apocalyptic storm that just destroyed the coasts of New Jersey and New York is reality! God had nothing to do with that monster of nature slamming the Cast Coast! That was nature cleansing itself… and people are simply in the way of what the planet does.

In the aftermath of the destruction, man has to try to pick up the pieces. The Republican jerk George Bush was so slow to help the people crushed by Katrina that the scene of the people dying and suffering was like The Walking Dead… or, was like something out of the movie, Apocalypse Now! This Democratic President is right on the job showing empathy and acting like the President of the United States of America. Do you really want to hand our America over to Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan?

Mitt Romney has stated repeatedly that he will slash FEMA. Actually, he doesn’t believe in FEMA. He wants each state to take care of itself. Suppose that was a reality… New Jersey and New York would be on its own because a President Mitt Romney would tell the states to take care of its own problem… because he is too busy balancing the friggin’ government, even as people are dying and suffering. These states absolute can not recover without the Federal Government’s help… Period!

Ok, tomorrow… vote with your head, people. Think about reality, like the health of your kids, the health of your parents, the health of your grandparents and the health of your family. Whatever you do… VOTE!



Thursday, November 1, 2012




I checked my mail box today at about 5:00 PM. I had two pieces of regular mail and 12 pieces of Republican GOP political junk mail jammed into my mail box. Again, Republican junk mail... two full size fliers and the rest oversized postcard size ads. The content of the literature was wild and crazy lies. I don’t see how it is not illegal for these Super PACs to write such nonsense and lies on this stuff and force feed it to the public.

I live in Herndon, Virginia. The Republican train of GOP overkill is strong in this state. I just hope that the women, blacks, young people and Spanish speaking residents of this state will see through all the bull and vote the right way on the 6th.

The GOP… the Grand Old Party. Makes me think of the lynching, the burning and the shooting of black people that blanketed this state at one time in history. Blacks, like me, should cringe every time we see Republican dicks, like Joe Scarborough for example, using that term.

Well, all that trash is in the… trash. My votes are already set in my mind, and they are ALL Democratic!

I will say this about Romney and his claims of job creation -- the unlimited number of millions of dollars that have been dumped into these political ads, from state to state, has kept the printing press companies in the big bucks. Who in the hell is printing all this stuff.

Hey, Romney has created jobs! Or so, I guess he has. Again, who is printing all this stuff?


Thursday, October 25, 2012




Hello America... well Todd Akin should have been the nail in the coffin of the Republican Party. But even though he made his very offensive statements against women, regarding rape and pregnancy and more of his craziness… the Republican Party still rallied around him and he is still trying to compete in his state.

Now you have Richard Mourdock saying his patently offensive Tea Party, backwoods religion from the 1800’s, ignorant dangerous dogmatic snake handling fundamentalist Evangelical, Taliban-like nonsense in front of cameras. The madness of these self hating, women hating, men… and their women… is just plain dangerous.

I have heard this crazy talk for all my life. My mother dragged me and my siblings, kicking and screaming, to Pentecostal churches up until the time I was eighteen. Everything these mostly Midwestern based, and southern based people, vomit out of their mouths about religion and its relationship to women sounds just like the Pentecostal dogma I heard, day and night, as a younger person.

These people believe that women are dirty creatures who are cursed by god with the evil of having to deal with ALL the aspects relating to childbirth.

They believe that men are given the right by God to rule their household.

They believe that women MUST be subservient to their men.

They believe that women must have certain dress codes.

They believe that God talks to them through “talking in tongues.”

Snake handling is an offshoot of Pentecostal fundamentalism.

And as far as all this rape talk is concerned… well, rape, sex and women has a special place in the overall mindset of these fundamentalists. And it goes like this:

If your woman does not give you your sex, you are completely within your right to take your sex! I heard this debated often as I became older and was privy to adult conversations. Rape, or not, is the great dirty secret of American religious fundamentalism!

Askl yourselves, women, just why are these dangerous topics continually being discussed by these Tea Party Republicans? Because it is a very big deal in their communities.

This is 60 Minutes territory!

Let it also be known that I have a military parent, so I have lived around the world. My mother dragged us to Pentecostal Churches throughout America, Germany, France, Belgium, Spain and a couple of other places I will keep to myself.

I have heard Pentecostal preaching’s from around the world… and I hated every moment of it. I ALWAYS thought those white people are crazy and I never wanted to be a part of their insanity. My mother literally dragged me to these places and as soon as I hit eighteen years of age and finished high school at Killeen High School in Killeen, Texas I was done with the crazy and got the heck away. I practically ran from Texas to North Carolina to escape my torturers!

Want to know why these people don’t give one flip about preserving our planet? These people have the apocalyptic obsession with the biblical concept known as the rapture. They believe that God will one day return to earth and kill off everyone, except for true fundamentalists, who will be magically swept away to heaven, while everyone, and everything, left on earth will be transported to hell to burn with the devil. These people believe this WILL happen and that they Will go to heaven… so they do not care about preserving earth. It is doomed… in their eyes.

I believe that law enforcement has got to crack down of these crazy beliefs.

Women of rational reality, you now know that you are only meat to be controlled by these people. And you know that they have a dirty relationship with rape. And there are thousands of frightening beliefs in the minds of these people.

Finally… if you are a woman and you vote for Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan, or any of these Republican freaks, then you are voting against the very right you have to control your own body!

Think about that, ladies, before you vote in November!


Thursday, October 18, 2012






There is NOTHING funny about Tag Romney threatening that he wanted to take a swing at President Obama during the Second Presidential debate!

People seem to think the Romney clan is a harmless, buttoned down Lily white nuclear 1950’s style retro family who would not harm a flea. Mitt Romney LOOKS like a harmless, stiff CEO… but in fact he is a ruthless, fire them all business man who will do ANYTHING to win the present battle he is in. His wife has a vicious edge -- YouTube her for video evidence. His boys, obviously idolize their dad… and they have taken on the edge they have observed from their dad’s behavior.

Would a good Mormon, he who believes in in the respectful nature that religion supposedly teaches, get on camera and say he wanted to punch the President? For any reason?

The Romney Clan has a lot of darkness in its ancestral past. I can see the darkness every time I look into the eyes of Mitt Romney. The fact that he is a pathological liar, and the fact that Americans across this country see and hear his lies -- and refuse to call him on his bullshit -- blows me away. I don’t get it!

Wait a minute… white man + buttoned down slick suits, + slick hair + looks like the majority of the voters + hatred for this present President = ignore the liar lying to you in your face and vote for him anyway… even though he has told you to your face that he HATES 47% of the society, will kill Roe vs.. Wade, will kill the health care bill, will gut education, will gut the federal government, will strip away the protections of our environment, will kill the laws protecting women’s rights and will absolutely attack the medical tools that help keep the elderly and the sick and at risk kids alive.

You out there want to hand the keys of the American governmental machine to this man and his Tea Party freak of a running mate? You people are idiots!

What has Obama done to harm ANY of you people? What? Regardless of your crazy, backward, sometimes racist attitudes toward him, he has tried to keep this country moving in the right direction. What in the hell is wrong with you people?

Get off of your asses and vote for reality… not some Romney/Ryan guessing game of what they think they know what to do.

Don’t you people remember the bat shit craziness of the eight years of George Bush’s Republican Presidency? Are you telling me you want to go back to that time? If you say yes to that question, then you really are a crazy fool to want to move back to the Republican policies that caused the present mess -- and you are as dangerous as Mitt Romney and his angry clan.

I, a black man, will never get to be a part of that clan… so fuck them and their Mormon racism and anger, and I will vote for the man who I know is not an evil bastard who is trying to kill off my parents and elder relatives just to make an extra buck!

Yea… my vote is as clear as the air in a beautiful San Diego morning. And I am breathing deeply of that Obama oxygenated air!


Tuesday, October 9, 2012



I don't care what the fucked up stats say about race in America and its relationship with college admissions and the availability of access to jobs and other things skewed against black people in this country… African-American people in America are only about 11 to 13 % of the population -- and their numbers are DECLINING!

It all boils down to this fact… backward thinking, conservative, Republican, racist, southern/mid-western white men in political power, local and higher governmental, are sick and tired of Niggers getting a goddamn pass in this country, even though it might average to 1 black out of 1,000 whites, or other races… who ALWAYS side with white people… and they are fucking tired of the Nigger bullshit! And, they want it stopped, now!

“They” have placed their people in power across this country by lies and other deceits. “They” have fixed the Supreme Court so that it is skewed toward Republican racist ideas -- even placing that self-hating, race traitor Son-of-a bitch Clarence Thomas right dab smack in the middle of the bullshit. What the fuck is that anti-Negro fuck doing sitting on the Supreme Court, anyway. He is a corrupt Republican bastard, just like his wife… her with her decades of strange behavior!

Go ahead, America… elect Mitt Romney as President. Sit back with your lazy attitudes about your corrupt government and watch it try to destroy everything black people have died for over the centuries of American life.

Affirmative Action… on the verge of being killed off. What the fuck is a beat-down-by-America Nigger population suppose to do when the rug to some kind of American fairness is yanked right out from under our feet?

Cry? Like a beaten mongrel dog? You would like that wouldn’t you!

Complete, utter bullshit! And, where is the President’s opinion on this matter? I expect to hear from him on matters like this during the next debate.

Its all a goddamn shame before the world, what goes on in this fucked up country when it comes to black people. A goddamn shame!


Thursday, October 4, 2012


As a right thinking American man, who always tries to look past the surface impression every person radiates before I become goo goo eyes with what they are saying, I have to admit that I am completely blown away by what I am reading, and hearing, in the media today about the Presidential debate last night. I am stunned!

After the debate, the MSNBC crew, composed of Maddow, Matthews, Sharpton, Hayes, Schultz, O'Donnell and Schmidt, with the exception of Sharpton, were apoplectic about the fact that the PRESIDENT of the United States of America did not get into a fight with Mitt Romney. Chris Matthews was beside himself with anger because he wanted the President to actually battle with Romney.

That is insane!

The reason real Americans like and respect this president is because of his demeanor! None of us want to see a fight in the first debate. Are you people crazy? Now, the next debate? Now that we have all seen the two men together... now its on!

Mitt Romney lied from the first time he opened his mouth until the debate ended. He stood on that stage and backtracked on nearly EVERY point he has been pushing from day one. And again, like the ultimate flip flopper that he is, he turned and lied to the American people! The real craziness in the Romney Presidency will be his running mate, Paul Ryan.

Why isn't the MSNBC Morning Joe crew burning Mitt Romney alive because of the string of lies and reversals he made last night? Why? Because they want this President gone... even if the new President is a pathological liar who just might be a dangerous fool, like George Bush, Jr.!

Al Sharpton was the only MSNBC panel participant who made sense last night. He called Mitt Romney out on his lies and reversals. While the other panelists were frothing at the mouth with anger, including Rachel Maddow, Sharpton was calling Romney out for his lies. Why wouldn't the rest of the panel focus on the Romney lies?


If the American people are too stupid and ridiculously ignorant to see past Mitt Romney's pathologically sick lying, then my prediction about Americans as lost sheep willing to follow a black, evil wolf straight into its den is absolutely true.

God, if it exists, help us all! Americans... mindless sheep... blindly lead unto war, racism, disrespectful anti-female sexism, homophobia, religious persecution, dogma and respecting the worst of the worst human scum and making them our leaders.

What a waste of a great America!



Friday, September 28, 2012

Vetting The Anti-Woman Government Of Virginia


Women of the Republican screwed state of Virginia...
When you vote to replace the monsters in political offices across Virginia,
Or vote to retain the political monsters in political office across this state...
You better remember what the Republican politicians have done to Virginia women.

All that forced Transvaginal probe nonsense --
The law that would have FORCED certain Virginian women to submit
To a state sanctioned insertion of this monstrous apparatus into your vagina --
Came to within a pen stroke of being declared law in this backwoods state!

The current Governor of Virginia is a right wing Tea Party friendly freak...
He who has devoted his adult life to catering to the religious right...
To make it his mission to control the personal sexual lives of women --
That which Republican men appear to desire more than life itself!

Don't you... the intelligent women of America,
Realize what religion wants and demands of you and your bodies?
Religion demands that men control all aspects of the decisions women make...
And if you do not submit to men's demands, then you are not in the graces of god.

When men, under the disguise of following the word of god,
Demand to control the very reproductive organs inside your body...
It is time for you to cut ties with those demanding men and call them out!
Tell them they are monsterous, dangerous, dogmatic backwards thinking assholes!

Vote the Republicans out of office across the state of Virginia!
Many of you don't like the whishy-washy Democrats...
But at least they are not demanding that you submit to the vile demands of the state --
Lie back on the table, open your legs, take the probe -- and pay the bill on the way out!

This issue is only the tip of the Republican agenda of madness!
They have now rallyed around Todd Akin -- the "Legitimate Rape" psychopath!
If you value your very freedom, including the freedom to control your own vagina...
You will destroy the Republicans... before they gain the power to destroy you!



Wednesday, September 26, 2012


In the metro DC area, one of the dominate radio stations is WJFK 1067 The Fan. This station has been operating for decades and has featured, in the past, Howard Stern, Opie and Anthony, Ron and Fez, The Grease Man, Don and Mike and many others. The long running show that is still broadcasting today, among others, is the Sports Junkies.

This show is comprised of 4 Maryland childhood friends who talk about sports and whatever else they decide to talk about during their 4 hour morning show. They are extremely Maryland-centric, you would have to listen to them for a while to understand what that means, and are extreme fans of gambling and extreme conservative former Maryland governor Robert Ehrlich.

Also, these guys are absolutely NOT loyal to anyone. Given the chance they will burn any bridge they have to ANY person to the ground and laugh it off as just entertainment.

And, they are extremely racist… laughing off their racial insensitivity as just their brand of comedy. They have made extremely racially insensitive comments over time and the management of WJFK obviously condones their racism and their overt sexism!

The management of WJFK, represented by Chris Kinard, obviously sits back in his chair and laughs at the racism and sexism because he is ANOTHER white man on WJFK who thinks racism and sexism, and homophobia, is funny!

This morning, Wednesday 9-26-12, one of the Sports Junkies, Jason, told the tale of a very recent interaction he had with one of his daughters, who, by the way, is around 10 years old. This is a perfect example of their insulting behavior…

Jason says that his daughter asked him why are football players black and baseball players white. He goes on to tell his tale of how he explained to his daughter that black people hate baseball and black people love football. Also, during this conversation with this obviously young and privileged white girl, he also has a conversation about why the black football players are so skinny. This, along with more racist attitude projected toward his child…

Ok, I have to stop writing about now. My hands are trembling with my disdain. There are 4 Sports Junkies, and at anytime of the show any of them will make crazy comments like that. This is a pattern of behavior that has darkened the airwaves over the DC area for too long and I hate it.

I am a 53 year old black man with a family. I continually write about racial issues, but I NEVER tell my son racist stereotyping crap like what I hear on WJFK every day! And when I called into the station to complain, at about 8:05 AM, the young white call screener tried everything in his power to justify the racism by over-explaining Jason’s racist story by inserting words that never came out of Jason’s mouth. The call screener appeared to be oblivious to the blatantly insulting nature of the racism!

This is the Chocolate City market, which means this is the Washington, D.C. market with its relatively high population of black people. It is obvious to me, by listening to the amount of white people who call into the radio station, especially when serious news takes over the airways, and the fact that there is very little pushback by black people when these men decide to go racist, homophobic and sexist… it is obvious to me that blacks are a tiny minority of their listening fans. There would absolutely be an uprising if more black people were listening to the Sports Junkies. And… it is obvious to me that white people will let such racism slide right past them because a story like Jason’s IS funny to them.

It is not funny when white parents tell their children lies about black people! Jason has just warped the mind of his child. When she sees the next black person, and she might not see a black person in her personal daily life because Jason is PROUD of the area in Northern Virginia in which he lives… an exclusive area with a VERY low black population. I know this as fact, because I live just down the road from his area. And I can go an entire day in my life in the Northern Virginia area of Ashburn, Reston, Herndon, Sterling, Cascades and Leesburg and see 10 black people! I am surrounded by Typical American white people, Spanish speaking people and other Caucasians from around the world.

So, I know that Jason’s daughter probably sees a black person a day! And now he has just added another racially confused child into the American mix. Some of the other Sports Junkies have male children. I shudder to think about what these children have heard uttered from the mouths of these racist, sexist homophobes over their lives.

Today was the last straw. I have chastised and called on WJFK’s racism in the past but the staff blows off my comments… and obviously never passes on the comments to the Shock Jocks. So, no more telephone calls… but you can bet that I am going to take on a writing campaign against their negative social attitudes.

How is it funny to blatantly foster racism in the minds of children? It is this kind of sniping at black people, that many whites project toward their children, that feeds the minds of the next generation of racially confused white people. And it is a shame that open radio if the forum for such racism.

Behold the impetus for the next racist… thanks to one Jason Bishop, Sports Junkie at WJFK radio!


Tuesday, September 25, 2012



I mean really, are these the kids from the horror movie classic... CARRIE? Good lord, what is wrong with people these days?

My son is now 20 years old. I made sure that I taught him, from the time he began to talk, that girls are your friends.

‘Son,’ I told him countless times. ‘You should always treat girls with respect and never let anyone convince you to harm a girl. Even when a girl gets on your nerves, leave her alone and talk to someone else. Girls will be your best friends in life… because they want to be. Let them be whatever they are and your life will be much better for their caring.’

‘And another thing,’ I continued ad nauseum. ‘That girl who is picked on by the bullies at the school… the bullies are always shocked later on in life when the bullied discover themselves and turns the table to become the hot one… or most successful one. So, never bully anyone because that person will always remember that you never participated in the torture. Who knows, that person might be your savior one day.’

My son has only had ONE small incident with a girl who is his friend. He came to me with the issue and we worked through the issue together and now they are very good friends to this day.

The worthless behavior of these brat kids begins at home. When parents act like wishy-washy wimps, or act like they are friends to their kids, or live by the out-of-sight-out-of-mind caveat for their kids… well you allow the seeds of disrespectful bratty behavior to implant into your child’s mind and swiftly grow into a hard surfaced tree of trouble.

I have seen this for all of my adult life and I don’t like it.

Parents… you brought these brats into this life, now make them act like respectful and responsible human beings! Do it now!



The NFL has devolved into a complete joke with this replacement official debacle! The NFL is, perhaps, the most complex sports game ever invented. It HAS TO HAVE referee officials who are the best of the best on the planet! Without the best trained officials, some one is going to either get maimed (loosing an ear), get literally broken in half, get killed, or the outcome of games are going to be affected to the degree that pandemonium breaks out among the fans and the players as they turn on the game!

Monday night's Packers vs. Seahawks game HAS to be the straw that breaks Roger Godell's back!

Labor disputes suck ass! Regardless of what the issues are, and who represents the two sides of the dispute, the disruption can create a catastrophe... like in the NFL!

Roger Godell is proving that he should not be in charge of the NFL! He should have forced this dispute to have been resolved before the season started. Now that the season is on its third week and this madness has now created the ending of this Monday night game... why is Godell still in power?

Obviously, Godell will continue to be commissioner regardless of the final outcome of this crazy season... but good god, man -- get a grip on your league. Fix this now! What is your damage?

We, the fans... our hearts simply cannot take another heart stopping, official screw-up weekend of the NFL like this one! Get the officials back on the job!



Tuesday, September 11, 2012



It is a goddamn shame before humanity when a black man elevates himself from the rotted bottom of the some of the meanest streets in America, Raps and fights and claws his way to the top of Forbes richest in America list (over 400 million and counting)… and eventually opens his fucking mouth and says something as selfish and ignorant as what Jay-Z just said.

What an asshole!

You know, you bastard, what it is like to have nothing. Now that you have everything… the social stance you decide to take is to disrespect the Occupy Wall Street protesters? Fuck You and Lindsay Lohan!

You should NEVER have anything bad to say about people trying to make it easier for others to get where you are! All the poor -- as in lack of MONEY poor -- people around the world who have, over the decades, perhaps, spend their last dime on your fucked up poetry, and other shit, should spit on everything they own that you have produced!


You are not as smart as you think you, goddamn it! You might actually be one of the luckiest men on earth! Why would you say anything negative about anything that is an attempt at making America right! Every protester in OWS loved and listened to your music, you dick! People looked up to you as a man who made it… because they, the people, helped you become filthy rich by BUYING YOUR SHIT! You should kiss the ass of EVERY American, black and white, because we made it possible for you to become so wealthy that you are now a wall street fat cat who now looks down on us and, as you have just mouthed out… have no qualms about disrespecting those who brought you!

I will NEVER again purchase anything you produce… never again! You are now so big that you are a hypocritical, delusional overlord who will openly admit that you don’t understand the people that you should be giving ALL your support to? Fuck you… and NEVER AGAIN WILL I BUY YOUR SHIT!

You can look for my soon to be published book titled:




My book if a collection of essays and poems dredged from the mind of a black man who has lived a long life defending, and explaining, his absolute disgust with the way he has been portrayed by the American Media, and white people, in general!

The “I could have killed you in your sleep, but I never did” poem is the lead missive in the book. It sets the tone of the stories and explains my life’s social position toward every white person I meet! Also, the tales in my book shows the pain of every nerve in my body that strains for me to scream every time I open my black American eyes and sees the same social breakdown in the black community! 2012 feels like 1959 never moved into 1960!

And now you, Mr. Jay-Z, have moved straight out of Brooklyn, New York right into the space of the second poem in my fucking, goddamn book. I will compose my feeling toward you as soon as I post this comment… and I guess I WILL NOT be seeing you down the road.

Again… FUCK YOU!


Friday, September 7, 2012

Vetting MSNBC and CNN and the New Jobs Numbers

It is now 8:39 AM. I am watching MSNBC’s Morning Joe and flipping back to CNN. I am so absolutely frustrated by what I watch every morning that sometimes I want to throw a shoe at my television!

I am looking at various political, and news, talking heads dissecting the Democratic convention and trying to make it less than the Republican convention. The comparisons are not even in the same universe!

The Republicans rejected all blacks… except for the FIVE, or so, hardliner black Republicans that sounded like “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” victims taken over by the most racist of the white Republicans. That filtered out into the twenty, or so, black people in the audience. The Latino presence in the Republican party is a complete joke… talk about race traitors! These Caucasian Latinos are racist white people who happen to speak Spanish! And the fact that they come to America and immediately take on the Republican persona if an affront to everything gained in America by the Civil Rights Movement!

The Republicans convention was all doom and gloom, apocalyptic end-of-the-world racism with a hard-line rejection of science and women’s rights issues! Their convention was a complete rejection of bringing the races together… outside of the 1950’s retro-America time warp bizarreness they envision in which there are NO black people in Wisconsin!

These talking heads on the MSNBC and CNN are 98 percent white. They all have well paying jobs, they all live a very good life on, and off, the television airways… and they are all smug bastards who only interact with blacks and the poor when they are on their shows as examples, or when they walk over and around them on the street.

Nobody can convince me that the smug bastard, Joe Scarborough, he with his smarmy southern lazy persona caricature … and the constant smart-ass jabs at the Democrats, liberals and black people, is liked by the poor and black people off that MSNBC set of his. And, you cannot make me believe that he gives a damn if he has no black friends.

The President’s new job numbers came out at 8:30 AM. They are down by 2 points. That is GOOD freaking news, are you kidding me? Yet, these asses on the television are acting like this is bad news. What? It is absolutely delusional thinking to believe that the numbers will take some type of precipitous drop. There is no reality in that kind of thinking. But these smart talking heads, even the liberal ones, still will not give this BLACK President the respect he deserves. This is just plain nuts!

If these numbers had risen by one point, the news press would have DECAPITATED President Barack Obama!

Division… of the races and the classes! It is a damn shame that America revolves on that nasty carrousel! I have only seen rare examples on the television news of talking heads who absolutely fight for the right for all Americans to be equal… especially when it comes to money! These news pundants, all who are well paid and, frankly, do not have to fear for their jobs… talk their garbage talk every day. I do not understand the human deviancy that makes people who have more than others crave more of what they want, while trying to crush underneath their feet those people who are trying to at least get a taste of what they have.

Why aren’t the Koch Brothers, those obscenely wealthy billionaires, giving their excess hundreds of millions of dollars to the poor, the sick and education! Why are they trying everything in their power, and money, to back racist causes that in the end could backfire and cause civil war in this country. Are they, in fact, evil devils bent on the destruction of this country. What are they doing?

And, as another example of the derision of these filthy rich people… how about the crack crazy Sheldon Adelson! One would think that a man with his background would only want to help the helpless with his obscene amounts of money. Instead, he is backing the racism, the sexism, the bigotry, the anti-science movement and more of the craziness that the Republicans desire.

These two men should LOVE Obama. Obama has actually been extremely business friendly. Yet, they are biting the hand that is feeding them.

The daytime talking heads on the television are not being right by this President. This is sad. I hope the nighttime MSNBC crew will show more respect to the jobs numbers. And I hope the people of America realize who their friends, and friend, really are… and vote for them in November. Enough is really enough!



Sunday, September 2, 2012

Vetting Monica Mehta's Racist Republican Dogma


I am not going to yell at Miss Mehta. I am going to calmly say that what she did on MSNBC yesterday was shameful... from the perspective of a black man.

Someone over there, wherever she works and makes her money, needs to tell this young lady that when she, with her advanced degrees from her advanced university, talks to ANY black person about our relationship with America, and the black person's centuries old fight with the American government over our economic status in the USA... rooted in racism and ignorance... you need to tell her that the ONLY reason that she, with her last name and skin color and ethnic background... the only reason she was allowed to lift herself to the Republican status that she now enjoys is because of the blood spilled by MILLIONS of long suffering black people like my ancestors... before her parents even envisioned coming to America... so that their daughter could get her high classed education, make lots of money and act like a racist white person who believes the poor should be swept out the door with the trash!

She was absurd yesterday and Professor Perry should have given her a lesson on Black American history... starting from the days of SLAVERY! Ask her if she has ever heard of that dark job creation by American white people for a very long time in American history.

She has to, she must, feel some shame for her stances on MSNBC yesterday! My ancestors died by hanging, burning, decapitation and a host of tortures at the hands of white men over the centuries! My female ancestors were raped, forced to be servants, forced to bear bastard children of rape, forced to watch as their men were broken like horses and so much more surreal craziness! And the end result of all this madness is... to allow people like her to talk trash to people like me without repercussions!

I so hope professor Perry takes that interaction to her classroom and teaches her students who they should be loyal to when they thank god for the rights they enjoy in the AMERICA they live in!

Metha's behavior was an absolute shame before what gave her the right for her, or her ancestors, to come to America and embrace the racism of the amoral business people who give them their advice!

Shame on her!